How Media ‘Call Outs’ Protect Predators: Lauren Southern Speaks With Evelyn Rae
This is an essential shift our culture needs to make to prevent false allegations, and victimhood mentality from drowning out real victims of crime.
Telling the Truth About Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
Significantly, the vast majority of Aboriginal deaths in custody are experienced by those with pre-existing health conditions, rather than anything to do with police violence or ‘systemic racism’.
Expect to see more politicians assaulted. We’re telling society crime no longer matters.
In the wake of the current political drama’s that our country is experiencing, I thought I would take the opportunity to remind people about some of the issues that have been brought to the surface. Let’s call it a ‘refresher course’ or ‘criminality for dummies’. Let’s dive straight into the Crimes Act 1900. Now, this piece of legislation has been around for a long time in our country (since 1900) and has generally governed the majority of indictable and serious indictable offences. One of the most basic offences within this Act is Common Assault which is defined under section 61.…
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