WATCH: The War On Masculinity
“While the progressive left struggle to define the difference between man and woman, many on the right, including those within conservative circles, are having just as much trouble accurately defining masculinity.”
Don’t Be Silenced by Their Name-Calling and False Accusations of “Hate”
“False accusations of ‘racism’ or ‘hate’ are oftentimes only used to silence those who are neither racist nor hateful. It’s only those who reject such labels that the false charge is designed to silence.”
We Have Forgotten God, That’s Why All This Has Happened
“Christianity overwhelmingly helped to give birth to the West, but now the child is rejecting its parent. It has forgotten who has given it birth.”
Too Much Capitalism
“You cannot monetise everything and keep the soul of your society. Because monetising everything is akin to making money your god, and Mammon is an exacting deity that holds long and merciless accounts of debts owed.”
We Are the Communists Now
“We are the Communists now. We now live in the anti-free world. We now live in the world that rejects national sovereignty, and promotes globalized empire. We now live in the world that rejects political speech, but promotes degraded speech and calls it free speech. We now live in the world where Christianity is under increasing attack and is being increasingly sidelined.”
Christians Are Called to Be Countercultural
“Have evangelicals come full circle in just fifty years – from fundamentalist isolation to mainstream acceptance? Have we embraced a national creed that values personal growth over doctrinal orthodoxy?”
For the Umpteenth Time: Christians Must Engage With the World Around Them
“Just imagine if Wilberforce foolishly listened to his Christian critics who told him to stop wasting his time in political and cultural battles: we would still have slavery today.”
Gender Gnosticism
“Rather than teaching the true roles of men and women, the Church has almost universally capitulated to Gender Gnostic teachings.”
Pilgrims and Propaganda
“Eventually, the ruse will be revealed, and everybody will see our current cultural trend for what it is: a rotting corpse.”
Forget the 99 Shades of Grey – We Need to Again Affirm Truth
“A man was meant to be doubtful about himself, but undoubting about the truth; this has been exactly reversed.”
Resistance Rappers Crash ‘Boycott Target’ Into the Hip/Hop Top Ten
“The PRIDE line features PRIDE flag onesies for infants, and bathing suits to encourage boys to be girls through ‘tucking,’ and girls to be boys by providing ‘extra crotch coverage.'”
The Harmful Trans Tsunami Being Aided and Abetted By Woke Wonders
“The level of mass stupidity here is mind-boggling. And the big losers are women and children.”
Passive Man, Wicked Woman
“…passive men are more common than abusive men. Far more common. It is like a plague in our society today.”
Small Citizens Make Big Government
“It doesn’t take a great deal of strength to snap a single twig with your bare hands. Those who wish to dominate us understand this truth.”
C.S. Lewis Sounded the Alarm, but We Paid No Heed
“I am very doubtful whether history shows us one example of a man who, having stepped outside traditional morality and attained power, has used that power benevolently.”
The Case Against the Sexual Revolution
“It is women who are overwhelmingly the losers when it comes to the assault on marriage and the push for sexual liberation.”
What Created Western Civilisation?
“Christianity is not just responsible for helping create Western civilisation, it is also responsible for creating the nations of Europe and giving them their sense of national, rather than simply tribal, identity.”
What Ended Western Civilisation?
“Christianity was not dethroned to enable a secular utopia, in reality, Christianity has been dethroned to create a vacuum and that vacuum is being filled by the ancient pagan ideas our society once rejected.”
Rejecting the Family Outright?
“To say you should not care about the nation because you are part of the people of God is precisely the equivalent of saying you should not prioritize your family because you are part of the family of God.”
God Save the King. No, Really
“It’s said that Mary Queen of Scots once admitted that she feared John Knox’s prayers more than all the assembled armies of Europe. She understood real power, superior to any force the world could muster against it.”