We’re coming up to eight years of operation, highlighting important issues the mainstream media downplays, bringing attention to things they refuse to report, and attempting to help elevate your voices in response to the issues facing Western civilisation. We’re only a tiny pebble in the wall resisting the globalist flood, but we hope we have our part in withstanding the socially and nationally corrosive ideologies and policies they’re forcing on us.
We’ve also done it joyfully, but standing for what is right and true can be costly. We haven’t put that onto our readers, we’ve refused to use paywalls or subscription-based services, but nonetheless, it has been costly to ourselves. Whether it is the always-increasing cost associated with keeping the website online and operational or the cost of a reputation for taking a stand for what is right. Indeed, it has given rise to many great opportunities for our contributors, but standing for what’s right has cost others their jobs, reputations, friends, and family.
Of course, we all knew the cost when we signed up for this. And a number of you have helped to keep us going, especially through your prayers, encouragement, and financial support. But it still costs us more to operate than we take in donations, unfortunately. That’s why we’ve had to use the ads to help out a bit. Ideally, it would be great to get rid of them altogether. They’re annoying and ugly. We know! It’s probably our number one criticism.
So, we’re doing what we haven’t really done before, and we’re asking you, our friends, to consider getting behind us. If you appreciate what we do and would hate to see us disappear, please consider supporting us. The smallest contribution helps to keep us up and running.
If you feel so inclined, you can support us via Stripe or PayPal. Many thanks for all your various forms of support throughout the years. Let’s keep fighting, especially for our kids!
The Team
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