The Fragility of Democracy
“Democracy may, after all, turn out to have been a historical accident, a brief parenthesis that is closing before our eyes.”
Sacrificing Freedom for Safety: How a Godless Nation Is Ripe for Exploitation
“Whether it’s enforcing lockdowns to protect the elderly or pushing for Digital IDs to secure the young, those pursuing power will never let a crisis go to waste.”
Why Christian Nationalism Beats Conservatism
“If we want to change society for good we need a compelling vision. Only Christian Nationalism gives a compelling answer to modern progressivism and its relentless pursuit of Marxist goals.”
The Role of Government in a Free Society: A Biblical-Critical Appraisal
“The fundamental values of the liberal tradition were in fact exemplified, formulated, and wrought into the texture of Western society by Christianity, not only as a school of thought but as a way of life and feeling: as a religion, in short.”
Can We Legislate Morality?
Morality is… precisely “the only thing you can legislate.” That’s what legislation is.
So Many Laws
“Society has ventured so far from the Christian standard that the public at large would most likely side with the ‘progressive’ values of Sodom and Gomorrah over the God of Genesis 19. You don’t expect the Grammy Awards to resort to promoting actual talent, do you?”
Limited Government and Lawful Resistance in the Christian Tradition
Trusting too much in government is un-Christian and it always results in oppression and tyranny.
Government as God Is a Government Gone Wrong
The popularity of lockdowns, mask mandates, mass censorship of professionals, and ease at which governments are bypassing constitutional guarantees, in favour of rule by bureaucratic decree, are symptoms of a greater problem.
We’re Moving Into Slavery: The Ownership of the People by the State
“The slave society has increasingly one answer to all problems: more regulations — or more slavery.”
Should Christians Be Ashamed Of Joining a Political Party?
“Followers of Jesus should not allow a secular media to shame them out of exercising their democratic freedoms and obeying Jesus’ command to be salt and light in the surrounding culture.”
When the State Becomes God
“The state always seeks to take ever more power and control, displacing all rivals for supreme authority and full submission.”
The Only Way to Separate Religion and Politics Is to Kill Civil Rights
“The only way to separate religion and politics in a country with millions of religionists, and many who wish to go into politics or political lobbying, is basically by removing the civil rights of religious people, and removing any possibility that they can have any influence in politics at all.”
Everyone Is Far-Right of Stalin
Most people understand that there is something deeply wrong with the language used to describe politics.
Love at the Edge of the Abyss
While Socialism might masquerade as a social force for good, it stalks through the world devouring the most important, sacred parts of civilisation.
The Four Year Mirage of Victory
As America determines the outcome of the election, it’s a good time for the modern right to engage in some much-needed self-reflection.
God is God, Politics is Not
I’ve noticed something, and I’m sure you have too. We’re facing a time of major cultural upheaval across the Western world.
To The Fence-Sitting Conservative
I want to pen an open letter to many people who are not too far from my side of the yard…
Yes, Money Really Does Grow on Trees: ABC Says Australia Can’t Run Out of Money
I used to regularly look forward to watching Alan Kohler’s financial report on the ABC news each evening. But when the global financial crisis hit, I suddenly realised that even he didn’t know what was going on. Fast forward to 2020 and I’m having that strange sense of déjà vu—all over again—as I watch him spruik the benefits of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). While MMT is not without its critics, it has become increasingly fashionable, especially amongst those employed by our national broadcaster. In case you might have missed it, the ABC has produced the following promotional video featuring Kohler…
Don’t fall for the anti-fascist disguise. Antifa is proof that left-wing extremism is on the rise.
It’s not difficult to locate video footage, or testimonials from victims who’ve come face to face with mobs in masks, wielding weapons, intimidating, threatening and harassing people in the name of their ideology. They’re a global movement, have their own flag, wear a uniform, carefully manage their image via mass media, are well organized, sizably funded, and having been openly supported, on occasion, by politician and celebrity alike, have political clout. Their tendency towards violence is well established. As is their willingness to incite violence, or the threat of violence to silence an opponent; this is often against a person…
A Friendly Word to the Never Trumpers
In an article sure to sort the sheep from the goats, Dr Michael L Brown (who is about to tour Australia & New Zealand as part of the Church And State Summit) has written a sober perspective on why Christian conscience compels him to vote for President Trump again. BROWN: President Trump’s State of the Union message, coupled with the Democratic response, reminds me of why I voted for Trump in 2016. And why I plan to vote for him again in 2020. The contrasts are just too extreme. I am conscience-bound to vote against the radical left and to vote for…