Orwellian Nightmare Ahead for Australians
“On George Orwell’s birthday, the Australian federal government declared it would trample over freedom of speech by giving a government agency new powers to combat what it deems as ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ online.”
Christensen: They’re Pushing Fake News on You
“Making me a villain is a good diversion from the horrible reality that vaccine mandates are causing Australians to lose their jobs, and that many Australian families are suffering as a result.”
Vaccine Passports Were Planned Long Before the Pandemic
“Immunization poses a huge opportunity to scale digital identity,” ID2020 wrote in 2018.
Christensen: Selfish Freedom Or Righteous Safety?
“The framing of this conflict in such terms neglects the fact that people who are fighting for a restoration of freedom aren’t just doing it for themselves but are doing it for all of society, including those who want to remain locked down.”
Australia’s Trade Relations with China: A Problem Too Big To Ignore
It seems as a nation we’re more vulnerable when we put too many of our economic eggs into the one basket. That vulnerability is exacerbated when the basket is woven by a totalitarian communist state that uses trade as a political weapon.