MP and Marriage Equality Campaign co-chair wants a formal apology from the Anglican church for holding to a Christian view of marriage.
Independent New South Wales MP and Equality Campaign co-chair Alex Greenwich has told the Sydney Anglican church to apologise for their behaviour during the same-sex marriage postal survey. Greenwich accused the church of seeking to disrupt and undermine the inclusiveness of Australian society by insisting on the Christian definition of marriage. According to The Guardian, Greenwich wrote to Michael Stead, the bishop of South Sydney, seeking a formal apology from the Anglican church for their “harmful and damaging conduct.” “It’s deeply troubling that instead of seeking to repair the church’s relationship with the LGBTIQ community, who you knowingly harmed during…
Visual comparison: This is how many children are aborted every year in Australia.
The murder of the unborn is perhaps the greatest evil of our time. More people are killed before birth than on the battle field. R.C. Sproul said, “I believe we are in the midst of a new and more evil holocaust, which sees the destruction of 1.5 million unborn babies every year in the United States alone.” Who would have thought that the most dangerous place to be, was not in war, but in the womb. The following depicts the shocking horror of the Australian holocaust that is abortion. Every ? represents 100 Australian lives lost. ? = ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? World War I (1914-18): ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????…
CNN’s Don Lemon says, “The biggest terror threat in this country is white men.”
CNN host Don Lemon said the biggest terror threat in the United States is white men, “most of them radicalized to the right.” The remarks were made on Monday in relation to the shooting of two black people in a Kentucky supermarket. “We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right,” Lemon said. “And we have to start doing something about them. There is no travel ban on them. There is no white-guy ban. So, what do we do about that?” he added. WATCH:
WATCH: Man bashed by African gang after he tried to defend a store they were robbing.
Victoria Police say they are not investigating after an Australian man was bashed by an African gang attempting to rob a phone store in northwest Melbourne. The victim was assaulted outside the shop in St Albans on Monday after he confronted the group of teenagers. Cameras caught the shocking moment the gang set upon their victim, punching, kicking and hurling tables and chairs at him. The man eventually managed to take refuge in the store. Victoria Police said they are not investigating the incident since a complaint had not been made. WATCH:
Creepy: Tom Hanks and Jimmy Kimmel skit resurfaces: four-year old ‘sexy baby’ awards.
If you’ve ever had the unfortunate experience of watching a Hollywood award show, you may have noticed that when many of our favourite actors are not in character, they’re nothing but hypocritical, self-appointed moralizers. “Thank you for the award, and let me tell you about the social issue fad of the day.” Jimmy Kimmel is just one example. During his opening monologue at the 2018 Oscars, Kimmel jumped on the #MeToo movement, calling it “long overdue.” “We can’t let this bad behavior slide any more,” Kimmel said. “The world is watching us. We need to set an example…” Ironically, prior…
Redistribution of wealth: Socialist Greens push to increase quality of life for people on the dole, successful Australians to hand over $10.5-billion.
Greens leader Richard Di Natale wants successful Australian’s to hand over $10.5 billion of their hard-earned money in an effort to increase the dole to $75 per week. Those earning more than $300,000 will be forced to fund Di Natale’s multi-billion-dollar pay out. “Restricting the tax deductions for 45,000 people could pay for a new quality of life for 838,000 Australians,” Di Natale said. Quality of life? How does increasing the quality of life for people on the dole encourage them to get out there and work for something better? Ronald Reagan once rightly said, “We should measure welfare’s success…
WATCH: Hillary Clinton says black people ‘all look alike.’
Hillary Clinton has said “I know [black people] all look alike,” after an interviewer confused black Democrats Cory Booker and Eric Holder. “What do you think about Cory Booker saying, ‘kicked in the shins?’ the interviewer asked. “Well, that was Eric Holder,” Clinton responded. “Yeah, I know they all look alike.” The audience gasped, then applauded, as Clinton laughed at her own remark. Can you imagine the uncontrollable outrage, the media meltdown, and the celebrities demanding immediate impeachment if these words were spoken by President Trump? WATCH: Wow. Hillary tries to crack joke after Moderator confuses Eric Holder and Cory…
Is Sweden a Socialist success?
Democratic socialists in the United States point to Sweden as a socialist success. But Swedish historian Johan Norberg says, “Sweden is not socialist.” Norberg hosts a documentary called Sweden: Lessons for America? in which he notes that in Sweden, “government doesn’t own the means of production. To see that you have to go to Venezuela or Cuba or North Korea.” WATCH:
WATCH: Christian artist Lauren Daigle performs on the Ellen Show.
Lauren Daigle’s new album ‘Look Up Child’ debuted at number three on the Billboard charts last month, ahead of major artists such as Drake, Ariana Grande, and Post Malone. The 27-year-old Christian singer-songwriter set the record for the biggest Christian music album this year, biggest traditional sales frame for any Christian album in nine years and biggest sales week for a Christian female artist in over 20 years, the Rolling Stones reported. This week Daigle appeared on the Ellen Show where she performed her hit ‘Still Rolling Stones.’ WATCH:
Watch what happens when a straight white male tells leftists he’s a gay black woman.
Watch what happens when Elijah Schaffer, a straight white male, tells folks in California that he now identifies as a gay black woman. Where are we headed as a society, when it’s deemed entirely rational, even polite, to sacrifice the most basic levels of science, for fantasy and delusion? WATCH:
Bill Shorten promises $20-million in taxpayer funds to his daughter’s sport: ‘I’m a netball dad’
Bill Shorten has promised a $20-million in taxpayer funded “investment” in women’s netball if Labor is elected. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in 2005-06, a total of 387,500 women aged 15 years and over participated in the game. “If Labor is elected we’re going to make the biggest single ever investment in women’s netball, $20-million,” Shorten said in a video he shared on Twitter. “I’m a netball dad. I’m really proud when I watch my girls train and when they run onto court. I want every girl to have the same chance as every boy in Australia playing…
WATCH: Rent-A-Mob Antifa have no idea who or what they are protesting, call Candace Owens a white supremacist.
Austen Fletcher from Fleccas Talks headed to California State University in Long Beach on Tuesday to chat with Antifa protesters attempting to shut down an event featuring Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens. Turns out, the mob had very little idea who or what they were opposing. Referencing Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA, one female protester explained, “The leader of the ‘True Americans’ group, which is a white supremacist group… were invited to come by a small group of students to speak here.” “Do you think Candace Owens, Charlies partner, is white supremacist as well?” Fletcher asked.…
Woman convicted for defaming Mohammed during lecture on Islam. European Court of Human Rights: You are NOT free to blaspheme Islam.
Defaming Mohammed exceeds the limits of free speech, “goes beyond the permissible limits of an objective debate” and “could stir up prejudice and put at risk religious peace,” the European Court of Human Rights ruled on Thursday. The ruling came after the seven-judge panel upheld an Austrian court’s decision to convict a woman for calling Mohammed a paedophile. The 47-year-old woman from Vienna, known only as Mrs S, reportedly held two seminars titled, “Basic Information on Islam,” in which she detailed the marriage between Mohammad and his six-year-old wife, Aisha. According to reports, Mrs S told her class that Mohammad…
Fake NYC Sanitation ads TRASH Christians and Trump supporters: ‘Keep NYC Trash Free’
A “street artist” in New York has posted a series of mock NYC Sanitation Department posters around the city depicting Christians and Trump supporters along with the caption: “Keep NYC Trash Free.” One of the posters features a woman in a MAGA hat holding a Bible, another shows a man with a confederate tattoo and a MAGA hat holding a drink from Chick-fil-A. According to Gothamist, the artist, Winston Tseng, refused to comment but said, “I’ll let the poster speak for itself.” Tseng has reportedly put up vulgar posters in the past, taking a swing at Sean Hannity, Donald Trump,…
Academics ask taxpayers to fund over $4-million in absurd university research grants, such as ‘Changing China’s Gender Norms’
Senator James Paterson has applauded Simon Birmingham for his “careful stewardship of taxpayer dollars,” after the former education minister rejected $4.2-million in recommended university research grants. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, this is the first time a minister has used such powers in more than a decade. On Twitter Labor Senator for Victoria, Kim Carr said, “last time this happened was by Brendan Nelson.” However, in Carr’s next tweet he went on to call Birmingham’s actions “unprecedented.” “The former Minister has interfered with Australia’s peer review system,” Carr tweeted. “Is it because he did not like the topics, the…
Christian filmmakers told they must make films advocating LGBTQ lifestyles or risk huge fines and even jail time.
Telescope Media Group is a Christian film company based in Minnesota. It’s a small family business, run by husband and wife team, Carl and Angel Larsen. Their company tagline reads, “We want to magnify Christ like a telescope.” Last year, a Minnesota court ruled that the couple were in violation of the state’s Human Rights Act which requires them to abandon their faith by using their services to create films celebrating homosexuality and same-sex marriage. According to the Alliance Defending Freedom, “State officials have categorically, publicly, and repeatedly threatened to prosecute expressive business owners who decline to create speech promoting…
Paid leave for transgender staff who want reassignment surgery, students told to use each person’s preferred pronoun.
A Melbourne University has announced a gender initiative for its transgender staff members. Employees of Deakin University will be awarded up to ten days of paid leave while undergoing gender ‘reassignment’ surgery. Chief operating officer Kean Selway said, “The paid leave is backed by a new gender transition policy which provides security and clarity around the process for Deakin staff who are undergoing a gender transition. “Fostering a genuinely inclusive environment affords all our staff and students a sense of belonging and an equal chance of success whether it be through study or work.” The Deakin Gender Transition Procedure, states: “The…
WATCH: Maxine Waters says opposition to Sharia Law is “anti-Muslim bigotry.”
With politicians like these, who needs enemies? So often in the West we find people of power and influence claiming to represent the peoples’ best interest, but in actual fact, they’re doing the exact opposite. The following footage was taken February 19, 2012 during a public townhall meeting at the Islamic Society of Orange County in California. Congresswoman Maxine Waters offered a speech, criticizing opposition to the implementation of Sharia Law calling it anti-Muslim bigotry. “It was important to recognize what’s really going on, on these anti-Sharia laws,” Waters said. “They’re motivated by anti-Muslim bigotry, plain and simple.” “Sharia equals…