Anti-Conversion Laws Seek To Outlaw Anyone Leaving the LGBTQ Lifestyle
With how irrelevant anti-conversion therapy laws are, the implication is that the LGBTQAAI+ religion is seeking to outlaw anyone from leaving the LGBT lifestyle.
Where Was Five-Year-Old Cannon Hinnant’s ‘White Privilege’?
The murder of Cannon Hinnant exposed systemic bias in the mainstream media. The majority of news outlets not reporting the execution-style murder of a five-year-old white boy at the hands of a black neighbour wasn’t a glitch.
Anti-Conservative Teachers Don’t Want Parents Knowing What They’re Teaching Children
The disturbing ease and security from which some anti-conservatives operate on social media often help reveal cracks in the Left’s masquerade of sinless benevolence. Overconfident statements, built on the self-righteous belief that the majority shares their views, often leads to unintended consequences. Such forthright statements can take the form of confessions showing just how far to the Left, many anti-conservatives have gone. It’s a form of “Dutch courage.” Where instead of dealing with actions and confessions drawn out by alcoholic inebriation. Actions and confessions are spawned from an intoxicating sense of entitlement to power over others. This was demonstrated by…
The Chosen: Powerful, Unique
Powerful and unique are two of the best ways to quickly describe season one of ‘The Chosen’, a ‘pay-it-forward’ episodic, visual chronicle of the life of Jesus.
Dennis Prager Backs Anti-COVID-19 Drug HCQ: “The Left is Weaponizing Medicine”
In his latest fireside chat, Dennis Prager addressed the politicisation of hydroxychloroquine.
Australia Increases Funding For Research Into ‘Controversial’ Anti-COVID-19 Drug
It might surprise the self-righteous, COVID-1984 surveillance and speech police, that Australia’s Health Minister, Greg Hunt, has been funding research into the “controversial” drug hydroxychloroquine.
Using the COVID-19 Crisis for Political Gain Has Precedent
It’s not baseless to suggest that people with vested political interests are using third party operators to suppress information about an alternative treatment to COVID-19 in order to win an election, “costs be damned”.
Big Tech Spin Doctors Ban Viral Video of Real Doctors Offering a Second Opinion on COVID-19
It has to make you wonder who the Big Tech Companies are taking their cues from, when they ban, block and boot professionals for publicly announcing a valid opposing viewpoint to the prevailing theory about how to treat COVID-19.
White BLM Activist Tells Black Immigrant Doctor: “I’m More Black Than You”
Suffice to say, nothing sums up the Marxist Black Lives Matter political party, like a White BLM activist accusing a Black immigrant doctor of betraying Black Lives Matter.
Washington Post Settles With Covington Student Nicholas Sandmann Over False Racism Claims
In another major win against fake news, The Washington Post has settled with Covington schoolboy, Nick Sandmann. The original lawsuit against WaPo was dismissed last August after a federal judge ruled that the Washington Post hadn’t slandered Sandmann in its reporting of the infamous, so-called racist “standoff” between himself and Native American, Nathan Phillips on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Sandmann’s win, announced on Twitter yesterday, follows an “amendment complaint” which was put forward in October last year. According to USA Today, upon review “out of 33 statements 3 required further review,” allowing “a portion of the lawsuit to…
Twitter Brands Star of David ‘Hateful Imagery’ Then Backtracks
Left-leaning, Jewish online news organization, Jerusalem Post reports that Twitter have blocked accounts which feature the Star of David, branding the symbol “hateful imagery.”
Bari Weiss’ Resignation Shows That the Left Is Frankenstein and Cancel Culture Is Their Monster
Bari Weiss’ resignation last week raised eyebrows, ruffled feathers, and furthered speculation about the existence of an internal war being waged between the traditional Left and radical Leftists within modern liberalism. This “civil war” isn’t new. What has been emerging from a series of high-profile defections and protests over the past decade, is evidence of an unstable hegemonic power purging itself of the rational in order to exalt the radical. Wiess’s protest exit adds to a growing list of intellectuals walking away from Leftism and its corrosive “convert, pay a tax or else” culture. The late Roger Scruton was exiled…
Trump’s Revolt Against the Lethality of Leftism: ‘It Would Demolish Justice and Society’
Whether you love him, loathe him, or are indifferent towards him, it was hard to ignore the applause for Trump’s Keystone speech, in South Dakota. It’s not hard to see why Keystone was so popular either. Although I had more of an issue with what the leftist Episcopalian denomination does with the Bible, Keystone was a big bounce back from Trump’s admittedly cheesy (if understandably necessary, given the context) photo in front of the damaged-by-“peaceful protesters”, historic St. John’s Church. Not a highlight of the Trump presidency, but with his hands tied behind his back, who can really blame him?…
Mark Latham Says Political Indoctrination of School Kids Has to End
“The role of schools is to serve the family, not the other way around…Teaching kids that boys can be girls and girls can be boys is political indoctrination and it’s got to end.”
‘Fact Checkers’ Try to Cancel Apocalyptic Climate Change Whistleblower
Facebook fact-checkers have tagged veteran environmentalist Michael Shellenberger’s Forbes article as “partly false.” The widely shared article, ‘On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare’, first published on Forbes, rejected ‘climate alarmism’, and featured Shellenberger apologizing for how ‘badly environmentalists have misled the public’ about the relatively new field of climate science. Facebook’s Climate Science fact checking “Climate Feedback” evaluated Shellenberger’s article, arguing that he allegedly ‘mixed accurate and inaccurate claims in support of a misleading and overly simplistic argumentation about climate change.’ In the pseudo-peer review Climate Feedback cited ‘six scientists who “analyzed” the article, estimating its…
The Madness of Intersectionality Summed Up by Avi Yemini in One Tweet
Australian TR News contributor, Avi Yemini masterfully illustrated how toxic intersectionality is to mental health. If intersectionality can’t find oppression, it’ll apply cognitive distortions to “find” oppression where none existed or exists. Yemini wrote on Twitter: “I’m half white. Meaning half of me is responsible for the oppression of the other half. I finally grew the bollocks to confront myself. I demanded an apology from my oppressive half. He refused. Selfish pr**k.” Jonathon Haidt explains in ‘The Coddling of the American Mind‘, that the concept of intersectionality follows directly on the heals of Herbert Marcuse’s 1965 essay, ‘Repressive Tolerance’. Marcuse, ‘the father of…
July 4 Celebrations Banned, Protests Permitted: Patriots in California Defy Governor
California’s Governor Gavin Newsom delivered a proclamation marking the 244th year since the Revolutionary War that officially severed the 13 Colonies feudal cord with the British Empire. While Newsom’s ‘Independence Day’ proclamation was framed by the American national holiday, his message was more a short treatise on stopping the spread of the Wuhan COVID-19 virus. In an inversion of the American Revolutionary goal of independence, liberty from a tyrannical government, fraternity, equality and self-determination under God, Newsom called for obedience to the state, as he gave special exemptions to protestors, and enforced compliance with his government’s “emergency” COVID-19 counter-measure decrees…
The CCP’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ Debt Slaves Help Genocidal Chinese Communists Hide Human Rights Abuses
Last week Ben Packham wrote in The Australian that ‘China scored a victory in its campaign to prioritize its national interests over human rights, securing support for a UN resolution that would make individual rights a matter for “mutually beneficial co-operation.” [i] In other words, individual rights are solely contingent on an individual’s total subservience to and acquiescence with the Marxist/Maoist state. The individual must bow to the deified state in toto – mind, body, soul and strength. This is the Chinese Communist Party’s theocratic claim of possession over individuals, which is, outside good governance genuinely lived out under God,…
They’re Not Riots For Black Lives, They’re Marxist Political Rallies
Anyone who still thinks the protests in the United States, and elsewhere are about black lives, and not about Marxism, is deluding themselves. Case in point: Has Christian Heg gave his life in the fight against slave-owners, yet the mob sees his monument as a valid target for “cancellation.” “On December 30, 1862, at the battle of Stones River, Heg’s regiment lost more than 100 men. His horse was shot out from under him and his general called him “the bravest of the brave.” In February 1863 Heg was put in command of the entire brigade and pursued retreating Confederate…
Why Is It That the Only Black Voices That Seem to Matter Are Those Pre-Approved by Leftists?
Are we truly listening to the voice of ALL African Americans? Or are we only hearing from those who’ve been pre-approved to speak on behalf of our would-be Marxist overlords? In the case of the latter, our African American brothers and sisters are seen as a possession, powerless and inferior; an instrument for Cultural Marxists to plough through Western Civilisation, further establishing the false promise of a Utopia, via hidden power brokers within the Western Marxist hegemony. Follow Caldron Pool on Facebook, Twitter, and Parler! Are we truly listening? Or is it, that the only black lives who matter, are those who can…