Tag Archives: Consent

The updated version, which will be released on Disney+ under the more appropriate title, White Privilege and the Seven Persons of Short Stature, will replace the controversial scene with the prince patiently waiting for Snow White’s consent.

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There’s a new children’s book on the market, and it’s designed to teach children aged zero-up about the importance of giving consent before allowing family and friends to make physical contact. According to the books stated purpose, ‘C is for Consent’ follows “expert recommendations” about letting children decide when and how to offer affections to others. “By not forcing hugs and kisses, caregivers help kids feel control over their bodies, comfortable with expressing boundaries, and respectful of the boundaries of others.” Despite recommendations by the American Academy of Pediatrics and recent publicity efforts by the Girl Scouts, many people still…

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A University in Sydney is forcing students to undergo a sexual consent training course in order to view their exam results. The University of Technology Sydney reportedly issued students a notice that said, “Want your results? Complete Consent Matters training in order to see your session results.” “You’ve got to be absolutely kidding me,” one student said. “My university handed this to me after my first exam. They’re going to ransom my test results until I complete this mandatory consent training. All UTS students are in the same boat.” You’ve got to be absolutely kidding me ? My university handed…

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