The lessons provided this week by the unjustified social media ban of Donald Trump, along with the industry-wide cancellation of Parler are dangerous precedents.
This abuse of power from Big Tech is solid proof that political favouritism exists within Silicon Valley.
Arbitrary cancellations, double standards, and selective censorship tells their customers (and investors) that Big Tech cannot be trusted to apply their own EULA standards to their favoured side of politics; nor live out their civic responsibility in preserving the basic tenets of liberty and justice for all.
First, we have a sitting, duly elected president, booted from communication platforms without due process or factual evidence, under the extremely weak premise that he “incited violence.”
This premise IS weak because it rests on confirmation bias. An abstract quote, ripped out of context, to fit the false idea embedded in four years of manipulative propaganda from the Left, in the false belief that Donald Trump is a “Fascist, Nazi, Racist” and worse.
This was best expressed this week by ACL director, Martyn Isles’ in his apt conclusion:
“[Trump] said the three words, “fight like hell” in one Tweet about opposing electoral fraud, they say he directly incited an insurrection. That is deliberately one-eyed and unfair, and clearly not his intent. He was certainly unpresidential, but you can’t ban a bloke for that.”

Second, we witnessed the public execution of a private business, when a monopoly of business competitors entertaining industrial espionage denied Parler’s right to trade, exist, create, and compete.
All seemingly for the sole purpose of squeezing more political leverage from the 2020 election, for the lifeless Democrat campaign which was only kept alive because Big Tech, and Big Media ran interference for the Democrat Left, behind the justification that they were stopping misinformation.
Then there’s the Left’s dissonance and double speak.
Those defending Twitter’s right as a private business to operate as a private business, by permanently banning the President, justify the execution of Parler, also a private business, but apparently denied the same rights and responsibilities, for refusing to comply with the well-financed and powerful Leftist hegemony.
Further to this is the standard being communicated, which I think both sides would agree on if the reasoning here is properly understood.
If Twitter and Facebook can decline service to customers based on private convictions or conscientious objections, Christian businesses and professionals should be LEFT ALONE TO do the same.
If the argument in defence of Twitter extends to Christian florists, bakeries, school, Churches, and NGO’s, we should now expect permission for those entities to have the full ability to politely decline to bake or service an LGBTQAAI+ wedding or employ anyone who is not in agreement with the ethos, and values of those entities.
If Jack Dorsey’s Twitter can deny service to a customer on the grounds of “it’s a private business”, “he’s acting on” conscience and convictions, Christian businesses who offer a respectful and reasoned disagreement with SSM, the practice of homosexuality, and the rising authoritarian ideology associated with it, should by rights, also be able to do the same.
The big difference being that most of these Christian businesses aren’t power-drunk entities, crushing the competition by way of bearing false witness, or cancelling those they disagree with.
From the growing list of court cases against Christian businesses from LGBTQAAI+ lawfare groups, more often it’s the other way around.
Proof that for most people aligned with the Radical Left, force and duress, are now not just a way of life, but inform the implementation of fundamentalist, Cultural Marxist policies.
If worse is to come from a society divided into oppressed and oppressor by a Radical Leftist horde, it won’t be because of Donald Trump.
If worse is to come, it will because discerning voters are fed up with the Left’s “you are what we say you are”, now “fall in, line up, goose-step in unison, salute or else!”
Blatant double standards, dehumanising pejoratives, self-centred politics, and hypocrisy are not conducive to “unity and healing.”
Gagging freedom of speech, hijacking private businesses, policing thought, bearing false witness, and enforcing new cultural laws; all of it is yet another reminder that for the past four years at least, the real oppressors have been masquerading as the oppressed.
It’s a zero-sum game. They know it, and the only winners are those who submit, are willing to revise history, denounce their neighbour, and renounce their faith in the One who reveals Himself in Covenant and in Christ.
If civil unrest, or God forbid, a Civil War erupts in the West, let the record show that it was the Radical Left who fired the first shot.
To quote British Theologian, John Stott:
“Freedom is much misunderstood. Even those who talk loudest and longest about freedom have not always paused first to define what they are talking about.
A notable example is the Marxist orator who was waxing eloquent on the street corner about the freedom we would enjoy after the revolution.
‘When we get freedom,’ he cried, ‘you’ll be able to smoke cigars like that,’ pointing at an opulent gentleman walking by. ‘I prefer my cigarettes,’ shouted a heckler.
‘When we get freedom,’ the Marxist continued, ignoring the interruption and warning to his theme, ‘you’ll all be able to drive in cars like that,’ pointing to a sumptuous Mercedes which was driving by.
‘I prefer my bike,’ shouted the heckler. And so the dialogue continued until the Marxist could bear his tormentor no longer. Turning on him, he said: ‘When we get freedom, you’ll do what you’re told!'”
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