Political Posting Mumma forced to pay $100,000 to LGBT activist for comments other people wrote on her Facebook page
Under current defamation law, social media users can be held legally responsible for third-party content on any post they make. The guiding rule seems to be: You posted it. You incited it. Ergo, you’re responsible for it. In other words, anything someone posts on my timeline or writes in the comments section, that is deemed offensive, defamatory or “hate speech” could end in a lawsuit. For those who only have a private Facebook account, there is currently no mechanic to prevent this from happening. The only real preventative measure is to keep an eye on comments or keep your friends…
Madonna and Elton John slam Christians, claim Jesus would be pro-abortion and pro-LGBTQ
Madonna’s promoters are firing back at the New York Post for allegedly lying about poor ticket sales for the artist. At the beginning of June, the New York Post’s Richard Morgan reported that ticket sales for Madonna concerts promoting her latest album, ‘Madame X’, were lagging and had ‘tarnished’ the tour. Morgan went on to compare previous ticket sales in much larger venues with current ticket sales the smaller venues chosen for the concerts, suggesting that the comparison indicated ‘Madonna was struggling to sell them’. Chris Willman from Variety magazine cautiously came to Madonna’s defence, citing promoter, Arthur Fogel, (Live…
The ABC’s of the Political Left
Progressivism has become so pervasive that it’s about time that a children’s book is written on the political left. We’ve all been wanting to understand those big words that are thrown around time and time again and so, for social education of knuckle-dragging-cave-dwelling-deplorables everywhere, here are your 21st century ABC’s. A is for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AOC: The Fresh New Face of the Democratic Party, or as Ben Shapiro says, “So fresh. So face.” Never before have the ideals of communism been espoused in such eloquence and grandeur than through the lips of this 21st century feminist prophet. According to AOC,…
Netflix joins Alyssa Milano’s militant march against protecting life in the womb
Netflix are kowtowing to celebrity pressure regarding its investments in Georgia. The pressure comes after the American state voted to place significant limitations on abortion. The southeastern state of about 10.2 million people joins Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, and Utah in passing abortion restrictions under what is called ‘heartbeat bills’. The proposed legislation will prevent the violent interruption of a pregnancy, once a heartbeat is detected. Celebrities were quick to create a chorus of condemnation and took to social media to condemn the legislation. Much like the “Muslim ban” mislabeling applied to the Trump administration’s travel restrictions on…
The Toxic Paradox of Ilhan Omar’s Black Nationalism, Woke Blindness and the End of Days
In her[note]Disclaimer: I’m assuming Omar identifies as a woman based on the fact that Omar refers to herself as a woman on Twitter and being part of the “sisterhood”.[/note] last round of public appearances, Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar (Minn.) blamed America for the suffering of Venezuelans, and managed to alienate the majority of Americans with the provocative statement, “this is not going to be the country of the xenophobics. This is not going to be the country of white people.” As Omar failed to clarify who she meant by the term “white people”, one can only presume that Omar was…
Weaponizing the self-confessed pro-Communist, eco-fascist, attack in New Zealand doesn’t do any justice to the victims or the millions of non-Muslims reaching out to support them
Back in August 2016, in an article called, “Why Trump is not Hitler, & Why Evangelical Americans are Not German Christians”, I argued that the more pressing danger was Turkey’s, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the fanaticism surrounding him. His recent decision to use the tragic pro-Communist, eco-Fascist attacks in New Zealand, as a political whip, particularly against Australians, only furthers the point I attempted to make. The piece was written in response to the large amount of naysayers who were predicting another Holocaust if Donald Trump was to win the 2016 United States Presidential race. Equating Trump with Hitler was…
Has Prime Minister Scott Morrison just revealed his true colours?
Scott Morrison says an Australian man massacred worshippers in an act of “extremist right-wing terrorism” which was streamed on the internet. I am deeply troubled by the words employed by the Australian Prime Minister as it could incite violence against so-called right-wingers. As it turns out, it appears that the terrorist is not even a right-winger. He is a self-described anarchist and a radical environmentalist, and an admirer of Communist China. In his own manifesto the terrorist gunman who killed 49 Muslims at a mosque in New Zealand wanted “no part of” conservatism described himself as an “eco-fascist” admired Communist…
Where is the worldwide outrage and mourning for Christians in Nigeria, The Philippines, and Egypt?
The attack on Masjid Al Nor and Linwood Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand was horrific. The loss of life, the changed lives and the many painful years of grieving to come for the victims involved – all of it heartbreaking. The world, as we’re told, now stands in mourning for the innocent lives taken. Social media is saturated with comments from those in disbelief, to those looking to show solidarity, or outrage, and those who see the attack on the Mosque in New Zealand, as an opportunity to further their own self-interest. We are witnessing, and no doubt will witness,…
Crying wolf about Nazism, diminishes the heinous crime of Nazism and dehumanises others
In August 2016, I posted a quick response to the hysteria surrounding the election of Donald Trump. I headlined that post, ‘Why Trump is Not Hitler, & Why American Evangelicals Are Not German Christians’. My aim was to counter a lot of what I was seeing posted on social media by people who were usually level-headed and intellectually responsible. It was disappointing to see normally sane individuals suddenly join in the anti-trump rants – which really were, I’m angry because the Leftist power structures, and its monopoly on power, has been diminished – tantrums. Worse still, some Christian conservative academics…
Calling out John Wayne is a Smokescreen Designed to Shift Media Attention Away from Jussie Smollett
Media reports are confirming what many have speculated over the past week. American actor, Jussie Smollett has been charged with staging the anti-LGBT, race-hate attack, which he claimed to be a victim of back in January. As this was breaking, Twitter users were worked up into a frenzy over snippets of a John Wayne interview with Playboy magazine in 1971. This resurfacing of Wayne’s, “racist, anti-LGBT remarks”, strangely coincided with the breaking news about Jussie Smollett. While some of the criticism is defensible, the timing of the “news”, and the “viral” reaction to it is a convenient red herring. Why…
Don’t believe the Leftist hype. ‘Make America Great Again’ was never about race, colour, or religion.
One of the highlights of State of the Union Addresses, is the build-up and debriefing offered by commentators. Mainstream media “expert” panels have their place, but in favour of a more conversational tone, I prefer to steer away from them. If you’re an Aussie, and are old enough to remember Channel Ten’s excellent, late night program, ‘The Panel’, you’ll know exactly what I mean. One of the better American versions, is the gathering of Daily Wire front-men, and their, all-issues-on-the-board, round table. Although a lot of what Donald Trump said throughout the blockbuster address, was worth a post on its own (particularly…
Be a Good Hater: Righteous Anger and the Rule of Christian Love
The provocative quote of the week goes to, Charles Spurgeon: “Be a good hater.” The statement, “be a good hater” is a challenge to resist evil (James 4L7). To resist the morality of the tyrant or the ‘crowd which has no hands’ (Kierkegaard, The Crowd is Untruth)[note]Kierkegaard S. 1847 The Crowd is Untruth sourced from CCEL.org[/note] In context, it means: to abhor evil: to regard it with extreme repugnance. [In Latin, “abhor” is Odium: with hostility; “repugnance”: resist, be an adversary of evil.] Our present age has an almost absolute fear of hate, yet most would agree that “let love be genuine.…
Former Iranian Muslim, now Christian pastor, arrested in the US for talking about Jesus.
In August, Iranian refugee and former Muslim, Ramin Parsa was arrested for trespassing – *coughs* for breaking blasphemy laws – while privately sharing his testimony about becoming a Christian, in a Mall of America, shopping centre in Minnesota. Tyler O’Neil from PJ media reported that while Ramin, now a Christian Pastor living in Los Angeles, was sharing his testimony: Another woman who was not part of the conversation went and complained to the security. The guard came and said, ‘You can’t solicit here.’ He then told them “we were not soliciting”. He just said, ‘Bye,’ and walked away.” After Parsa,…
Preaching in the shadow of feminism.
Controversial blogger, Adam Piggot in an article on Christian men and feminism raised some talking points about the current state of the Church. Adam discussed how Christians have backed down in the face of feminism. His major point was that ‘the modern Christian fears’ taking a stand against feminism. Adam’s argued that men, women and children have now become its puppets. Men in the Church have a particular responsibility for this. They’ve allowed the feminist conquest of the Church by feminist ideologues, who seem hell bent on either running churches and dominating their agenda, or destroying them outright. Though I…
French President Emmanuel Macron wants to build a European army to oppose the United States.
The speech delivered by Emmanuel Macron, at the Armistice Centenary this week, was a carefully targeted rejection of Donald Trump and his popular platform. French President Emmanuel Macron remarked: The old demons are rising again, ready to complete their task of chaos and of death. Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. In saying, ‘Our interests first, whatever happens to the others’, you erase the most precious thing a nation can have, that which makes it live, that which causes it to be great and that which is most important: its moral values.[note]Emmanuel Macron…
Who Are the Real Fascists?
If the facts cannot be squeezed into a meme the level of attention those facts receive is reduced. Attention to detail is overlooked for what will best attract a view, a like, a follow or a share. Information is seen purely as a commodity.
Pro-Christian, pro-family government success: Hungary sees marriages up by 42 percent while abortion and divorce are in decline.
The Hungarian government are fighting the decline in its own demographic by encouraging its citisens to have large and stable families. According to Life Site News, “Prime Minister Victor Orbán’s government is launching a formal consultation with Hungarians to elicit their ideas on how the state can give more effective support to families.” Over the next month, an estimated 8-million households will receive survey forms relating to subjects such as support for young married couples, flexible employment hours, and ways of encouraging Hungarian families to have more children. According to Hungarian website, About Hungary, Orbán’s government has had an extremely positive effect…
Hollywood actor-vist warns: “There will be blood on the streets” if Democrats lose.
78 year old, actorvist, James Cromwell, has predicted that “if we don’t stop Trump now, there will be blood in the streets.” The actor and activist, most famous for his role as farmer, Arthur Hoggett in the 1995 movie ‘Babe’ (et.al), inferred that that Trump was a fascist dictator and that America was dangerously close to losing its democracy. Variety reported that Cromwell made the “candid comments” during a quick Q & A, while walking up the red carpet. He was attending an award ceremony where he was also “honored for his work as a character actor.” According to Variety,…
Mark Latham: ‘Class warfare has been replaced by identity warfare.’
I worry that Australia is sleepwalking its way to disaster. Political correctness, identity politics and cultural Marxism have run through our institutions at an astonishing rate. Sometimes I’m asked why I wasn’t saying these things when I was leader of the Labor Party in 2004. The answer is straightforward: none of these issues were current 14 years ago. They simply didn’t exist. Australian politics has been through a remarkable period of change. Prior to the election of the Rudd Government in 2007, the budget was in surplus, our electricity supply was stable and affordable, political correctness had disappeared and only…
Ford Vs. Kavanaugh: The Attempted Hijacking of Justice?
Judgement based on raw emotion is the reason for why we have due process and habeas corpus. This system is not without flaws, but erasing due process is equal to denying the right of habeas corpus. If that happens then everyone is bound; subjected to the whim of the mob or the mood of the ruler. Due process is as important as habeas corpus. Habeas corpus being ‘the removal of illegal restraint on individual liberty.’ (Burke)[note]Burke, E. Letter To The Sheriffs of Bristol[/note] Any removal, or denial of due process, would easily lead to the same thing happening to habeas corpus.…
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