Category Archives: Australia

Victoria Police say they are not investigating after an Australian man was bashed by an African gang attempting to rob a phone store in northwest Melbourne. The victim was assaulted outside the shop in St Albans on Monday after he confronted the group of teenagers. Cameras caught the shocking moment the gang set upon their victim, punching, kicking and hurling tables and chairs at him. The man eventually managed to take refuge in the store. Victoria Police said they are not investigating the incident since a complaint had not been made. WATCH:

Greens leader Richard Di Natale wants successful Australian’s to hand over $10.5 billion of their hard-earned money in an effort to increase the dole to $75 per week. Those earning more than $300,000 will be forced to fund Di Natale’s multi-billion-dollar pay out. “Restricting the tax deductions for 45,000 people could pay for a new quality of life for 838,000 Australians,” Di Natale said. Quality of life? How does increasing the quality of life for people on the dole encourage them to get out there and work for something better? Ronald Reagan once rightly said, “We should measure welfare’s success…

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Bill Shorten has promised a $20-million in taxpayer funded “investment” in women’s netball if Labor is elected. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in 2005-06, a total of 387,500 women aged 15 years and over participated in the game. “If Labor is elected we’re going to make the biggest single ever investment in women’s netball, $20-million,” Shorten said in a video he shared on Twitter. “I’m a netball dad. I’m really proud when I watch my girls train and when they run onto court. I want every girl to have the same chance as every boy in Australia playing…

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A University in Sydney is forcing students to undergo a sexual consent training course in order to view their exam results. The University of Technology Sydney reportedly issued students a notice that said, “Want your results? Complete Consent Matters training in order to see your session results.” “You’ve got to be absolutely kidding me,” one student said. “My university handed this to me after my first exam. They’re going to ransom my test results until I complete this mandatory consent training. All UTS students are in the same boat.” You’ve got to be absolutely kidding me ? My university handed…

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Senator James Paterson has applauded Simon Birmingham for his “careful stewardship of taxpayer dollars,” after the former education minister rejected $4.2-million in recommended university research grants. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, this is the first time a minister has used such powers in more than a decade. On Twitter Labor Senator for Victoria, Kim Carr said, “last time this happened was by Brendan Nelson.” However, in Carr’s next tweet he went on to call Birmingham’s actions “unprecedented.” “The former Minister has interfered with Australia’s peer review system,” Carr tweeted. “Is it because he did not like the topics, the…

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A Melbourne University has announced a gender initiative for its transgender staff members. Employees of Deakin University will be awarded up to ten days of paid leave while undergoing gender ‘reassignment’ surgery. Chief operating officer Kean Selway said, “The paid leave is backed by a new gender transition policy which provides security and clarity around the process for Deakin staff who are undergoing a gender transition. “Fostering a genuinely inclusive environment affords all our staff and students a sense of belonging and an equal chance of success whether it be through study or work.” The Deakin Gender Transition Procedure,  states: “The…

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Tasmania is set to become the first state to remove gender from birth certificates in a move to appease transgender activists. According to The Australian, a vote is expected in Tasmania’s lower house next month, as amendments to a bill ending the need for trans people to divorce before they can change their gender on official documents. Amendments also include removing the need for trans people to have sex-change surgery before switching genders. The Australian Christian Lobby said the amendments essentially abolished gender, further “homogenised humanity” and “greatly diminished” the significance of birth certificates. Lyle Shelton from the Australian Conservatives…

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“Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state.” This quote has often been attributed to Adolf Hitler. Whether or not he said it is beside the point. As sinister as it sounds, it’s widely held that, “he alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” Educating children is an investment, and there are many fighting to invest in your children today in order to further their causes tomorrow. So, what are we allowing them to put into their textbooks? What sort of state, what sort of future, are we allowing them to create? And what are we…

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I worry that Australia is sleepwalking its way to disaster. Political correctness, identity politics and cultural Marxism have run through our institutions at an astonishing rate. Sometimes I’m asked why I wasn’t saying these things when I was leader of the Labor Party in 2004. The answer is straightforward: none of these issues were current 14 years ago. They simply didn’t exist. Australian politics has been through a remarkable period of change. Prior to the election of the Rudd Government in 2007, the budget was in surplus, our electricity supply was stable and affordable, political correctness had disappeared and only…

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For those who believe in absolute freedom, any “no” spoken to humanity from outside humanity, is repressive, and unfairly restrictive. In the shadow of this logic, even a lighthouse or global positioning navigation is offensive. Both the lighthouse and GPS direct humanity. They protect freedom, because in their very confrontation with us, they invite true freedom. They remind us of individual responsibility. Their existence shows us the necessity and power of decision. They direct us to make responsible choices. The existence of the lighthouse warns us that danger awaits. To act in absolute freedom and ignore this warning, is to…

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Queensland is celebrating the decriminalisation of abortion by turning the bridges purple, or so Jackie Trad initially thought. The state’s deputy premier posted photos on Twitter Thursday afternoon showing Victoria Bridge and Kurilpa Bridge lit up purple. “Love seeing our local bridges beaming with purple light to celebrate the passing of our bill to decriminalise abortion,” Trad said. “We’re keeping them lit up right across the weekend so make sure you go check them out.” Love seeing our local bridges beaming with purple light to celebrate the passing of our bill to decriminalise abortion. We’re keeping them lit up right…

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There’s a new line of underwear on the market, and it’s helping ‘transgender’ boys as young as five hide their penises. “Tuck Buddies” were created to be a “comfortable underwear option for transgender kids.” The product is designed with an extra layer at the front to “provide a bit of padding and coverage for young trans kids.” “My five and a half year old trans daughter has pretty much always presented as a female,” one customer said. “As an infant everyone assumed she was a baby girl.” “Around five, after transitioning, she really started noticing her penis more, and complaining…

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A recent opinion piece on has argued that women should be outraged at the recent vote to decriminalise abortion by the Queensland Parliament, because of the strong gender divide between the yes and no votes. You see, we should be outraged that most female MPs voted yes and that male MP’s dominated the no vote. The picture presented here is that the vast majority of women are in favour of killing babies and it’s that evil patriarchy who are holding them back – men who don’t deserve to contribute to this debate because they don’t have a uterus. While…

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How hateful do you have to be to get expelled from the Party of Diversity? We’ll find out today, depending on whether NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley removes Shaquette Moselmane as the Labor Party’s Chief Whip in the upper house. Moselmane has form for antisemitic tweeting, as NSW Treasurer pointed out in Question Time yesterday. But his dissemination – at 10pm Wednesday night – of a Jewish conspiracy article is a new low, even for him. It’s more a ramble than an article – the familiar trope about Israelis controlling Australian foreign policy – but what makes it interesting is…

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It is the best of times. At no other time in human history has there been less war or invasion, plagues or pestilence, slavery or poverty. There has never been more knowledge, education and instant availability of information literally in the pockets and at the fingertips of more people than there is now. We are empowered, free and masters of our own destiny. We are civilised and enlightened and the major problems which plagued humanity for millennia have largely been solved. But it is the worst of times. We boast of social progress from the pagan ignorance of slavishly worshipping…

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The PC brigade are at it again, this time suggesting the word ‘guys,’ when used in a gender-neutral sense, is sexist toward women and problematic for some in the LGBTQ+ community. Critics are arguing that it positions men as the “default” because “guy” in the singular refers to a male. “Guys is gender neutral!” — Stephanie (@stefness) December 8, 2017 Lisa Annese, CEO of Diversity Council Australia said, some people feel excluded by the word. “The word ‘guys’ can be used to mean both men and women — but not for everybody.” According to The ABC, the term is…

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When Queensland Deputy Premier, Jackie Trad, put forward her case for abortion, she basically appealed to three arguments: (1) “The right of women to control their own reproduction, their own bodies, is such an important part of equality in our society. (2) To prioritise the rights of a fetus above that of a woman is something that I find offensive. (3) Because the logical conclusion to that argument is that a woman should be forced to continue an unwanted pregnancy.” These tried old arguments are completely wrong for the following reasons: 1. In an abortion, a woman isn’t “controlling” her…

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Queensland’s abortion decriminalisation bill passed State Parliament Wednesday night, 50 to 41. Abortion will now be removed from the criminal code and made a “health issue,” allowing women to abort their babies up to 22 weeks’ gestation. Abortions after 22 weeks will be allowed with the approval of two doctors. Safe zones will also be established around abortion clinics to prevent pro-lifers and side-walk counselors from reaching out to women seeking an abortion. Queensland Deputy Premier Jackie Trad celebrated the outcome saying, “What a day for women. What a day for Queensland. We finally did it.” Lyle Shelton from the…

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Senator Pauline Hanson has once again caused remarkable controversy by saying something entirely unremarkable. “It’s okay to be white.” Apparently this is highly controversial because an idiot said it once upon a time. That’s it. It’s not factually incorrect. There is nothing inherently intolerant, violent, hateful or inaccurate about it. Of course, if the outrageous motion put by the Senator to our Commonwealth Parliament was repeated in Cape Town, you can be sure Cyril Ramaphosa would be frothing at the mouth nearly as much as Senator Penny Wong is now. According to Penny, “everyone” knows the phrase is used by…

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Alicia Gunn is an award winning public school teacher from Mississauga, Ontario. Gunn’s teaching methods are such a hit, her work has been endorsed by the Ontario government. She also happens to be a lesbian. At a pro-gay teachers’ conference in 2015, Gunn revealed how she teaches 9 to 10 year old kids to accept homosexuality without their parent’s knowledge or consent. “I can hide it a little bit in the math,” Gunn said. “And what I mean is I can say, ‘I’m just teaching your kid about division…’” LISTEN: As an example, Gunn presented her math lesson on triangles.…

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