What Else Does the Bible Say About Conspiracy?
“…it is not those who say that we should avoid all talk of conspiracy that are wise, it is those who recognize that our world is filled with conspiracies that are wise.”
Decolonization Is On Track
“If you never had to tame Vikings, don’t complain about how others did it.”
There’s No Good News In the Gospel of Woke
“There is a world of pain ahead for many people because the perspective of the modern cultural police is that you are worse than you think, but there is no redemption. Only judgement. What a horrible gospel ‘the gospel of woke’ is.”
When Success Is a Curse
“Don’t confuse success with blessing.”
You Can’t Make Everyone Happy
“It is incumbent on us to seek to make things right when we know we have sinned. It is not incumbent on us to make sure everyone who is upset with us is placated when we know we have done the right thing.”
Stop Treating Girls Like Boys
“The goal of feminism was always and only ever about transgressing gender boundaries.”
More Churches Speak Up
“The Church has been the most successful movement against arbitrary tyrants throughout history. The more the Church speaks up, the more we can challenge evil, and the more likely we are to see totalitarian efforts fail.”
You Will Own Something and Not Be Able to Sell It
“The new attack on middle-class wealth is ramping up, and many Aussies lack of connection to their own land is allowing these corporations to sell it as necessary for Climate Change reasons.”
The Great Betrayal
“I call this The Great Betrayal because I think many Christians don’t see it coming, but the signs are there and its effects will be great.”
When A Mother Abandons Her Eggs
“All you have to do is Google child care person arrested and you’ll find, just like the Ostrich that walks away, you put your kids in danger of being trampled or crushed when you’re not present. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it’s not in your control when it does and when it doesn’t, is it?”
Fear Constrains and Steals Freedom
“We cannot remain cowardly and remain free. It is one or the other.”
Jealousy and Strife and Foolish Elites
“Why are our elites doing so many foolish things that empower the enemies of the West?”
Who Will The American Caesar Be?
“Some future populist is going to see how the corrupt in power are treating Trump, and they will decide not to give up their power once they get it.”
Wokeness Is Choking the Church
“The movements that last over time are those with firm, solid and unshakeable foundations. Not those who continually change their theology and practice to suit the whims of the culture around them.”
Let the Diversity Games Begin
“In the last 20 years, the West has ramped up diversity at a rate the like of which has not been seen since the splitting of the languages at Babel, where an instant increase in diversity led to instant division.”
The Serpent Consumes Itself: Diversity and Equality Cannot Co-exist
“The quest for diversity and equality is a quest to exclude those who don’t fit these two boxes – which at some point will be everybody.”
The Sin of Gambling?
“The Bible can’t forbid gambling, because that’s akin to forbidding risk, and life is risk.”
Two Kinds Of Leadership
“It is a leader’s job to ignore the temptation to be like Aaron with the golden calf, and to be more like Moses and slay sacred calves.”
There Is Always Hope
“Sometimes a nation needs judgement to remember where to look for hope.”
They Would Rather Influence You Than Inform You
“Knowing this one fact, that media is more about influencing you than informing you, allows you to turn it into a valuable source of counter-narrative information.”