30 search results for "northern territory"

Shameless activists inciting racial division and hatred have disrespected a grieving family’s wishes for calm and peace while investigations into the death of an Aboriginal man shot by police continue. Jacinta Price took to social media yesterday to urge restraint from jumping to conclusions following the death of her nineteen-year-old nephew, Kumanjayi Walker, after a police shooting in the remote indigenous community of Yuendumu, 293 kilometres north-west of Alice Springs on Saturday last week. Speaking on behalf of the family she advised they were “waiting to understand the circumstances around his death.” Warning against turning the incident into a witch…

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I recently went to see my local member who also happens to be the NSW Opposition Leader, Jodi McKay, about the now notorious ‘Reproductive Rights Bill’ which she had so jubilantly spoken in favour of in the Lower House. And she very kindly gave me a copy of her speech in which she made the oft-repeated assertion: Between 20 and 25 per cent of women in Australia will have an abortion in their lifetime. Seeing that Ms McKay is a former lobbyist for Family Planning NSW—and is still the ‘phone voice’ you hear when you call—I initially took the accuracy…

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Australia’s first Muslim Senator has lashed out at Senator Cory Bernardi after the Australian Conservatives’ leader introduced a bill banning facial coverings at commonwealth sites, including public places in the Northern Territory and ACT. Senator Mahreen Faruqi criticised Senator Bernardi in Parliament saying he will never experience the racism that Muslims are subjected to in Australia. “I’m so sick of this rubbish,” Senator Faruqi said. “I’m so sick of people who will never experience racism telling us that it doesn’t exist.” “Senator Bernardi will never be told that you have no place in public life because of the colour of…

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“Like many Americans, most Russians believe in their nation’s uniqueness and rich Christian heritage. This is something that deeply infuriates the Western woke elite, hence their naturally Russophobic feelings.”

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“All must come to Christ by His grace through faith. No works, nor privilege, no skin colour, no citizenship, no ancestry, no race, no special national advantage can save you.”

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“Do Biden, Albanese, Johnson, Macron and co. seem like the kind of statesmen that can rebuild our civilisation? Of course not.”

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“Nations have every right to defend themselves or to attack neighbours who are provoking them in dangerous ways. But not to simply extend their power over another nation, or rule another nation.”

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I largely agree with Ben Shapiro’s consistent criticism of Donald Trump’s ‘fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants’ approach to foreign policy. Trump appears to ride roughshod, giving the impression of impulsiveness, or worse that he hasn’t considered the law of unintended consequences. However, a lot of recent criticism coming from both sides of politics, concerning the Trump administration’s decision to “withdraw” U.S Troops from Syria, ignore the plight of refugees and push aside the fact that Turkey is still an official ally of the United States. As signatories of NATO, they are strategic partners. The recent advance of the Turks into northern Syria wasn’t a…

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Most of Australian history is a neglected subject. That history didn’t end in Botany Bay, 1788, and it’s high points, although they are among them, isn’t just Gallipoli 1915, or in the numerous corrections to sporadic injustices carried out by a Social Darwinist induced indifference towards Indigenous Australians. The significance of the Bombing of Darwin on the 19th February 1942, by over 260 Imperial Japanese aircraft is unjustifiably neglected by politics, politicians, political parties, their pawns in the news media, and in their pawns in the Australian academic industrial complex. The high level of attacks from Imperial Japanese forces on…

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In a 2006 article written for the Stanford Journal of International Relations, called “Responding To Genocide In Sudan,” Stephan M. Doane lays out reasoning for a much needed, tougher international stand on the issues plaguing Sudan. The article is dated, but raises, on an academic level, awareness about the plight of many South Sudanese people, who are stuck in a cycle of constant violence. Many of whom are Christians. Doane’s piece is well researched. He argues that the humanitarian crisis in Sudan is less acknowledged by international stakeholders. For example, the U.N and the international community appear “indifferent” towards the…

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