Category Archives: Opinion

Sometimes you’ll hear a federal politician claim abortion is just a state issue. Yet in the lead up to this year’s federal election, the federal Labor Party announced a national abortion policy that sought to make abortion easier and completely tax-payer subsidised. They threatened state health funding if abortion wasn’t available in all public hospitals, promised to build an abortion facility in Tasmania, and “encouraged” NSW to liberalise abortion laws. Although Coalition politicians refused to be drawn on the controversial issue, the Australian Christian Lobby and Cherish Life campaigned against Labor’s policy. Labor lost the election, and Labor MP Ed Husic…

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In a sign of just how far Western Civilisation has declined, the most dangerous place for a child to be is in her mother’s womb. Similarly, if the rest of Australia follows the leftist fad being currently pursued in states such as Victoria, then euthanasia laws will slowly erode our sense that life is sacred, as well as the belief that doctors should protect our lives. In the midst of this moral crisis, one group, in particular, seems to be somewhat selective in their moral outrage. Mainstream Christians—most of whom identify as Protestant—are often reluctant to speak out publicly in…

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In June 2017, online economist magazine Quartz predicted that ‘as climate changes effects become harsher and more unexpected climate change could become even harder to study’. Quartz was buffing up an incident where scientists from Canada, out researching the impact of sea ice on Hudson Bay became hindered by what is alleged to have been large chunks of ice from the Arctic blocking their way. Quartz called these ‘severe conditions’ the consequence of climate change. As reported by the scientists had to abandon their trip over safety concerns. Lead researchers on the expedition were adamant that the ice was…

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“All sides are anti-science.” I’m watching psychologist professors Jonathon Haidt and Jordan Peterson on YouTube discussing polarisation and the left-ward bias of our Universities. Haidt says that an anti-science trend emerged among conservatives in relatively recent times. “To be anti-evolutionary… is actually what’s happening on the left now, too,” Peterson adds. His prediction is that having taken the humanities, those leftist ‘neo-Marxists’ will be targeting the biology school next. He quotes Brett Weinstein, “evolutionary biology has something in it to offend everyone.” It was a unique experience for me as I read A. N. Wilson’s (2017) biography of Charles Darwin,…

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A Melbourne TAFE has suspended a number of teachers for sharing an ‘Islamophobic’ quote that left a Muslim student feeling “disempowered.” The offending quote appeared on a lecture slide from a subject on diversity and was taken from American conservative author Brigitte Gabriel, who had suggested that while “most Muslims are peaceful”, up to “300-million people are radicals who want to destroy and murder us.” Ms Gabriel was raised in Lebanon until, at the age of ten, radical Islamists blew up her house, burying her under the burning rubble. Miraculously, Ms Gabriel survived the attack but spent the next two-and-a-half…

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To use an old Labor slogan, ‘It’s Time’. It’s time that all of the MP’s in NSW who claim to be religious but support the killing of unborn children should be asked to leave. They’re obviously not going to go of their own accord, so it’s especially beholden upon the likes of Anthony Fisher, the Catholic Archbishop of Sydney, to excommunicate them. Yes, it really is that serious. The My Community Partnership grants will be released this week. And there will be dozens of photo opportunities for proud MP’s to have their pictures taken outside various sandstone buildings. But if…

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Dave Chappelle’s new Netflix Special ‘Sticks and Stones’ could offend just about everybody. There are racist stereotypes, homophobic and transphobic punchlines, cracks at Michael Jackson’s accusers… the works. Predictably, he’s come under fire. A few critics of Chappelle’s new special have claimed that their objections aren’t born from being ‘triggered’ but simply from Chappelle missing the mark. Interestingly, Rotten Tomatoes review system demonstrates just how out of touch many media critics are with the demos. Whilst receiving a score of only 38% from 8 verified critics on the Tomatometer, it received north of 99% from more than 5,000 user ratings. The…

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Examine some older texts on philosophy, some Freudian psychology, even some theology, and you’ll come across the term proton-pseudos. Proton-pseudos is described by the International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis as ‘the link between false premises and false conclusions.’ Sigmund Freud borrowed the term from Aristotle and applied to it to the category of hysteria. In short, the Proton-pseudos is the ‘original error’. The proton-pseudos sits behind and within the lies, we tell ourselves, or the lies we’ve been taught to believe about ourselves, society, politics, theology and a whole range of other areas. The proton-pseudos is the outworking of a negative…

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In August 2019 the NSW parliament tried to rush through a misnamed Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill. It was hardly reproductive as it was designed to aid killing, not the nurturing of human life. Nor did it have much to do with health care, especially not for the babies. Finally, ‘reform’ implies improvement of some kind but this was a big step backwards. To its disgrace, the Legislative Assembly passed the bill which had an unprecedented fifteen co-sponsors. Yet it was the dismissal of various amendments which indicated just how dark Western society has become. Tanya Davies moved an amendment…

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I remember saying before the federal election that the biggest issue for Christians should be abortion. ‘Who will kill the most babies?’ We would expect the more conservative of our politicians, especially those who identify as Christian of any sort, to be against any escalation of the death toll from abortion. Yet here we are in NSW, with a Liberal government that has worked behind the scenes to encourage and promote a bill that allows abortion on demand and full-term abortion with the approval of 2 doctors, co-sponsored the bill on the floor and tried to speed its progress through…

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Like many, my heart has become heavy over the past several weeks as legislation which sought to decriminalise foeticide was pushed through the NSW Legislative Assembly (the lower house) and was successfully passed 59-31. While it must pass the Legislative Council (upper house) in order to be enacted into law, it is immensely likely that pass it will. The sadness that I, and many others, feel however isn’t solely restricted to the Reproductive Healthcare Reform bill in of itself, but what it is representative of. Namely, the moral—or rather immoral—state of current society. We’ve not only moved away from the Judeo-Christian…

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American author and Pastor, Greg Laurie’s interview with Alice Cooper is an insightful look into Christian life outside a cloistered Christian culture. The interview was uploaded to YouTube on the 18th of August. Cooper calls himself a prodigal son and gives some background on his life, including his abuse of cocaine, alcoholism, his 43-year-old marriage, the Church and his return to Christ. Though unrelated, the interview presents a stark contrast between Alice Cooper and bestselling ‘Christian’ author, Joshua Harris. I related to it because I came to Christ through the broken, dark alleys of life. I found home through darkened lyrics,…

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I recently went to see my local member who also happens to be the NSW Opposition Leader, Jodi McKay, about the now notorious ‘Reproductive Rights Bill’ which she had so jubilantly spoken in favour of in the Lower House. And she very kindly gave me a copy of her speech in which she made the oft-repeated assertion: Between 20 and 25 per cent of women in Australia will have an abortion in their lifetime. Seeing that Ms McKay is a former lobbyist for Family Planning NSW—and is still the ‘phone voice’ you hear when you call—I initially took the accuracy…

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In a speech on Tuesday night, One Nation MP, Mark Latham, joined a growing chorus of opposition voicing their concerns over the poor process applied to the recent NSW abortion bill. Latham joins Liberal MP Natasha Maclaren-Jones, the National Party’s, Barnaby Joyce and Dr David Gillespie, in criticising the rushed bill, deceptively called ‘The Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill’. The abortion bill passed the lower house (legislative assembly) by 59 to 31 on August 9. The MP responsible for introducing the bill was “Independent” member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich, whose candidacy (for context) was backed by Leftist golden girl, and…

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At the Parliamentary Press Freedom inquiry on the 14th of this month, Australian Federal Police commissioner Andrew Colvin refused to rule out the possibility of charging Walkley-Award winning NewsCorp Journalist Annika Smethurst for publishing leaked Intelligence documents in April last year. Colvin’s refusal comes despite a directive from Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton on August 9th: I expect the AFP to take into account the importance of a free and open press… before undertaking investigative action involving a professional journalist or news media organisation in relation to unauthorised disclosure of material… Smethurst’s reports included a proposal by Home Affairs Secretary Mike Pezzullo to give…

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Many people are rightly outraged at just how extreme Alex Greenwich’s “Reproductive Rights Bill” is, which will soon be before the NSW Upper House. It allows for abortion up until the day of birth, on the basis of sex selection, and if the child happens to still be born alive then the withdrawal of all medical assistance. It is quite simply, horrifying. But one aspect which seems to be completely overlooked is that babies with congenital conditions—such as Spina Bifida (see from the thirteen-minute mark in the following link), Downs Syndrome (just see what they’ve done in Iceland)  or even…

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In 1981 42 per cent of the world lived in extreme poverty earning less than $700 USD per year. Today that number is less than 10%. Economists studying this decline have discovered that open borders immigration and wealth redistribution has not been the solution, but rather the classical conservative solution of small government: reducing the regulation burden. Data from 189 economies shows that increasing business creation has a correlating decrease in the levels of poverty in each nation. Government is not the answer to personal and social problems. Individual responsibility and liberty are what actually empowers and lifts citizens out…

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I like Twitter because there’s a much higher concentration of people with opposite views to me, compared to the opportunity for engagement beyond like-minded people on my Facebook page. I subscribe to the philosophy that my ideas are only as strong as the strongest criticism I expose them to. Sincerely wanting to pursue Truth and share what I have – as opposed to simply scoring ego points – I enjoy the arguments while they remain civil. It comes as no surprise to anyone that there’s also plenty of opportunity for wasting time engaging people completely devoid of sincerity with absolutely…

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Covington student, Nicholas Sandermann’s $250 million defamation case against The Washington Post was dismissed late last month, after a federal judge ruled that the Washington Post hadn’t slandered Sandermann in its reporting of the infamous, so-called “standoff” between himself and Native American, Nathan Phillips on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Saurabh Sharma of the Dailycaller said the “judge threw out the case” saying that The Washington Post didn’t defame the Covington students, but were irresponsible with their use of “loose, figurative,” and “rhetorical hyperbole”. [i] This is despite The Washington Post, along with some Twitter users and others within…

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In her 1981 magnum opus, ‘Public Man, Private Woman’, American political scientist and Lutheran, Jean Bethke Elshtain presented a painstaking analysis of feminism. Her work as a political theorist is one of the best all-rounded academic introductions to the origins and branches of feminism, which comes from within the feminist movement. Elshtain is best described as a classical feminist. Although she accepts certain criticisms made by feminists, Elshtain is honest about the fact that feminism can, and does go too far. Her chief aim was to present the ideological nuances and obvious contrasts of each branch of feminism. What makes…

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