541 search results for "free speech"

Nigel Farage, also known as Mr Brexit, is about to add a little more “spice” to Australian politics. The former UKIP leader will be visiting Australia and New Zealand in September for his speaking tour titled, An Entertaining Evening with Nigel Farage.’ For tour dates and to purchase tickets visit NigelLive.com.au Who is Nigel Farage? Nigel Farage is co-founder and long-serving leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP). He was the face of the successful campaign to take the UK out of the European Union in the 2016 Brexit referendum, positioning the referendum as the start of a global populist…

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With the rise of Islam, and the anti-Christian left, is it now possible that we have a resolute Christian as PM who is committed to the faith more than in name only; do we finally have a man who will defend the Faith? Last year, in an interview with Fairfax Media, Scott Morrison vowed to personally defend Christianity saying, he will not allow religious freedoms to be eroded in Australia. The then Treasurer said, “It all starts when you allow religious freedom [to be eroded], mockery to be made of your faith or your religious festivals – it always starts innocently and it’s…

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The UK government has fired a 55-year-old doctor after he refused to renounce his Christian faith, the Sunday Telegraph revealed. Dr David Mackereth worked for 26 years as an NHS doctor but was sacked from his position as a Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) disability assessor for refusing to identify patients with a gender contrary to their genetic and biological sex as established at birth. “I’m not attacking the transgender movement,” Dr Macereth told the Telegraph. “But, I’m defending my right to freedom of speech, and freedom of belief.” The father of four was reportedly deemed “unfit to work”…

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A group that call themselves YARD, or Yelling At Racist Dogs, has threatened patrons attending a Melbourne speaking event featuring Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern. A post on the group’s Facebook page warns, “What we do at YARD is stand outside events like this and hurl personal abuse at you while you’re in the queue.” “We will individually attack you for your beliefs, appearance, clothing, and anything else out-of-the-ordinary we notice while you wait,” they added. “The abuse is individual – you will be targeted.” The group also said they intend on capturing the abuse on film, which will likely…

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A 51-year-old Canadian man was arrested and charged with a “hate crime” two years after distributing “anti-gay” pamphlets at the Toronto Pride Parade. The Toronto Police Service charged William Whatcott with, “willful promotion of hatred against an identifiable group, namely the gay community,” a Police statement said. The pamphlets warned that homosexuality is associated with sexually transmitted diseases, including HPV of the rectum, which the U.S. Centers for Disease Control confirms is true, according to The Federalist. The pamphlets were also said to contain negative comments about the Liberal party and left-wing politicians. A Christian message was also included, suggesting “eternal…

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The Islamic Council of Victoria has received  $2.4 million in taxpayer funds since 2010-11, a state government investigation found. The inquiry was launched after it was revealed last year that the Islamic Council called for taxpayer-funded “safe spaces” for Muslims who wish to vent extreme speech. According to the Herald Sun, the report which they obtained under the Freedom of Information laws, found “the Islamic body had probably used public funds to cross-subsidies some ‘unfunded activities’ as was common across the not-for-profit sector.” Taxpayer funded programs for the Islamic Council included a $570,000 “empower Muslim youth” grant. From 2012-16, a…

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Tommy Robinson has been moved to a Muslim majority prison, according to those close to him. Author Raheem Kassam said on Twitter, “Tommy’s human rights are being violated as he was moved to a new UK prison last night, without warning or reason. He is now in a very heavily Muslim populated prison in the Midlands in England.” Kassam later added, “I am told the decision to move Tommy Robinson from a relatively safe prison to a highly unsafe one came from the UK Home Office — which means people need to be asking questions of Sajid Javid, Britain’s new…

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A University of Melbourne dance performance segregates white audience members from people of colour and makes white patrons sign a declaration that states, ‘I acknowledge where I stand’ before they’re allowed to enter the theatre. According to The Australian, the performance titled Where I Stand, aims to highlight the systemic racism indigenous people and people of colour have experienced in society and throughout history. Creator and student Isabella Mason said, “The (white) audience in the foyer are invited to go through a process of accepting/transitioning/cleansing similar to a right of passage. I do not consider the ritual in the foyer…

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Senator Cory Bernardi has told Sky News he will defend Sonia Kruger’s right to freedom of speech after the Civil and Administrative Tribunal refused an application by the Nine Network to have a racial vilification complaint dismissed. The complaint came in 2016 after Kruger endorsed an article by columnist Andrew Bolt during a segment of the Today Show. “I mean, personally, I think Andrew Bolt has a point here, that there is a correlation between the number of people who, you know, are Muslim in a country and the number of terrorist attacked,” she said. “Now I have a lot…

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Australian Senator Pauline Hanson has recorded a message for Tommy Robinson following his arrest. “I’m a senator here. This means a lot to me, what happens in this Parliament. And it starts with us, in this place, to make sure that we never lose the freedom of speech in this country.” Watch: FREE TOMMY ROBINSON | A message of support to #TommyRobinson from @PaulineHansonOz leader of @OneNationAus. Tommy's arrest as well as Sonia Kruger being dragged before a racial vilification tribunal, prove that #FreeSpeech is truly under siege in the West. #Auspol #FreeTommy pic.twitter.com/VnMImj6gFg — Pauline Hanson ?? (@PaulineHansonOz) May…

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Mark Latham slammed Peter FitzSimons on Facebook yesterday, after the Herald columnist took yet another swing at rugby player Israel Folau for expressing Christian beliefs. Israel Folau should: — Peter FitzSimons (@Peter_Fitz) May 9, 2018 “The Red Pirate Peter FitzSimons is a natural-born elite,” wrote Latham. “He lives in an expensive house in an exclusive suburb. He has lots of access to the media. So like all elites, he thinks he has the right to tell other people how to live their lives.” In this Herald article he writes of how “Rugby is an inclusive game”. Then he says Israel…

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When Tommy Robinson suggested that the Quran contains at least 100 calls to violence, Twitter suspended his account. Permanently. Robinson comments in the video below: What we are seeing is blasphemy laws by the backdoor and they are all complicit. Twitter, our police, our courts, our Prime Minister, our entire government and media. All of them raise one hand in support of freedom of speech while they rip it out from underneath us with the other. 

Rev Dr Gavin Ashenden was the Honorary Chaplain to the Queen from 2008 until his resignation in 2017. In the video below, Rev Dr Ashenden explains what’s behind the push for same-sex marriage and the gender revolution currently taking over the West. We’ve also transcribed some of Dr Ashenden’s noteworthy points. Undoing Marriage: The strange thing is, the effect of being just and kind and generous and protective to the small minorities is to begin to undo marriage. Then when you listened to them, they give it away… A famous Canadian author said we don’t want marriage, we don’t like…

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Is radicalism in the Muslim world a tiny minority phenomenon? Many of our leaders seem to think so, and they often stress the point in order to dispel any ideas that Islam is in any way incompatible with the West. Take for example just a small sampling of comments made by Western leaders, often immediately following an Islamic terrorist attack. Malcolm Turnbull: Islam is an ancient religion of great scholarship. I mean for heaven’s sake, must of our learning and culture came to us from the Muslims… The idea that Islam is antithetical to learning or culture or scholarship is absurd.…

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What’s going on within our modern university system? In the video below Verum Media explains, “From the US to Europe and even here in Australia, we have seen what are supposed to be places of free thinking, inquiry, and innovation, fast become left-wing indoctrination centres where speech and thought outside of what is accepted is being shut down, silenced, and pushed off campus.” 

Military instructor and researcher Hussein Aboubakr explains: “After every new Jihadist attack against the West, politicians reassure us that the atrocity does not represent the true nature of mainstream Islam. Of the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, they constantly reassure us, the overwhelming majority are as law abiding as any members of any other monotheistic faith. Only a tiny fraction engage in terror. And Islam is a religion of peace. Furthermore, we are told, the great majority of Muslims hold moderate views.” But what does “moderate” mean? How moderate are moderate Muslims? According to the Pew Research Center, 88%…

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Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, opens his doors to everyone. “People of all walks of life are always welcome in the store… I serve everybody, I just don’t make cakes for every event,” Phillips has said. Phillips is a Christian, which means he refuses to use his artistry to decorate cakes that endorse a message contrary to his faith and conviction. “There are certain messages that I don’t create,” Phillips states. “I don’t do cakes for Halloween, I don’t do cakes that would promote sexual things, or anti-American things, or things that would disparage other people, including [those] that identify as…

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Roughly 40% of Australians voted No to same-sex marriage and, according to a recent Newspoll, roughly 40% also reject the legitimacy of religious protections for Australians who disagree with same-sex marriage. The debates taking place in Federal parliament regarding religious liberty are culturally significant. The cultural reformation of the 1960s has transformed social views on sex, marriage, family, and, increasingly, gender. And yet clearly not all have gone with the tide. What became increasingly obvious during the same-sex marriage debate and now with the debate over religious protections is that culturally Australia is shifting back to the acrimonious sectarianism that…

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Student teacher, Lindsay Shepherd, was chastised by school authorities after she aired a video during two tutorials. The clip featured University of Toronto professor Jordan B. Peterson and involved a debate on gender-neutral pronouns. For context, Peterson’s full debate can be viewed here: Genders, Rights and Freedom of Speech According to a report by The Star: The excerpt from TVO’s current affairs program The Agenda shows Peterson, who has famously refused to use gender pronouns other than “he” or “she,” defending his position against a professor who argued it was necessary to use the pronouns that a person prefers to be…

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Well, they certainly waste no time. The campaigning is over, so let your true rainbow colours shine! Karl Stefanovic and Alex Greenwich scold Cory Bernardi for wanting to preserve freedom: Karl Stefanovic: So, you’re actually going to push ahead with that — with laws allowing wedding businesses to reject gay couples? You’re going to push ahead with that regardless of today’s result? Cory Bernardi: I’m going to make sure that freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom of parental rights in education are upheld. That’s what everyone’s promised us… During the campaign they told us they would defend these things. This is why this has…

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