Hillsong Staffer’s Trump-Hating Twitter Gaffe: “Mute the Bully!”
Criticisms of the “gaffe” were met with a similar amount of fiery criticism for the apology.
US Attorney General Calls the National Media a “Collection of Liars” for Sugar Coating BLM Riots
William Barr has hit out at the collective mindset, and organized myths which permeate what the mainstream media now call journalism.
Jim Caviezel: “Shake off… Destructive Tolerance of Evil, Only Faith in Christ Can Save Us, But It Requires Warriors Ready to Stand For Truth”
Alongside uncompromising words from Denzel Washington, the unapologetic resilience of Candace Cameron-Bure, Patricia Heaton, Kevin Sorbo, and even Mark Wahlberg, it’s comforting to know that not all of Hollywood is lost in a sea of ideological serfdom, sensuality, greed and opportunism. Here’s a brief transcript of an excerpt from Jim Caviezel’s speech given to The Fellowship of Catholic University Students (F.O.C.U.S), on January 5, 2018. Caviezel’s speeches are usually deep. He’s well prepared and speaks with conviction. His talk here is no different: Jim Caviezel: “We must shake off this indifference – this destructive tolerance of evil. Only our faith…
Jihad of the Womb: The Rampant Islamist Abductions of Egyptian Coptic Christian Women
It’s stating the obvious to say that the persecution of Christians isn’t taken seriously by elites and the general public in the West.
The Morbid Quest to Turn Trump Into Scrooge
Outbidding wars over who is the greatest of givers has no place in politics.
Genuflecting to ‘Black Lives Matter’ is Straight-Up Idolatry
Darrell B. Harrison and Virgil Walker’s new freestyle podcast is #lit and then some.
Chris Uhlmann’s MSM Broadside Into Victoria’s Totalitarianism Vindicates Discerning Citizens
We were behind the eight-ball from day one, while “fact-checkers,” and Leftists dismissed us as right-wing conspiracy theorists spreading misinformation.
There’s Nothing Cute About Child Abuse
Society doesn’t need to ingest poison to know that poison kills.
The Song ‘God Bless America’ Is Both A Prayer and A Protest
Even the ‘devils believe and tremble,’ and I really believe they are more afraid of the Americans’ prayers than of their swords.
Silence Over the Arrest of ‘Hotel Rwanda’ Hero, Paul Rusesabagina, Shatters the BLM Narrative
Humanitarian hero of the Rwandan genocide, Paul Rusesabagina’s arrest on the charges of terrorism continues to raise questions.
Cancel Culture Vultures Circle Joe Rogan with Speculation of Spotify Censorship
Joe Rogan’s $100-million switch from YouTube to Spotify has been met with controversy over concerns Spotify have censored the ‘Joe Rogan Experience’ podcast.
Democrats Allow Salons to Reopen One Day After Viral Video Outs Nancy Pelosi’s Hypocrisy
Democrats in California have reopened salons a day after video of Democrat speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi sucker-punched voters, in lockdown since March.
Woman Refuses to Read from Script at Joe Biden Meet and Greet
The essence of Porsche’s testimony is lost if it’s read solely through the white-oppressing-black, Black Lives Matter (the movement) lens.
The Radical Left’s Ideological Jihad Against America
In reference to Kyle Rittenhouse, The Australian reported that ‘Joe Biden accused Donald Trump of letting his supporters act as an armed militia.’
Executed Trump Supporter: A Victim of the Left’s Anti-Trump, Hate Narrative
Aaron Jay Danielson’s murder, at the hands of an as yet unknown assailant, in Portland on the weekend was met with suspicion, not sympathy from the Left and mainstream media.
BLM Protesters Torch Black Businesses as Payback for Police Shooting
Mostly “White”, non-local Black Lives Matter supporters allegedly torched a good portion of Kenosha’s black business district in response to the police shooting of Jacob Blake.
Fighting Fake News Through Alternative Media
Legitimate alternative media is formed by a gathering of discerning citizens who understand that the fight we fight is about truth vs. falsehood. It isn’t about left vs. right, black vs. white, us vs. them.
Anti-Conversion Laws Seek To Outlaw Anyone Leaving the LGBTQ Lifestyle
With how irrelevant anti-conversion therapy laws are, the implication is that the LGBTQAAI+ religion is seeking to outlaw anyone from leaving the LGBT lifestyle.
Where Was Five-Year-Old Cannon Hinnant’s ‘White Privilege’?
The murder of Cannon Hinnant exposed systemic bias in the mainstream media. The majority of news outlets not reporting the execution-style murder of a five-year-old white boy at the hands of a black neighbour wasn’t a glitch.
Anti-Conservative Teachers Don’t Want Parents Knowing What They’re Teaching Children
The disturbing ease and security from which some anti-conservatives operate on social media often help reveal cracks in the Left’s masquerade of sinless benevolence. Overconfident statements, built on the self-righteous belief that the majority shares their views, often leads to unintended consequences. Such forthright statements can take the form of confessions showing just how far to the Left, many anti-conservatives have gone. It’s a form of “Dutch courage.” Where instead of dealing with actions and confessions drawn out by alcoholic inebriation. Actions and confessions are spawned from an intoxicating sense of entitlement to power over others. This was demonstrated by…