Preaching the Beauty of God
“…beauty is something which God has woven into the world in order to evoke delight and longing in our souls.”
Education and Gazing on the Beauty of the Lord
“A free society is only possible when you have a virtuous citizenship. And virtuous citizenship only comes through virtuous citizens. Without virtue and a true love of that which is really Good, True and Beautiful each citizen will seek after their own desires and society will descend into chaos.”
The Sky is Beckoning
“This is what our man-made religions are like. They are wings of wax and feathers that melt when we encounter the bright beauty of the holiness of God. They can give us the feeling of flying for a time, but in the end, they send us crashing to our death.”
One Reason to Vote ‘No’ to The Voice
“The Aboriginal culture on which ‘The Uluru Statement’ stands is nature-worship, ancestor-worship, animism. It is pagan.”
Walk For Life: Thousands to Rally in Sydney Against Abortion
Every six minutes a baby is aborted in Australia.
Structural Solutions Don’t Solve Community Problems
“Placing the blame for community issues in past traumas disempowers the current generation. You can’t change the past. So, if the past is the cause of your current problems then you can’t change the present either.”
Don’t Apologize for Believing in God
“The existence of God is assumed from the very beginning. This makes sense when you realise that the Bible is God’s word to us. Whenever I start speaking to someone, oddly enough I never feel compelled to prove my own existence.”
Parent Like God
“Our default is to imitate our parents. We imitate them in the good and in the bad. And unfortunately, often where we see our parents’ faults, we reverse-imitate them and end up doing what they did in the opposite direction.”
Abortion Should Be Illegal
“If every Christian was to do what they are supposed to do, we would stop abortion tomorrow. No more babies would be killed.”
Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely… Or Does It?
“Power does not corrupt. Power is not the source of corruption.”
The Glory of the Mundane
“When God made bread, he made it knowing that Jesus would be the bread of life and that we would use bread to remind us of Christ in the Lord’s Supper for millennia. Bread wasn’t a mistake.”
Freedom Isn’t the Ability to Do Whatever We Want, It’s the Ability to Pursue What Is Good
“When a man has no faith in the reward of good or the punishment of evil, there is no reason to be human.”
Where Do We Draw the Line in the Sand?
“I am genuinely surprised at how far we have been willing to go to obey the government and I think it is critical to ask the question: ‘At which point will I disobey?'”
Recovering Fatherhood From the Dumbing Down of Dads
These days dads are typically portrayed as dumb. Think Homer Simpson (doh!) or Daddy Pig or Raymond.
The Value and Dignity of People
If you want to express your disgust at a country, how would you do it? What action can you take against a nation that displays your anger towards the people there when you are a long way away and can’t actually touch them? It’s sadly a common enough sight which you have probably seen on news reels: you burn their flag. Here’s a similar idea from a different angle: When a man is going away from his sweetheart for a long time – perhaps to war, perhaps some other situation has torn them apart – what can he do to…
Western civilisation has moved from Christianity through science-based rationalism to paganism
We typically think of our western culture as being secular. Western civilisation was not born out of secular (non-religious) concepts. Great Britain was a Christian nation when it colonised a large part of the world and Christian concepts formed the basis of its government, education and laws. America similarly had a Christian worldview underlying its formation. The Mayflower Compact was the first document written by the early western settlers of America when they landed at Plymouth Colony. In it the Pilgrims write (emphasis mine): Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of…
God’s Great Rainbow
Many years ago, recorded for us in Genesis chapter 6-9, God destroys the whole earth, save 8 people and 2 of each animal. It was the wickedness of man’s heart that led to this destruction. “When the LORD saw that man’s wickedness was widespread on the earth and that every scheme his mind thought of was nothing but evil all the time, the LORD regretted that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. Then the LORD said, “I will wipe off the face of the earth: man, whom I created, together with the…