Don’t Be a Glutton
“Gluttony is not a minor character flaw, it is a devastating sin…”
Marcus Aurelius: A Persecutor of Christians?
“It turns out that the evidence of whether Aurelius actively persecuted Christians is mixed, and leans towards exonerating him.”
Conspiracy: An Extension of Evil Into This World
“Evil flourishes in the darkness, but as evil increases, it does not like to remain hidden, it becomes arrogant, proud, and seeks to flaunt itself.”
Why Does the Bible Repeat Itself So Much?
“Why does the Bible repeat itself so much? Even telling its own narrative over again and again?”
Don’t Be Arrogant
“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”
Be Careful How You Treat the Aged
“Many older people are put in a home too early, and not for good reason, when it would be far better for the family to look after their own aged.”
Christless Conservatism Will Fail
As long as conservatism shies away from the need to be centred on Christianity it will fail.
New Years Contemplations
“The end of night is a closing, the waking up in the morning is a new beginning. We are supposed to reflect on this.”
There’s a Reason No One Sings Defeatist Christmas Carols
“There’s a reason no one sings defeatist Christmas carols. Christmas as a cultural phenomenon was produced by an optimistic Christianity.”
The Scandal of the Incarnation
“The one person who was privileged to know all along what had happened was Mary. Joseph at first did not believe, but the angel convinced him.”
Can Only Be True
“How does a symbol of torture become a symbol of the most amazing hope?”
What Does It Mean to Leave an Inheritance?
“Leaving an inheritance for your children’s children is about more than just leaving them a house or money. It is also about leaving them their nation as their nation, not allowing it to be just bought and sold carved up by any who wish…”
Trade-Offs of Women Working
“There is a principle, that every increase in one area, comes with a trade-off in another area…”
How the Church Undermined Slavery
“As Christianity declines in the West, the old pagan ideas of the powerful or government owning people’s bodies are coming back. It’s our job to resist that…”
They Understand, That’s Why They Hate
“A world that believes 2+2 = 5 can only persuade people of such a ridiculous lie by suppressing those who refuse to deny the real answer is 4.”
It Starts: Teacher Fired Over Vaccine Mandate Is Awarded Compensation For ‘Psychological Injury’
“In a moment of great anxiety, most of society threw away its principles. Now some are going to be, justly, made to pay for that.”
We Have No Right to Lecture Israelis or Palestinians
“Australia is not a global power. We should have no pretensions to be one. We certainly have no right to tell Israel what to do, or Palestinians how they should identify, or really any other nation how to conduct their internal affairs.”
All Saints Eve: A Case for Christians to Celebrate Halloween
“What has thoroughly happened to Halloween in Anglo-Saxon countries, is something we see happening with Christmas. Just as Halloween has been paganized, so is Christmas being paganized, right before our eyes. The way we see it celebrated today, is, to me, just another example of how our culture is forgetting its Christian roots and legacy.”
Radically Orthodox
“It’s very rarely the conservatives who achieve anything. It’s the outspoken radicals who get stuff done.”
The Temptation to Fix Things
“To rule over many nations tends to make people think and act as gods who believe they have the right to control the destinies of other peoples.”