Category Archives: News & Commentary

Rowan Dean from The Outsiders has torn the ABC to shreds after a weatherman assured viewers current record-breaking cold temperatures do not undermine the Global Warming narrative. The weather presenter interrupted his report saying, “Now, on a quick side note. Global Warming doesn’t mean cold temperatures won’t be recorded, but rather, record heat temperatures will be far more common and wide spread.” “I’ll leave you to be the judge of just how impartial or otherwise your typical ABC presenter is,” Dean responded. “But just remember, you the taxpayer spend over a billion dollars every year for such impartial expertise.” Watch:…

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Hungary’s Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto hits back after BCC reporter Emily Maitlis suggested his government is xenophobic and authoritarian. “There is a sense of erosion of the rule of law. This is no longer democracy. It is creeping authoritarianism,” Maitlis said. “This isn’t actually about immigration, is it? It’s about xenophobia.” “You echo lies on this television,” Szijjarto responded. “I don’t think it’s fair. You are unbalanced, you are one-sided. You look only at the opinion of those who are frustrated because they lost the election.” “What we don’t want is a massive illegal influx coming from the south to…

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A 51-year-old Canadian man was arrested and charged with a “hate crime” two years after distributing “anti-gay” pamphlets at the Toronto Pride Parade. The Toronto Police Service charged William Whatcott with, “willful promotion of hatred against an identifiable group, namely the gay community,” a Police statement said. The pamphlets warned that homosexuality is associated with sexually transmitted diseases, including HPV of the rectum, which the U.S. Centers for Disease Control confirms is true, according to The Federalist. The pamphlets were also said to contain negative comments about the Liberal party and left-wing politicians. A Christian message was also included, suggesting “eternal…

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In celebration of Pride Month, SodaStream released a series of limited edition “Love is Love” bottles portraying same-sex families. Lyle Shelton from the Australian Conservatives linked to the announcement saying, “This also celebrates forced motherlessness, something civil society should never celebrate. But we are in a brave new world that crushes the rights of children and punishes anyone who does not celebrate the new world order.” SodaStream Australia responded to Shelton’s comment by suggesting his concern for motherless children comes from the wrong side of history. “Lyle, mate! Let’s take your conversation offline, and back to an era when this SodaStream…

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The Islamic Council of Victoria has received  $2.4 million in taxpayer funds since 2010-11, a state government investigation found. The inquiry was launched after it was revealed last year that the Islamic Council called for taxpayer-funded “safe spaces” for Muslims who wish to vent extreme speech. According to the Herald Sun, the report which they obtained under the Freedom of Information laws, found “the Islamic body had probably used public funds to cross-subsidies some ‘unfunded activities’ as was common across the not-for-profit sector.” Taxpayer funded programs for the Islamic Council included a $570,000 “empower Muslim youth” grant. From 2012-16, a…

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BRUTAL. Senator Cory Bernardi appeared on Paul Murray Live last night where he obliterated Bill Shorten. “Bill Shorten is a dud,” Bernardi said. “You can tell that he practices his lines all morning in the mirror. And he comes out and he delivers them like a corpse.” Watch: Senator @corybernardi described @billshortenmp as a dud – and an illustration of why Australia needs Conservative Party senators after the next election – on @PMOnAir #pmlive @skyNewsAust last night #auspol #abetterway — Aust Conservatives (@AuConservatives) June 28, 2018

Voice over artist and trans-activist Julie Rei Goldstein has said she’s thankful that trans-children are being removed from unsupportive parents. “This kind of science denial is why the lawsuits will be easy wins for these kids. At least parents will be forced to pay for the physical and emotional abuse they caused,” Goldstein Tweeted. “I’m not threatening anything,” she added. “It’s a friendly word of warning. Trans kids are thankfully already being removed from parents custody for medical neglect.” Goldstein linked to a news story from back in February of an Ohio couple losing custody of their child because they…

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Senator Cory Bernardi seems to be one of the only politicians making any sense when it comes to Australia’s immigration intake. Senator Bernardi told Andrew Bolt, “The first step would be to halve it, straight up. You just say no, we’re going to come back to 100-thousand and then we’re going to identify the areas in which we should be focusing.” Watch:

Scottish councils have widely backed new guidelines being pushed by LGBTQ activists campaigning for the “rights” of transgender children. The guidelines tell teachers that trans students should be allowed to undress in the change room of their own choosing. The guidelines also go on to suggest, “there is no reason for parents or carers of the other pupils to be informed.” But as if often the case with “trans-rights,” it’s girls who will be impacted most. According to The Herald Scotland, “none of the councils involved, nor the children’s commissioner, nor Education Scotland have carried out an equality impact assessment to…

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On Tuesday the GOP released a new campaign ad highlighting the calls to violence and the vile hatred that is spewing from the Left. “Maxine Waters’ threats are just the latest example of the Left becoming totally unhinged. It has to stop,” the GOP official Twitter account said. During a rally over the weekend, Waters called for her supporters to form mobs and harass President Trump’s Cabinet officials whenever they’re spotted in public. Whether they’re “in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station.. tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” Waters said. Watch:

In an interview on TRT World, Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema said he can’t guarantee there would be no white genocide in South Africa. “I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. I’m saying to you, we’ve not called for the killing of white people, at least for now… I can’t give a guarantee of the future…” Watch:

On Saturday Rep. Maxine Waters called on her supporters at a rally to harass Trump’s Cabinet officials in protest to the administrations policies. “If you see anybody from the Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” Waters said. Waters’ comments come after Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was booted from a restaurant in Virginia. Sanders wrote on Twitter, “Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to…

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At least 100 foreign fighters who joined terror groups in the Middle East are expected to soon return to Australia, and most likely, Sydney. But why? Why bring them here at all? To quote Senator Cory Bernardi, “We’ve got enough Islamic nutcases at work in this country already.” Watch:

During a TEDx Talk, Mirjam Heine from University of Würzburg claimed “pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation, just like heterosexuality.” “According to current research, pedophilia is an unchangeable sexual orientation,” Heine argued. “Just like, for example, heterosexuality. No one chooses to be a pedophile. No one can cease being one.” “The difference between pedophilia and other sexual orientations is that, living out this sexual orientation will end in a disaster… It is our responsibility to over come our negative feelings about pedophiles. And to treat them with the same respect we treat other people with.” “We should accept that pedophiles are…

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Katie Hopkins has clashed with an RT reporter over Muslim immigration. Hopkins asked Oksana Boyko, host of World Apart RT, “if Islam is so fantastic, why do Muslims always flee to Christian countries?” “Why not go to Saudi?” Hopkins added. “Why not go to another country where the Muslim faith is practised?” WATCH:

Selling off the ABC is not a new idea, but it’s increasing in popularity. Dr Chris Berg recently told Michael McLaren on 4BC, “In our analysis, it just doesn’t hold up anymore. Having a public broadcaster doesn’t make sense in a modern era.” “The idea that we have to pay for biased journalism is a really big problem. I think that is what really offends people.” Listen:

UK Prime Minister Theresa May believes British Muslims are peaceful, law abiding citizens who are the victims of far-right terrorism. While “acts of terror” have been carried out in the name of Islam, “it is not in the name of Islam,” May insists. “British Muslims are peaceful and law abiding people who have themselves been the victims of acts of terror by the far-right. There are those who conduct acts of terror in the name of Islam, but it is not in the name of Islam.” Watch:

When a polyamorous throuple in Canada found the law only allowed for two individuals to be named as parents on a child’s birth certificate, they took their case to the courts and won. Justice Robert Fowler of Newfoundland and Labrador Supreme Court ruled in favour of the throuple, which consists of two men and a woman (the child’s biological mother). “Society is continuously changing and family structures are changing along with it,” Fowler said. “This must be recognized as a reality and not as a detriment to the best interests of the child.” Fowler went on to say, “I have no…

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ABC employees are five times more likely to be greens voters than the general population, according to RMIT Professor Sinclair Davidson. Professor Davidson told Sky News, “we’re not talking center-left here. We’re actually talking very hard left-wing views here.” “To be quite honest, the hard left view the rest of us with contempt. I mean, they genuinely can’t tell the difference between mass murderers in Scandinavia and News Ltd journalists. They genuinely think they’re of the same sort of thing.” “Why do we as taxpayers hand over $1 billion year after year to fund a government program not fit for…

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Do they deserve it? Australian NBN executives and staff were reportedly paid $66 million in bonuses, despite thousands of complaints for poor service and slow internet speeds. In April the Telecommunications ombudsman report showed there were 22,827 complaints from July to December 2017. That’s close to a 203.9 per cent increase compared to the same period the previous year. Last week it was revealed one third of NBN users surveyed regret their “upgrade.” The survey of 958 Australians showed, if given the option, 34 per cent would go back to their previous setup. Read: NBN execs handed $66million in bonuses…

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