Category Archives: Culture

Race-baiter Shaun King has urged his more than 1 million followers to “tear down” church statues, murals, and stained-glass imagery that depicts Jesus as white. “Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down,” King tweeted on Monday. “They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been. In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Denmark. “Tear them down,” he added. Yes. All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends…

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IT is only a matter of time before someone pulls down a statue of Mother Teresa because she was silent on transgender rights. Admittedly, the Catholic saint did some good work amongst the poor of Calcutta, but did she ever use her international profile to campaign for gender-neutral bathrooms? No. And so her statue must go. And statues of Florence Nightingale will likely be demolished because she failed to speak out about the climate emergency. Little matter that the founder of modern nursing lived and died before the effects of the industrial revolution were known. Her silence was violence. How…

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Carl F.H. Henry’s ‘Twilight of a Great Civilization: The Drift Toward Neo-Paganism’ (1988) is chillingly accurate. He admonishes complacency, retreat and inaction without slipping into an apocalyptic moralistic rant about a wayward world. The value here, at least for me anyway, is found in its prescience, and Henry’s focus on truth vs. falsehood, as opposed to Right vs. Left; sinner vs. sinless. Henry pivots his entire discourse on a Socratic question, asking readers to note, reflect, and deflect neo-paganism’s self-evident cultural contamination of the West through Secular Humanism. Centre-stage is the salvific importance of the revelation of God in Jesus…

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Dr Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Seminary in the U.S, is the latest victim of ‘cancel culture’. Religion News Service (RNS) is reporting that over 10,000 people have signed a petition to have Dr Mohler fired because of a supposed “racist” and “homophobic” podcast on June 3. (A full transcript of what was said can be found here) So, what precisely was Dr Mohler’s thought crime? It was that he failed to unequivocally affirm the violent riots around Black Lives Matter protest, and instead “…equated evangelical anger over the Episcopal Church’s embrace of LBTQ rights with the national outrage…

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If you Google the term “Cultural Marxism,” you will likely be told that it is a right-wing conspiracy theory. But pick a different search engine, or scroll for long enough, and you will find a more robust definition. Cultural Marxism—for those new to the concept—is a worldview gaining immense popularity throughout the West. It refers to a collection of ideas rather than a collection of people. Cultural Marxism is a secular philosophy that views all of life as a power struggle between the oppressed and the oppressor. The oppressor is usually an aspect of traditional western society such as the family, capitalism,…

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Yes, I also had to make sure it wasn’t a fake headline. The New York Times really did publish an article titled, “Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime.” In the 2014 op-ed piece, it’s argued that 1 percent of the male population find themselves sexually attracted to prepubescent children. So, if there are 159,410,000 males in the United States, that would mean there are approximately 1,594,100 male pedophiles throughout the nation. The piece argues that there are harmful misconceptions when it comes to pedophilia. According to the author, a distinction should be made between child molestation as an act and pedophilia…

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Disney Pixar released a short film for young viewers on Friday, featuring the company’s first homosexual main character. The story, titled “Out”, follows a homosexual adult male named Greg as he struggles to tell his parents that he’s in a relationship with another man. After his parents pay a surprise visit to his apartment, Greg frantically tries to hide the evidence of his homosexual relationship, only to realise that he shouldn’t have to hide who he truly is. According to NBC News, Walt Disney Studios, the parent of Pixar and a subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company has been stepping…

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I hate to admit it, but there seems little point trying to hide the obvious. We’re losing the war on death. Despite billions of dollars being spent on health care every year, people are still dying. The experts tell us that despite our best efforts, death is inevitable. In spite of this, I don’t hear people calling for a cut in health spending. Nor do I hear people calling for the closure of medical centres and hospitals. It is a curious situation because we are also losing the war on drugs, and that revelation always brings calls for radical changes…

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Just how ‘tolerant’ is the homosexual movement? That’s the question many are currently asking since the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) used rainbow flags during COVID-19 to rally people’s morale. Apparently, the furore all started because an older gentleman flew a rainbow flag outside his window in support of the NHS and refused to acknowledge that it meant he was supporting people who are LGBTIQ. All of which led to his homosexual grandson tweeting: My grandad who is a staunch "I've got nothing against them, but I don't want to know about it" has put this up out front and…

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In 1982, renowned thinker, philosopher, theologian and author, Dr Francis Schaeffer delivered a speech on the television program, Old-Time Gospel Hour. During the speech, which was titled The Christian Manifesto, Dr Schaeffer pin-pointed a significant cultural change that brought about many, if not all, of the troubles our society is now faced with. That change was a broadly accepted shift in worldview, and it stands as evidence that bad worldviews birth bad ideas, and bad ideas result in bad consequences. So, what was this ideological shift that is responsible for “everything that is troubling our culture”? In the following short…

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“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…” – US Declaration of Independence I have been intending to write a series of serious articles on the topic of equality for some time now. A few things held me back. 1) I wanted to read some top scholars on the subject first. 2) I have shared many of my thoughts in various forums at different times with people, seeking to sharpen my thoughts on this subject. 3) I have read some other posts written by other people on this topic, and frankly, I considered their efforts…

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JASON identified as a woman and was quick to point out how he would like to be addressed: “My name is Jason. But I’d prefer to be called Joanne. Or Jay.” I held out my hand. “Nice to meet you, Jay.” Jay looked relieved. I think Jay was expecting an argument about biology. Now we could have had that argument because I don’t for a second believe that Jay is a woman. Jay is a man in a dress. And I don’t believe surgery or prescribed hormones can turn Jay into a woman; though I’m sure treatment would help Jason…

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In a brief five minute video posted to Desiring God’s YouTube channel, John Piper rips apart the cultural control of ‘cancel culture’. The small segment was taken from a talk given in January called ‘Serious Joy, Cultural Conflict, & Christian Humility: Thoughts on Christian Education.’ Piper’s argument is one of the best I’ve heard so far from Christian leaders – Voddie Baucham’s lengthy, but poignant takedown of ‘Cultural Marxism’ being the only exception (as has been discussed by Caldron Pool’s Editor Ben Davis, here). Like Baucham, Piper turns the light on where few seem willing to do so. Leaning on…

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When Catholic Archbishop of Hobart Julian Porteous wrote a booklet entitled “Don’t Mess with Marriage”, it never occurred to him that the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner was about to mess with him. The Catholic bishop was merely doing what Catholic bishops do. He wrote a booklet outlining Catholic doctrine for Catholic parents interested in Catholic teaching. That’s when a transgendered activist and federal Greens candidate stepped in. The activist complained to the Commission that the booklet was insulting. As well as an apology, she demanded that Catholic Education implement a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex awareness program for all staff…

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Marvel Studios has been mocked and criticised since introducing their first non-binary superheroes to their franchise, but it’s not just conservatives and Christians who are taking issue. The new characters, named ‘Snowflake’ and ‘Safespace’ were introduced earlier this month and are part of a planned New Warriors reboot. Daniel Kibblesmith from Marvel said, “Snowflake and Safespace are the twins, and their names are very similar to Screentime [another new character]; it’s the idea that these are terms that get thrown around on the internet they don’t see as derogatory.” “[They] take those words and kind of wear them as badges of…

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Earlier this month during the “Not Ashamed” conference, hosted in Adelaide by Australian Christian Lobby, Dr Stephen Chavura addressed one of the biggest issues facing Christians today. According to Dr Chavura, recent LGBTQ issues, such as same-sex marriage and transgenderism, signify a cultural shift that has taken place over the past 50 years. Attitudes towards Christianity have changed. The critique is no longer that Christianity is irrational, but that it is harmful to people’s mental health, and the LGBTQ “community”, in particular. “This is the shift that we’re seeing happening right now,” Dr Chavura said. “That is the argument that…

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Ben Shapiro cops it from the Leftist outrage brigade, simply for speaking sense into a subject, which involves a very small minority wanting the power to determine what you think and how you speak. This was four years ago, but take note of the hate and hostility coming from those claiming Ben is being hateful. Unfortunately, not much has changed. We’re still being told that “P” can equal “Q”, and anyone who opposes this is faced with the threat of violence. Justified under the auspices of Marxism – critical theory, its perpetual revolution and the idea of Utopian reconstruction. This…

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Mark Latham has slammed the NSW Government’s “diversity and inclusion” staffing policies in the public service, and the new LGBTIQ Network, branding it a policy of “exclusion and division.” NSW Government bureaucrats admitted on Monday that their policy does not reflect a number of groups in the community, despite affirming that a world-class public service ought to “reflect the diversity of the community it serves.” The NSW One Nation leader accused the state government of adopting a “very selective diversity” policy, which excludes Christians, heterosexuals, homeless, public housing tenants, the unemployed and low-income earners. “The CHULIPS are totally left out…

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Disney-Pixar’s latest animated release “Onward” has been censored in Russia, banned in some Middle Eastern countries, and boycotted in the U.S. after introducing the first openly gay character in an animated feature film. The character, voiced by actress Lena Waithe, appears in just one “vital” scene in the middle of the film. During the scene, the female character, named Specter, makes mention of her lesbian girlfriend. However, according to a report from the Russian film website, the Russian dubbed version changes the word “girlfriend” to “partner.” “Presumably, Disney’s Russian branch tried to avoid unnecessary problems with the anticipated project’s…

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The Arizona House of Representatives passed a bill on Tuesday that would ban transgender students from competing in girls’ sports. The bill, H.B. 2706, which applies to both public and private schools as well as community colleges and universities, requires teams in the state to be “expressly designated” for “males, men or boys;” “females, women or girls;” or “co-ed or mixed-sex.” Teams “designated for females, women or girls may not be open to students of the male sex,” under the proposal. The bill, which passed in a party-line vote of 31-29, will now move to the GOP-controlled Senate. Rep. Nancy…

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