
What Albanese’s ‘ANZAC’s Were Racist’ Speech Got Right and What It Got Horribly Wrong

"The 'Yes' campaign’s subliminal insertion into the PM’s speech was an abuse of the office’s ANZAC Day platform."

A first-time Prime Minister making a gaffe in his first ANZAC Day speech can be overlooked.

A first-time Prime Minister using such an important speech to serve his own political interests should be showered with the scorn he justly deserves.

The Prime Minister’s April 25 Dawn Service speech had all the trimmings of an Australian Statesmen.

Anthony Albanese got it right.

This is up until the Labor leader injected the Woke religion into the service of remembrance, accusing the ANZACs, and those gathered to remember them, of being a bunch of racists.

After a great start, the PM nose-dived, when he reached for the Critical Racist Theory (not a typo) starter’s pistol, took aim and fired.

While cheering on Australians as “free citizens of a proud and free nation,” who “look out for each other no matter how bad things get,” the PM contradicted himself.

He divided the country using the far-left’s fake Intersectional social construct of oppressed and oppressor, declaring, “We must acknowledge the truth that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who donned the khaki fought harder for Australia, than Australia was sometimes willing to fight for them.”

The “ANZACs were racists” subtext speaks volumes.

First, the Prime Minister didn’t refer to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as Australians.

To spell it out, the sinister implication is that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are not yet Australians.

Hence, “The Voice.”

Voting “Yes” – so goes the narrative – is the only way to make Indigenous Australians, Australian.

Second, only racists would vote “no” to the far-left subverting the Australian constitution.

We must therefore “Vote Yes” to a bigger bureaucracy, in order to prove Australia isn’t a racist nation.

Behind Albanese’s words is the false notion that “The Voice” will liberate the oppressed, and make them one of us. Truly “one, and free.”

This ‘Us vs. Them’ polarisation, isn’t unlike the emotional manipulation – or behavioural science – deployed during the 2017 Same-Sex marriage debate.

The false narrative used back then planted in the minds of Australians the insinuation that “love” didn’t exist in Australia prior to the redefinition of marriage.

Many bought into the lie, believing that a “yes” to Same-Sex marriage was about bringing “love” to Australia.

The manipulative propaganda succeeded.

It sucked in the docile and conditioned the Government-is-God class, which opened the door to the fascist LGBTQ+ cult’s assault on faith, family, and freedom today.

Australians gave their assent by way of their emotions because they were told reasoned opposition was hate speech, and bigotry.

“The Voice” is no different.

It is an emotionally charged, racist “blood and soil” solution looking to solve an imagined racism problem.

Tapping into Australia’s collective conscience is why the PM’s team chose ANZAC Day to market its pet political agenda.

Maybe they hoped no one would notice?

The “Yes” campaign’s subliminal insertion into the PM’s speech, was an abuse of the office’s ANZAC Day platform.

With one loaded sentence, packed with fallacious nonsense, a desperate Prime Minister attempted to guilt-trip Australians into voting for his ill-fated, far-left ideological “Voice to Parliament.”

The Prime Minister should apologise.

He should also walk back his red flag to a bull comments, which encourage Woke zealots to falsely link the reverential ANZAC Day march, and service, to a “celebration of White Supremacy.”

ANZAC Day isn’t the time or the place for partisan political point scoring.

Many of those who fought for Australia, served, and died side by side with each other, regardless of creed, or colour.

The point of ANZAC Day is selflessness. It’s about putting on the Gospel of the shoes of peace, remembering the cost of war, and grieving loss.

These traits appear to be something the evidently self-serving Labor Prime Minister, and his potential 5-star speech appears to have forgotten.



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