Double standards: British TV show mocks Christian man for believing you can’t change your gender, then they mock a woman for believing you can change your race.
Wake up and smell the hypocrisy, with This Morning hosts Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby. Take a moment to compare the two exchanges below. In the first video, Schofield and Willoughby mock Christians for believing people can’t change their biological genders, branding their view “utterly abhorrent” and “medieval.” Schofield: “You said, ‘The issue lies with the fact that recognising gender fluidity conflicts sharply with your religious beliefs. It’s not unreasonable to call someone a girl if they are born a girl.’ And that in itself could lead you straight back into the fire because that is not the way now that we are led to…
Mother and sex-shop owner creates fake penises for transgender preschool children
TransKids was established when sex-shop owner Searah Deysach saw the need for an online store focused on transgender children and their “unique needs.” The Chicago-based mother who says she likes to, “spread the good word about sex toys and masturbation” came to the realisation “after years of helping adults find high-quality gender expression gear.” One particular product sold on the website is a silicone penis, handcrafted by an “artisan” to help young girls experience the sensation of having a bulge between their legs. “Most trans boys don’t start packing until they are teens or older,” the website states. “Sometimes young kids want…
Young victims of forced marriages are being charged for their rescue
Young women who have been forced into Muslim marriages overseas are being charged by the UK’s Foreign Office for the cost of their rescue. The Times revealed yesterday, “British victims who call for help are told that they have to find hundreds of pounds for their flight home, basic food and shelter.” The report went on to say, “Any who are over 18 and cannot pay are made to sign emergency loan agreements with the Foreign Office before boarding their flight home and have their passports confiscated until they repay.” If the loan is not repaid after six months a…
WATCH: Muslim immigrants shout “Allahu Akhbar” as they destroy German train station: “It’s the beginning of civil war!”
More disturbing scenes out of Germany as Muslim immigrants harass commuters and destroy property to celebrate the new year. “I’m afraid we’re slowly becoming the minority,” a German bystanders said as they filmed immigrants allegedly destroying a train station. “You know what else they were screaming? Allahu Akbah,” one of the female bystanders said. “I only heard, ‘Nazi slut,’ the camera man responded. “No, no. Outside they were screaming Allahu Akbah,” the woman responded. “While they were throwing firecrackers on cars, they screamed Allahu Akbah… It feels like I’m in a war scene here.” WATCH: Media Blackout! "It's the Beginning…
New Year’s with CNN: Hosts take tequila shots and champagne bongs, while guest says her New Year’s resolution is to “make sure the Republican Party dies”
Last year CNN welcomed the new year with reporter Randi Kaye holding a lit marijuana joint. This year Kaye promoted champagne bongs, while anchor Anderson Cooper and co-host Andy Cohen took tequila shots at the top of every hour. During a “New Year’s Resolutions” segment, CNN guest and actress Jane Curtin said her new year’s resolution is to “make sure that the Republican Party dies.” Keep it classy, CNN. WATCH: The Anderson Cooper shot montage you didn't know you needed #CNNNYE — Amber Athey (@amber_athey) January 1, 2019 CNN's Randi Kaye promotes using a champagne bong on live air…
Student EXPELLED from university after posting a comment on Facebook outlining the Christian view of marriage
Two years after marriage was redefined in the U.K., Felix Ngole found himself in a discussion on Facebook. The topic was same-sex marriage, and during the discourse, the-father-of-four put forward the Christian position on the matter. At the time, Ngole was a postgraduate student, enrolled in a social work course at Sheffield University. Two months after posting his comment, Ngole received a letter from the university informing him that he was under investigation. He was eventually summoned to a disciplinary hearing where he was told that he had breached social work guidelines regarding “personal conduct” and “brought the profession into…
CNN says: President Donald Trump’s use of “witch hunt” is offensive to witches
CNN has shared a segment on why President Donald Trump’s use of the phrase “witch hunt” is offensive to witches. The phrase “scraping the bottom of the barrel” was invented for instances such as these… That and “fake news.” WATCH: CNN runs a segment on how Trump's use of "witch hunt" offends witches — Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) December 30, 2018
School children to undergo secret sex education lessons: “bootie calls”, “friends with benefits”, and “one night stands.”
Western Australia imports extreme anti-masculinity ‘Respectful Relationships’ material from Victoria. The $1-million program teaches kids to reject gender roles in fairy tales, embrace same-sex parenting, and reject ‘gender bias’ phrases such as “good morning, princess”, “boys don’t cry” and “girls can’t play with trucks”. The deceptively named ‘Respectful Relationships‘ program was announced during the holidays to keep parents unaware of plans to sexualise and degender OUR kids. The Labor spokesman was unwilling to reveal the exact content, nor which content providers were getting the $1-million in funding, nor which schools would even use the program. This is NOT in the domain of principals…
WATCH: Store employee fired for uncontrollable meltdown after a customer enters wearing a Trump shirt and MAGA hat
Trump derangement syndrome is real. Just ask this customer of XHale City in Tucker Georgia who was yelled at for entering the store wearing a Trump t-shirt and a MAGA hat. After video of the incident was shared on social media, the store posted a statement on Facebook announcing the employees firing. The post, which has since been removed, states: “To our friends and customers. Tonight, we had an employee act improperly toward a customer. Xhale City does not tolerate this kind of behavior from its employees. When we identified the employee at fault, we fired him immediately. We’ve also…
Judge says, now that marriage has been redefined, young children should be taught about homosexuality in schools.
Two years after marriage was redefined in Massachusetts, David Parker’s son brought home a book from his kindergarten classroom. The book was designed to celebrate and normalize homosexuality and same-sex marriages. The following year, Rob and Robin Wirthlin had a similar experience when their seven year old son, and his class, were read a book about the marriage of two homosexual characters. The parents requested prior notification and the opportunity to opt out when the subject of sexuality was being discussed. Their request was rejected. Soon after Parker met with the school principal and the curriculum director to discuss the…
WATCH: Transgender woman loses it after shop employee accidentally calls him “sir” instead of “maam”.
A furious transgender woman has threatened a GameStop employee who accidentally called him “sir” instead of “maam.” The incident, which took place in a store in Albuquerque, New Mexico, was filmed by a bystander and later uploaded to social media. “Motherf***er…. take it outside if you want to call me sir again. I will show you a f***ing sir,” the transgender woman said before kicking over a box display. WATCH:
Compelled speech: School fires Christian teacher who refused to refer to female student as ‘he/him’
A school in Virginia has fired a Christian high school teacher for failing to use a transgender student’s preferred pronoun. French language teacher Peter Vlaming worked at West Point High School for seven years before the school board voted 5-0 in favor of his termination. Vlaming told WWBT, “I’m totally happy to use the new name. I’m happy to avoid female pronouns not to offend because I’m not here to provoke… but I can’t refer to a female as a male, and a male as a female in good conscience and faith.” According to the school, Vlaming’s personal stance violated…
City officials BAN Christian family from farmer’s market for holding to a Christian view of marriage.
When Steve Tennes, owner of Country Mill Farms, expressed his Christian view of marriage on his Facebook page, East Lansing city officials responded by banning him from selling at the city’s farmer’s markets. The Facebook post came about when an unknown individual inquired about a past incident where Tennes simply referred a same-sex couple to an orchard willing to host homosexual celebrations. For a time, Country Mill Farm stopped hosting weddings altogether, but the officials still weren’t satisfied. The city’s attorney said, “This is not about speech and it’s not about religion. It’s about discrimination.” To Tennes, it’s about much…
WATCH: Vietnamese shopkeepers fight off African gang in Melbourne
Remember when you were a child and your parents would let you run to the local store, take your dog for a walk, or ride your bike around the streets with your friends? Would you let your children do the same now? Another violent brawl involving a gang of African men has been filmed by terrified onlookers in Melbourne. The incident, which took place on Christmas Eve, allegedly began when the gang asked a group of Vietnamese men for cigarettes. When the men refused to hand over the cigarettes, they were violently attacked. WATCH: African Gang Attacks Vietnamese Food Patrons.(St…
Queen Elizabeth Says, Jesus Is “Never Out of Date,” His Message Is “Needed as Much as Ever”
The Queen has delivered her 2018 Christmas Message to the Commonwealth, saying Jesus Christ and his message is still relevant today and needed as much as ever. “The Christmas story retains its appeal, since it doesn’t provide theoretical explanations for the puzzles of life. Instead, it’s about the birth of a child and the hope, that birth 2,000 years ago, brought to the world. “Only a few people acknowledged Jesus when he was born, now billions follow him. I believe his message of peace on earth and goodwill to all is never out of date. It can be heeded by…
More Australian Muslims are travelling to Iraq and Syria to fight with the Islamic State.
Australian Federal Police have issued 27 arrest warrants for terror suspects fighting for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Since 2012, 230 Muslims from Australia have traveled overseas to fight for Islamic terrorist groups. Almost 100 of those were killed while fighting for the Islamic State. So, what sort of treasonous act does somebody have to commit to have their passport canceled and be stripped of their Australian citizenship? WATCH: New figures have revealed more Australians are travelling overseas to fight with Islamic State than ever before. #9Today — The Today Show (@TheTodayShow) December 23, 2018
WATCH: Muslims debate a man’s “Quranic right” to beat and humiliate his wife, tells victim of abuse: “You share responsibility. You drove him to beat you.”
Egyptian television has aired a heated debate on a Muslim man’s right to humiliate his wife by beating her. When asked if it was normal for a man to beat his wife, a woman in a full-face covering explained: “If we look at it from the standpoint of the sharia, it does not say that he should beat her. It says that there are several steps he must take before he can beat her… “The purpose of the beating is not to inflict pain, but to humiliate the wife,” the woman added. “You must admit that beating my wife is…
WATCH: Sorry Barbie, there’s a new push to turn Ken gay, Mattel confirms talks.
Poor Barbie has copped it over the recent years, from her “unrealistic body image” to her “sexualised and overly feminine” features. She’s too skinny, too white, too fake, too blonde, too ditsy, and now, after 57-years, it seems her relationship with Ken is too heteronormative. Same sex couple Matt Jacobi and Nick Caprio said they had difficulty finding a same sex wedding set to give to their niece for her 8th birthday, so they created a custom wedding set. Jacobi and Caprio then wrote to Mattel saying, “What a bummer you don’t make one with two grooms… I hope our…
WATCH: Leftists are now singing Christmas carols about Global Warming: “Silent Night, Smoky Night”
Talk about the Grinch that stole Christmas! These leftists are changing the lyrics to popular Christmas carols in order to rail against coal energy. The updated lyrics include: “Away in the Arctic, the glaciers melt. The ice turns to water. The warming is felt.” WATCH: .@chriskkenny says the 'green-left is trying to steal Christmas' after the @arrcc1 changed Christmas carol lyrics to ‘rail against coal energy’. 'Don't turn our Christmas into a green-left political campaign.' MORE: #kennyonsunday — Sky News Australia (@SkyNewsAust) December 16, 2018
WATCH: Morning television show celebrates 11-year old drag queen.
ABC’s Good Morning America recently introduced their audience to Desmond Napoles, an 11 year old child-drag queen also known as, “Desmond is Amazing.” Since it was uploaded, the video, posted on GMA’s official YouTube page, has gathered more than 5-thousand “dislikes” in contrast to just over 200 “likes.” “Everyone involved in this should be put in jail,” the most popular comment under the video reads. “Everyone, please report this video as child abuse,” another individual commented. Earlier this year, HuffPost ran a similar segment featuring the then 10 year old. Professor Jordan Peterson responded to the video saying, “If you don’t…
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