347 search results for "religious freedom"

After the events of 2020, many Westerners are feeling confused and disoriented.

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The Victorian anti-conversion therapy legislation is precisely what many opponents of same-sex marriage said was coming.

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Egypt is being petitioned to release Coptic activist Ramy Kamel who was arrested in late November 2019, by Egyptian security forces.

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Legislation introduced in the Victorian Government today could see Christians hit with heavy fines and lengthy jail times for attempting to convert LGBTQ people to Christianity or teaching certain portions of the Bible.

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Donald Trump’s personal beliefs have been much scrutinised throughout his presidency.

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It seems like someone owes Cardinal Pell—and the Roman Catholic Church of Australia—an apology.

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Criticisms of the “gaffe” were met with a similar amount of fiery criticism for the apology.

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It’s stating the obvious to say that the persecution of Christians isn’t taken seriously by elites and the general public in the West.

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Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews last year announced with self-righteous glee that his government plans to make ‘any practice or treatment that seeks to change, suppress or eliminate an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity,’ illegal.

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As you all should know by now, Joe Biden has picked California Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate.

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Last week, Queensland became the first state in the country to ban “conversion therapy,” however, its supporters are already saying the legislation doesn’t go far enough.

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Los Angeles county government officials responded to the church’s move by threatening repercussions, such as a daily $1,000 fine and the possible arrest of Dr MacArthur, according to the church’s legal counsel.

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AMNESTY International insists that Christian schools should be stripped of their right to prefer staff who practice Christianity because this is discrimination, and discrimination is not fair. At present, religious schools are allowed to preference job applicants who subscribe to their religious values. But Amnesty argues that this is not fair to applicants with different values. If people with values contrary to Christianity are unable to work at Christian schools then they will be left with no alternative but to seek work at one of several thousand public schools where their views are uncontroversial, and this would not be fair.…

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Ahmed Shaheed, lecturer and volunteer adviser to the U.N., is advocating that religions conform to an eventual universal, “progressive” law. In his latest report for the U.N, the religious freedom advocate provides an argument for a blueprint, which will outlaw any theological critique or practice, unless it has first been approved, or established by LGBTQAAI+ activists, radical feminists and academics who advocate from a Leftist worldview. Steve Warren from CBN news rightly noted that recent ‘Report of the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief’ (available as a Word Document here), makes no distinction between who and what religion…

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A couple of years back during that infamous postal vote, Australians voted to legalise same-sex marriage. During the debate, many warned that if marriage was redefined, a host of injustices would follow. People of faith could lose their jobs, gender-fluid teaching might take over schools, and the freedom to hold a dissenting view would disappear. Those in favour of same-sex marriage dismissed this as fear-mongering. They insisted that the plebiscite was only about the freedom of loving couples to marry. It was a false ‘slippery slope’ argument, they said, to suggest that other negative consequences could follow. “Marriage Equality will…

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U.S. President Donald Trump addressed the 68th annual National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, where he reaffirmed his administration’s commitment to protecting and preserving religious freedoms. After welcoming foreign dignitaries from more than 140 countries, the President said: “Everyone here today is united by a shared conviction. We know that our nation is stronger, our future is brighter, and our joy is greater when we turn to God and ask him to shed his grace on our lives.” “In everything we do, we are creating a culture that protects freedom, and that includes religious freedom,” the President went on to say.…

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“One cannot help but wonder if Mr Graham is the canary in the mine, with his demise being an early warning of the coming death of religious liberty in the UK.”  At least five venues in the United Kingdom have cancelled events featuring Rev Franklin Graham after his Christian beliefs were deemed “discriminatory,” “repulsive” and “hateful”. Graham, the eldest son of the famous American evangelist Billy Graham, has been met with opposition from UK’s LGBTQ+ activists and authorities since his eight-city tour of the UK was announced. The 67-year-old evangelist was due to preach at the ACC Liverpool on June…

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In a speech for the National Press Club on Wednesday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison delivered the equivalent of a State of the Union address. From its content to his delivery, it was obvious that the Prime Minister was addressing the nation, not just the top end town. His address didn’t present a government in damage control, but a government that is in control. Morrison was right to not use the opportunity to give ground to noisy dishonest critics on social media. Many of whom come across as detached from everyday Australia, and seem to exist only as a deliberate distraction…

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A pastor in China has been sentenced to nine years in prison after being accused of ‘inciting subversion of state power’ and ‘illegally operating a business.’ Pastor Wang Yi was arrested in December 2018 along with dozens of churchgoers and leaders of the Early Rain Covenant Church, one of China’s largest unregistered protestant “house” churches. China’s constitution guarantees religious freedom, but since President Xi Jinping took office six years ago, the government has tightened restrictions on religions seen as a challenge to the authority of the ruling Communist Party, Reuter’s reports. According to a statement from the church, which was…

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An article in The Australian titled, “Amended religious freedom bill ‘deeply flawed’, says Law Council”, reports the Law Council of Australia president Arthur Moses SC is highly critical of the second exposure draft of the Religious Discrimination Bill (RDB2). The planned legislation is an attempt at the fulfilment of promises by the Turnbull Government which undefined marriage without building in the necessary protections for those whose deeply held convictions were suddenly at conflict with the official, novel beliefs about marriage. That failure is in a legal environment where radical fringe activists have increasingly sought to weaponise anti-discrimination tribunals against people…

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