
Australians Could Face Jail Under New Misinformation Bill, Legal Experts Warn

“The Australian people should be very concerned…”

Legal experts are sounding the alarm on Labor’s proposed Misinformation and Disinformation Bill, warning Australians could face jail time if the new legislation is passed.

Under the bill, citizens who fail to cooperate with government investigations into so-called “misinformation” could find themselves behind bars.

Radio host Ben Fordham revealed on 2GB that the Communications Minister would be empowered to order public hearings and investigations targeting misinformation on digital platforms.

Although the hearings would not apply directly to individual social media users, those affiliated with social media companies and digital platforms would be held accountable.

Failure to attend a hearing without a valid excuse could land people in jail, Fordham explained.

Fordham also cited media lawyer Justin Quill, who told The Daily Telegraph that the proposed changes open up a dangerous “Pandora’s box.” Quill expressed deep concern about the government’s push to control public debate and potentially penalize those who don’t toe the line.

“The Australian people should be very concerned about the government’s attempts to curate public discussion and potentially punish those who step out of line,” Quill warned.

Critics argue the bill could have chilling effects on free speech, placing too much power in the hands of the government to determine what qualifies as misinformation.

“The legislation defines misinformation to mean anything that is reasonable, verifiable as false, misleading or deceptive, but by whose standards?” Quill asked.

Fordham described the bill as a “disgraceful attack on free speech,” saying, “its aim is to intimidate and it should be stopped.”

He’s not wrong. The bill is an affront to the “democracy” Australia pretends to pride itself on. The fear of wrong-speak will end public debate, prevent people from challenging power, and stop the vulnerable from speaking up in the face of injustice.

The past few years should make everyone wary of giving the government the authority to define truth and punish those who dare to question their “official” narrative.

The Caldron Pool Show

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