Category Archives: News & Commentary

GRAPHIC: The Napa Country Sheriff’s Office has released dramatic body camera footage showing the moment a female deputy shoots and kills her attempted murderer. Javier Hernandez Morales, 43, fired on Deputy Riley Jarecki at point-blank range as she asked him to roll down the window. After taking cover, Jarecki returned fire, fatally shooting Morales, who according to police, already had a criminal history. Undersheriff Jon Crawford said the department was proud of the composure and poise Jarecki showed while fighting for her life. This is what our remarkable law enforcement personnel potentially face every day. Hats off to Deputy Jarecki…

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Steven Crowder: Our biggest undercover video yet. We go to an abortion clinic in Colorado to expose the truth about late-term abortions — a truth the left, and media, do not want you to see. WATCH:

One woman dies every week at the hands of their partner in Australia. It’s a phrase we hear often; as if it is a pandemic. It’s a phrase that says, ‘Hey! If you see a man today, please remind him not to kill his partner. Because after all, if you don’t remind men on a daily basis to not kill their partner, they might forget and accidentally commit a horrific homicide!’ Seemingly the perpetrators of these horrific crimes aren’t aware that their actions are morally repugnant. They obviously need an awareness campaign to open their eyes. During these lectures we…

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In what could be labelled, the Left devouring its own, seven U.K. Labour members broke with the party yesterday over concerns about Brexit and what ex-Party member, Luciana Berger called, “institutional antisemitism”. Berger stated that she was “embarrassed and ashamed” of what the U.K Labour Party had now become. According to The Australian’s, Greg Sheridan, the seven M.P. Labour-exit is not unwarranted. Sheridan’s aptly titled piece, ‘Stinging rebuke to a Marxist takeover’,[note]Greg Sheridan, The Australian, Wednesday 20th February 2019 (p.9)[/note] backed Berger and her reasons for the seven M.P. exit. ‘ Jeremy Corbyn, the thirty-six year political veteran, and Socialist,…

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“There’s a tendency to embrace fake news or false stories provided they present our opposition in the worst light possible.”

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Foster care support organisation, My Forever Family, has launched a new campaign to encourage homosexuals to ‘grow their pride’ by becoming foster carers. The group, which is operated by a Government funded organisation known as Adopt Change, was launched in July 2018 with a focus on engaging potential foster carers and offering support for a range of existing carers. The new ‘LGBTQ recruitment’ campaign, ‘Grow Your Pride’, coincided with the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Fair Day. My Forever Family took up a stall at the event last Sunday, which they encouraged families to attend. “My Forever Family is going to be at Fair…

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Adam Bandt yesterday gave his supporters a small taste of what Australian life would be like under their filthy Communist dictatorship. The Greens MP for Melbourne, who endorsed teaching schoolgirls as young as 12 how to safely share nude photos and ‘sexy snaps’, posted a ‘campaign kick-off’ invite on his official Facebook page along with a bizarre threat to all who fail to attend. “You better be there,” Bandt said. “If you don’t attend our campaign kick off on March 1, to hear about how our strategy to hold Melbourne and fight the old parties on climate change, racism and…

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Daily Mail: Tennis star Martina Navratilova has claimed transgender women in sport are ‘cheating’ unless they have irreversible surgery to change their anatomy. The nine-times Wimbledon champion, 62, says she is happy to address transgender athletes by whichever pronoun they desire, but would not be happy to compete against them unless they have fully transitioned. This is the second time Navratilova has spoken out on the subject, following a furious Twitter row with transgender female cycling champion Rachel McKinnon at the end of last year. Read the full story.

People smugglers are preparing for business again, with a former smuggler saying he’s been asked by his employers to return to Indonesia and begin gathering passengers willing to travel to Australia illegally by boat. It comes after Labor and the Greens passed new laws making it easier for doctors to order medical evacuations of illegals held in offshore processing facilities. Since passing the new medivac legislation last week, up to 300 refugees and asylum-seekers on Manus Island and Nauru have obtained recommendations from doctors to enable them to transfer to Australia. Peter Dutton, Minister for Home Affairs, said: “The Bill…

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LiveAction: Both the Mississippi House and Senate passed ‘heartbeat bills’ on Wednesday, bills which would ban abortion after a heartbeat is detected in a preborn child, at approximately six weeks. The bill reportedly contains no exceptions for cases of rape, incest, etc. Other states considering similar legislation are, according to the Associated Press, Florida, Kentucky, Ohio, South Carolina and Tennessee. Mississippi previously passed a 15-week abortion ban, which a judge struck down late last year. The state plans to appeal that decision to the Fifth Circuit. Read the full story. I’ve often said I want Mississippi to be the safest place for an unborn child in…

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A man, who identifies as a woman, has been given a community sentence after sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl in a supermarket female-only bathroom. According to The Scotsman, 18-year-old ‘Katie Dolatowski’ sexually assaulted the young girl after grabbing her by the face and forcing her into a toilet cubicle in Morrisons in Kirkcaldy. Dolatowski told the girl there was a man outside who would kill her mother if she did not remove her pants. The youngster managed to escape her attacker only after punching him in the face, stomach, and groin.  One month prior to the attack, Dolatowski was caught attempting to film…

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The Australian: The French parliament has voted to banish the words “mother” and “father” from official paperwork in the education system to tackle discrimination against gay parents. Children’s documents will instead refer to Parent 1 and Parent 2. The move has angered conservatives and Christians who argue that it signals the country’s moral decline. Groups fiercely opposed to gay marriage have called for civil disobedience if, as is widely expected, the move is approved by the Senate. Read the full story.

Sydney Morning Herald reports: Sonia Kruger vilified Muslim people when she called for Australia to close its borders to those of the Islamic faith during a segment on the Today show, but did not engage in racial vilification because Muslim people living in Australia are not a race, a tribunal has found. In a decision on Friday, the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal said Kruger’s “vilifying remarks” in July 2016 “amounted to a stereotypical attack on all Muslims in Australia” and had the capacity to “encourage hatred towards, or serious contempt for, Australian Muslims by ordinary members of the Australian population”. Read…

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Just a few years ago in November 2015, Paris experienced its very own 9/11. Beginning at 21:16, three suicide bombers hit outside the Stade de France during a football match between Germany and France. This was the first of three carefully and professionally coordinated attacks. The second saw several mass shootings and a suicide bomber target nearby cafes and restaurants. The final and most barbaric attack was during an Eagles of Death Metal concert at the Bataclan theatre. 90 innocent lives were taken and later reports found that many of the victims were disembowelled and raped, which had to be…

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Today’s front page of NT News: “One year ago today a two-year-old girl was raped in Tennant Creek. Despite the outrage, new figures show the annual number of abuse and neglect notifications for NT children has increased to 24,743. That equates to one every 21 minutes.” What the hell is your government doing @CPaech @dalesuzi ?! Why aren’t our babies being saved?! Do they not deserve the same kind of upbringing as you had? The same kind of upbringing the children in your family have? — Jacinta Nampijinpa (@JNampijinpa) February 14, 2019

The Australian reports: Up to 300 refugees and asylum-seekers on Manus Island and Nauru have obtained recommendations from treating doctors to enable them to be transferred to Australia under the new medivac legislation. Advice to the government has warned that the paperwork for refugees and asylum-seekers in offshore facilities was prepared ahead of yesterday’s passage of the medivac bill and would be “ready for lodgment” as soon as the changes became law. Read the full story.

Life Site News: Feminist writer Meghan Murphy has filed a lawsuit against Twitter because she was banned by the social media giant after she criticized so-called transgender people. A Canadian, Murphy frequently writes on gender politics and is the founder of Feminist Current, an influential feminist website. In 2017, she spoke before the Senate of Canada and described her reasons for opposing transgender ideology. On Facebook and YouTube, she explained the reasons for the lawsuit. Murphy wrote that Twitter “allows porn, as well as accounts that enable sex trafficking, on their platform, but ban women who speak the truth about material reality…

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Life Site News: Hungary’s ever increasing support for families by the government is creating an environment where marriages and families are flourishing and abortion numbers are dropping, one of the country’s ministers advised [at] a recent international conference on life and family. The support has caused abortion numbers to plunge by more than a third of what they were in 2010 (40,449 to 28,500). It has also caused a plunge in the number of divorces (23,873 in 2010 to 18,600 in 2017) and a surge in the number of marriages (35,520 in 2010 to 50,600 in 2017). Read the full story.

Daily Mail: An Afghan asylum seeker who arrived in Australia illegally by boat held a foreign university [student] hostage and subjected her to six hours of sexual assault after luring her to a hotel using a bogus job ad. Mokhtari Alimadad, 42, of Dandenong, Victoria, lured his young victim to a Melbourne motel on May 6, 2016 under the guise of offering her a job as a sales assistant on Gumtree. But the one-time Afghan soldier, who worked for the coalition forces, had no intention of employing the traveller from Lithuania. Read the full story.

Life Site News: In his annual State of the Nation address this past Sunday, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced his proposed “Family Protection Action Plan,” a package of policies aimed at encouraging couples to marry and have children. Lots of children. A key element of Orban’s plan would exempt women with four or more children from the income tax. His plan also offers women under 40 who are getting married for the first time special low-interest government loans of up to 10 million Hungarian Forints ($35,606 USD). “Hungarian fertility rates have been below replacement for decades,” says Population Research Institute President Steven Mosher,…

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