Robbers, Robbers Everywhere
“He who does not make his reign subservient to the divine glory, acts the part not of a king, but a robber.”
Final and Full Divine Justice Is on Its Way
“He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.”
Sometimes They Must Be Named and Shamed
“Private sin, private rebuke; public sin, public rebuke.”
Faith Transcends Culture
“Unity is foundationally based on understanding who we are before God.”
Theology Must Never Be Separated From Doxology
“People in earlier times used to boast that theology was the queen of the sciences.”
Franklin Graham Laments Church of England’s LGBT Capitulation
“It’s a sad day for the Church of England,” Graham wrote.
The Blessings of God on Abraham
What was the blessing on Abraham really about?
Anti-Christian Bigotry: History Repeating Itself
“Europe today is almost as pagan as it was back when Saul was head-hunting believers.”
Are We Seeing Some Major Christian Conversions Here?
Two potential conversions to Christianity have many people talking.
Salvation Is For All, Regardless of Race
“All must come to Christ by His grace through faith. No works, nor privilege, no skin colour, no citizenship, no ancestry, no race, no special national advantage can save you.”
Israel Needs Jesus
“Only in Christ is there any hope of receiving the promises of God. Outside of him, there is nothing that will stand on the final day.”
Who Wants Glory?
“Glory suggests two ideas to me, of which one seems wicked and the other ridiculous. Either glory means to me fame, or it means luminosity.”
Are Christians a Part of Israel?
“Christ is our brother through adoption. He is an Israelite, so we are therefore adopted into Israel. To be the brother of an Israelite is to be an Israelite. To be in Christ is to be in Israel.”
A Vital Reminder to Christians
“Often, we can look at the society around us and ask ourselves, ‘How long will God let this injustice go unpunished?'”
God Still Curses Nations
“There are universal principles and there are inbuilt laws written on the hearts and minds of mankind according to which God judges individuals and nations. To break these is to break families, societies, cities and nations.”
Yes, We Must Discern and We Must Judge
“How many times have you heard it said that we must never judge?”
We Need a Clear Definition of Good Works
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
Distance Makes No Difference
“When Jesus left to be with His Father, He wasn’t abandoning His people. Instead, He was strengthening them.”
The Ongoing War on Christians
“The once-Christian West is now the most anti-Christian part of the planet.”
Divine Sovereignty and Spurgeon the Soul-Winner
“If you really long to save men’s souls, you must tell them a great deal of disagreeable truth.”