An actress and former contestant on the reality television show “America’s Next Top Model” has issued an apology to Kirk Cameron for judging him based on his Christian faith, admitting she was a “bigot and an a**hole.”
Adrianne Curry told her 1.4 million followers last week that she was surrounded by “Godless people” in Hollywood who had convinced her that anyone who was not a Muslim, an atheist, or a homosexual, was “very bad and stupid.”

“I have an admission,” Curry said in the June 7 Facebook post. “I used to judge Kirk Cameron. Why? Simply because he found God. I sneered at the mention of his name… because my agnostic beliefs set me above all others in my infinite Godless greatness.
“When I really asked myself why I did so, my only truthful answer is that I was surrounded by Godless people who fancied themselves better than anyone and everyone who had faith in anything besides their own selfish selves.
“Hollywood told me that anyone who was anything besides Muslim, atheist, agnostic, gay, etc. was very bad and stupid. Looking back, that seems… just… absurd…”
Curry continued: “Recently, I watched an interview with the guy. He came off as very humble and incredibly likable. I watched a few more. Loyal to his wife, a family man, a former atheist who found some meaning in life… he came off as… a good dude. I instantly felt like an a**hole. I do not know the guy… but I used to be an intolerable d*ck who fancied myself an elitist over anyone who believed in anything bigger than themselves.”
“Sorry, dude,” Curry added. “I walked with the flock of sheep who told me what to hate and what to like without question… deep in the belly of Babylon the whore. FYI. I always referred to Hollywood as Babylon, even as an agnostic. It simply is.”
Cameron, who became a Christian while starring in the popular television show Growing Pains, responded to Curry’s post, saying he was “really inspired” by Curry’s “transparency and humble ‘admission.'”
“While I don’t think I deserve your kind comments, I am genuinely grateful for your generosity in writing this,” Cameron said in a comment that has since attracted more than 90k ‘likes.’
“After losing my faith in atheism at 18, I asked the Maker of all the beautiful and purposeful things I saw in the world (stars, galaxies, sunrises, purple hydrangeas, children, laughter, deep grief, good food, love, loyalty, courage, honor…) to help me understand the truth about it. And I started to say, ‘Thank you.’
“I too, as a young man on top of the Teen-Beat world in Hollywood, thought I was bigger and better than a made-up god-crutch. But I too was just following the herd of sheep, running with those who wanted to see themselves as too smart to believe or truth in God.
Cameron went on to say, “I kept denying God’s existence… but then, thankfully, I ran out of excuses. I didn’t find God in Babylon; He wasn’t lost. I was lost, and He found me.” Adding, “Blessings to you on your journey.”
In 2003, Cameron teamed up with evangelist Ray Comfort after hearing a sermon that, Cameron said, “rocked [his] world.” The two began a reality television program and ministry called The Way of the Master, where Cameron helped to bring that message, titled Hell’s Best Kept Secret to millions around the globe.
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