Tag Archives: Culture

Headlines around the world claim the West has never been more divided. Tensions and frustrations increase as the gulfs between ideological, economic, environmental, cultural, religious and political positions grow wider and wider. It’s as though we are being pulled in very different directions all at once on just about every issue. As we look around ourselves, it’s hard not to see the cultural chaos. We’ve effectively thrown away the Bible as the basis for morality, law, justice, and truth. As a society, we now find ourselves wallowing in the incoherent pits of relativism without anything of any meaningful substance to…

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It was once said that if there is no God, everything is permitted. Every day, our post-Christian culture is demonstrating that to be true. The reason for this is because, without God, our culture has no moral ‘oughts’ and ‘ought-nots’. Actions and behaviours have no meaningful moral basis to conform to if concepts such as ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ only exist within our minds. If there is no God, then we are merely an unintentional and meaningless chemical by-product of time and chance working on matter. ‘Morality’ is ultimately incompatible with such a worldview. What one chemical does to another is…

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Gene Veith once wrote, ‘secularists are genuinely unable to tell the difference between art that has aesthetic merit and art that has none.’ His words were part of both a critique and lament of the ‘State of the Arts’ and what the world of art has become. Calling art ‘the plaything of the rich’, ‘art is now considered to be whatever the artist does.’ Art has become a slave to the post-modern mind. Under the foppish, vain lordship of the unhinged, vague emptiness of moral relativity, art has lost all meaning. An ‘impersonal, dehumanised’ and desensitised public, is no longer…

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The story goes that a student of philosophy was asked in an exam to prove a chair which had been placed where everyone could see it at the front of the exam hall did not exist. Students were expected to discuss the 20th-century philosophers who posited ideas about subjective human existence and questioned our relationship with reality. But this two word complete response, if the urban legend is to be believed, received top marks for its reflection of the possibility the chair was an illusion of the examiner’s mind. If you’re a person who tends to vote right of centre…

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Last week, Ellie Goulding, an award-winning British singer, decided to rethink a scheduled performance in support of The Salvation Army’s “Red Kettle Kickoff”, at an American Thanksgiving Day NFL Show. The decision was made in response to an Instagram follower falsely accusing The Salvation Army of discriminating against the LGBT community – claiming that the organization was employing passive euthanasia against the homeless: So sad to see Ellie supporting them :// they’re extremely homo/transphobic, literally to the point of letting queer homeless ppl die. Wish she had done some research beforehand or something.” @angelsporch The comment was a reaction to…

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An anti-Christian LGBT group from Spokane, Washington, have reenacted an antebellum, chattel slavery auction, using cut-outs of outspoken Christian leaders, who are actively opposed to abortion and Drag Queen Story Time. The LGBT group, Spokane United Against Religious Extremism and the Church, targeted 500 Mom Strong founder, Anna Bohach and pastors from ‘The Church at Planned Parenthood’ in an October fundraising event for the industrial abortion platform, Planned Parenthood. According to Anna Bohach  (an activist against the sexualization and exploitation of children), the black slavery-era mock auction took place during a ‘Halloween themed drag show.’ Recounting the event in an…

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Entitled ‘Gideon: God is my Lord’[i] and preached in Berlin on February 26, 1933, Bonhoeffer gave his first sermon since Hitler had been enshrined as chancellor 27 days prior. Bonhoeffer’s decision to preach from the Old Testament was deliberate. In my opinion, he couldn’t have picked a more controversial figure, at the time, to make a political point. Nazism, much the same as Communism, is an industry built on victimhood. These systems need a perpetual sense of victimization and sympathy in order to maintain membership and political momentum. Bonhoeffer understood this. He chose Gideon in a deliberate attempt to preach…

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While officials in Bali have been busy channelling their inner Turnbull in prosecuting sexual infidelity, The University of Technology Sydney has pursued the opposite goal. Its administration wants to make sure that it’s students are instructed in explicit sexual material whether one consents to it or not. The irony underlying this latest leftist scheme is that under the guise of highlighting the importance of “consent” when one has sex, people are being exposed to sexual activity without consent. What’s more, UTS is not alone in pursuing this type of approach. Sydney University has adopted a similar strategy. But according to…

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What evils have provoked the Lord to bring judgment on our community? That question was asked in 1679 by the General Court of Massachusetts Colony. Not long after, political and religious leaders gathered together in Boston to formulate a response and uncover the root of the issues plaguing the new community. The synod offered up fourteen reasons why judgment had fallen on the colony, one of those being defects in family government in the home. “There are many families that do not pray to God constantly, morning and evening,” the council wrote. “And many more where the Scriptures are not…

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“Love is love” is a slogan that assuages all sexual sin. If “love is love” is the new moral standard, then adultery, promiscuity, bestiality, and a number of other sexual sins are not only justifiable, they are permissible. This is because “love is love” falsely elevates sexual sin to a morally superior position, where anyone who stands opposed to the assumed “love is love” standard, is belittled as “unloving and immoral”. Heterosexuals who spout “love is love” know that in the current climate, “love is love” covers a multitude of sexual sin, so why not jump on the bandwagon? Especially…

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It’s every writer’s worst nightmare. You spend countless hours researching, writing and promoting your latest book—claiming to have discovered something all of the professional scholars have strangely missed—when it’s revealed that your interpretation is clearly flawed. But that’s precisely what has happened to Naomi Wolf, and it’s not the first time it’s happened either. Back in 1992 Wolf published the feminist classic, The Beauty Myth, (New York: Doubleday) in which she argued that 150,000 women die of anorexia in America every year. What’s more, Wolf compared this to the Holocaust stating: When confronted with a vast number of emaciated bodies…

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The American Psychological Association (APA) is forming a task force to “promote awareness and inclusivity” of people who engage in sexual relationships with multiple partners, such as people who practice polyamory and swinging. According to the website for Division 44 of the APA, the task force is designed to address the needs of those who wish to practice polyamory “including their intersecting marginalized identities” without the social and medical stigmatization. “These include but are not limited to: people who practice polyamory, open relationships, swinging, relationship anarchy and other types of ethical, non-monogamous relationships,” the website states. The task force’s stated…

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Madonna’s promoters are firing back at the New York Post for allegedly lying about poor ticket sales for the artist. At the beginning of June, the New York Post’s Richard Morgan reported that ticket sales for Madonna concerts promoting her latest album, ‘Madame X’, were lagging and had ‘tarnished’ the tour. Morgan went on to compare previous ticket sales in much larger venues with current ticket sales the smaller venues chosen for the concerts, suggesting that the comparison indicated ‘Madonna was struggling to sell them’. Chris Willman from Variety magazine cautiously came to Madonna’s defence, citing promoter, Arthur Fogel, (Live…

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A professor from New York University (NYU) has said our entire culture is under siege from “anti-western, anti-individual, anti-Christian, anti-liberty monsters.” In a post on Facebook, Professor Michael Rectenwald, author of Springtime for Snowflakes: ‘Social Justice’ and Its Postmodern Parentage, said: “We’re undergoing a Maoist-like Cultural Revolution — with the power of the corporate mass media, corporate social media, the academy, most of corporate America, the deep state, the shadow government, and most of the legal apparatuses behind it.” “Anti-western, anti-individual, anti-Christian, anti-liberty monsters are ravaging our cultural legacies as well as our contemporary arts and letters,” he said. “Our…

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