
Laura Klassen Hit with “Temporary” Ten-Year Ban After Latest Viral Video

"The controversial video exposes China's waterbag abortions."

Laura Klassen, Director and Founder of Choice42, has copped a “temporary” ten-year ban on TikTok after attempting to promote her latest animated short in the EXPOSED series.

The video, “It’s OK,” gained rapid traction across social media surpassing 1.6 million views since its July 2 release.

TikTok, owned by Chinese interests, likely objected to the exposure of waterbag abortions in the 4:39 video.

A waterbag abortion is a controversial late-term procedure where the baby is removed intact in the second or third trimester of pregnancy by filling the amniotic sac with a solution.

Waterbag abortions facilitate the harvesting of “fresh” human organs, as they are harvested while still alive.

After attempting to promote the new video on TikTok, Klassen’s promotion was rejected, and instead, she was hit with a “temporary” ten-year account ban.

When asked why she decided to go after this topic (after already going after surgical abortion and IVF in the first two episodes), Klassen said,

“I first became aware that fetuses were killed an harvested for fetal cell lines during COVID. When I began to research and explain my findings to others, they were always telling me, “Well, it’s ok because…” and went on to list their justifications. Some said, “There was only one baby used in the 60s”. Others, “There aren’t any more babies being aborted for this today.” Still others, “The doctors just used the dead tissue post-abortion.” All false and none of it is ok. We need to stop justifying what happened to these 5 babies (and many others) and take a closer look at what is going on in the medical research world. It’s not ok that it happened in the 60s, and it’s not ok that it’s happening now.” 

Despite the suspension, CHOICE42 remains committed to shedding light on what abortion actually is and what it does to tiny humans in the womb.

You can watch the “controversial” episode “It’s OK” below:



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