Category Archives: United Kingdom

We need to stop pretending all religions are equal. They’re not. Here is yet another case for homeschooling in the United Kingdom. The Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) has demanded government action to prevent parents from withdrawing their children from Islamic studies and mosque visits. According to Breitbart, parents are currently allowed to remove their children from some Religious Education lessons if they conflict with their personal beliefs. However, the teachers’ union has called such instances “very rare” and suggested the privilege is being abused by parents “with certain prejudices including Islamophobia…” So often we see governments taking the…

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Tommy Robinson has shared leaked footage from a UK Islamic school teaching Sharia law. The shocking video shows a teacher informing female students that Muslims must kill gays. This only goes to show, as Ben Shapiro has pointed out, radicalism in the Muslim world is not limited to a tiny minority. It’s closer than we think. If someone makes… a woman like a man, the punishment is kill. Kill them. Throw them from the highest place. We are not going to be like animals, living like animals. Or to be like the people of Lot (homosexuals). We have to take…

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Ali Dawah is an Islamic proselytizer “spreading the message of Islam and answering misconceptions.” He has close to 20k followers on Twitter, and almost 205k subscribers on YouTube. Last week Dawah explained the ethics behind child marriage: You asked me, would I allow my daughter to get married at nine. The analogy is wrong. Our teachings say the woman has to be sexually, mentally, and physically ready. If my daughter reaches the age of menstruation at nine years old, I would say, you are ready to get married, however, if she says, ‘Dad, I don’t want to get married,’ OK.…

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When Tommy Robinson suggested that the Quran contains at least 100 calls to violence, Twitter suspended his account. Permanently. Robinson comments in the video below: What we are seeing is blasphemy laws by the backdoor and they are all complicit. Twitter, our police, our courts, our Prime Minister, our entire government and media. All of them raise one hand in support of freedom of speech while they rip it out from underneath us with the other. 

Rev Dr Gavin Ashenden was the Honorary Chaplain to the Queen from 2008 until his resignation in 2017. In the video below, Rev Dr Ashenden explains what’s behind the push for same-sex marriage and the gender revolution currently taking over the West. We’ve also transcribed some of Dr Ashenden’s noteworthy points. Undoing Marriage: The strange thing is, the effect of being just and kind and generous and protective to the small minorities is to begin to undo marriage. Then when you listened to them, they give it away… A famous Canadian author said we don’t want marriage, we don’t like…

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When Lauren Southern conducted a social experiment suggesting “Allah is gay,” the experiment was quickly shut down by UK police for being offensive to Muslims. As a result of the experiment, Southern was banned from entering the UK a second time. Now watch UK police refuse to take any action after a British woman tries to make a complaint against Muslims waving terrorist flags in public. What makes Southern’s message more offensive than a call to annihilate an entire nation?

Earlier this month Lauren Southern was detained and banned from the UK under the Terrorism Act. In the video below, Southern explains the events that led to her arrest.

A government-funded pre-apprenticeship academy in Bristol reported a Christian teacher to Counter Terrorism after they deemed her a “radicalisation threat.” Svetlana Powell, a teacher of almost 20 years, was fired for “gross misconduct” after she answered a student’s question about her faith. The incident took place after a disruptive student became argumentative about the tutor’s personal beliefs. Other students soon joined the conversation and began challenging Mrs Powell’s faith on various issues. The student who initially challenged the teacher then asked for her personal views on homosexuality. Mrs Powell responded by stating that she believed homosexuality was against God’s will.…

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Earlier this week, Canadian born journalist, Lauren Southern, was detained by border police as she attempted to enter the UK. Authorities revealed, the 22 year old, was being held under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000. According to the National Council for Civil Liberties, Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000, “can be exercised without the need for any grounds of suspecting the person has any involvement in terrorism – or any other criminal activity. This means it can be used against anyone a police, immigration or customs officer chooses.” Like, critics of Islam, for instance. In fact, that’s…

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Conservative journalist, Lauren Southern, has been denied entry into the UK for criticising Islam during a previous visit. Border police in Calais detained Southern as she attempted to enter on a bus. The official notice of refusal claims Southern was “involved in the distribution of racist material in London.” Authorities deemed Southern “a threat to the fundamental interests of society and to the public policy of the United Kingdom.” Southern was stopped and investigated under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000, which allows authorities broad and intrusive powers to stop, search and hold individuals “without any ground of suspecting…

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