Against the Use of Abortion for Vaccines
As the world races to develop a vaccine for COVID-19, a number of Archbishops in Australia have been calling for caution.
The Case Against Lockdowns (and Police States)
We MUST learn from history here. These diabolical lockdowns are causing incalculable damage, death and destruction.
Silence Over the Arrest of ‘Hotel Rwanda’ Hero, Paul Rusesabagina, Shatters the BLM Narrative
Humanitarian hero of the Rwandan genocide, Paul Rusesabagina’s arrest on the charges of terrorism continues to raise questions.
Federal MP Calls For the Removal of Victorian Premier Dan Andrews
We can’t allow someone’s pride or loss of face to overweigh the importance of the destruction of our economy and the destruction of the lives from the brutal lockdown.
Six-Month Extension to Victoria’s State of Emergency Passes At 2AM
Victoria has yet again been subject to another grievous assault by dictatorial thugs.
To The Fence-Sitting Conservative
I want to pen an open letter to many people who are not too far from my side of the yard…
Executed Trump Supporter: A Victim of the Left’s Anti-Trump, Hate Narrative
Aaron Jay Danielson’s murder, at the hands of an as yet unknown assailant, in Portland on the weekend was met with suspicion, not sympathy from the Left and mainstream media.
What Should We Make of the Push for Compulsory Vaccines?
What should we make of Morrison’s push for compulsory vaccines? Let me begin with some words of encouragement. The rather reckless talk of mandatory vaccines that Scott Morrison was pushing Wednesday morning received such a huge public backlash that by the afternoon he had to do a major backtrack and basically say. ‘Oh, I did not really mean it would be mandatory’. Never stop speaking out – your voice matters. He had said that he wanted at least 95 per cent of Australians to take the vaccine, and he also said on 3AW radio that he would like the vaccine…
Zimmermann: It’s Time to Resist the Morrison Regime
It is time for them to tell their Prime Minister that enough is enough.
Anti-Conversion Laws Seek To Outlaw Anyone Leaving the LGBTQ Lifestyle
With how irrelevant anti-conversion therapy laws are, the implication is that the LGBTQAAI+ religion is seeking to outlaw anyone from leaving the LGBT lifestyle.
Yes, Money Really Does Grow on Trees: ABC Says Australia Can’t Run Out of Money
I used to regularly look forward to watching Alan Kohler’s financial report on the ABC news each evening. But when the global financial crisis hit, I suddenly realised that even he didn’t know what was going on. Fast forward to 2020 and I’m having that strange sense of déjà vu—all over again—as I watch him spruik the benefits of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). While MMT is not without its critics, it has become increasingly fashionable, especially amongst those employed by our national broadcaster. In case you might have missed it, the ABC has produced the following promotional video featuring Kohler…
EXCLUSIVE: The Disappearance of Influenza and the Rise of COVID-19
The year 2020 has been dominated by the impact of COVID-19. There has been a surge of COVID-19 cases ever since the virus escaped from Wuhan China early in the year. The response from the government has been to implement a range of policies in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus. A curious, but surprisingly unreported phenomenon is that the influenza cases have dramatically fallen while COVID-19 cases have dramatically risen.
Dennis Prager Backs Anti-COVID-19 Drug HCQ: “The Left is Weaponizing Medicine”
In his latest fireside chat, Dennis Prager addressed the politicisation of hydroxychloroquine.
Bank Terminates Account for Christian Charity After Pressure from LGBTQ Activists
Andrea Williams CEO of Christian Concern warned churches will be next.
Mark Latham Says Political Indoctrination of School Kids Has to End
“The role of schools is to serve the family, not the other way around…Teaching kids that boys can be girls and girls can be boys is political indoctrination and it’s got to end.”
The Madness of Intersectionality Summed Up by Avi Yemini in One Tweet
Australian TR News contributor, Avi Yemini masterfully illustrated how toxic intersectionality is to mental health. If intersectionality can’t find oppression, it’ll apply cognitive distortions to “find” oppression where none existed or exists. Yemini wrote on Twitter: “I’m half white. Meaning half of me is responsible for the oppression of the other half. I finally grew the bollocks to confront myself. I demanded an apology from my oppressive half. He refused. Selfish pr**k.” Jonathon Haidt explains in ‘The Coddling of the American Mind‘, that the concept of intersectionality follows directly on the heals of Herbert Marcuse’s 1965 essay, ‘Repressive Tolerance’. Marcuse, ‘the father of…
The CCP’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ Debt Slaves Help Genocidal Chinese Communists Hide Human Rights Abuses
Last week Ben Packham wrote in The Australian that ‘China scored a victory in its campaign to prioritize its national interests over human rights, securing support for a UN resolution that would make individual rights a matter for “mutually beneficial co-operation.” [i] In other words, individual rights are solely contingent on an individual’s total subservience to and acquiescence with the Marxist/Maoist state. The individual must bow to the deified state in toto – mind, body, soul and strength. This is the Chinese Communist Party’s theocratic claim of possession over individuals, which is, outside good governance genuinely lived out under God,…
Leftist Hypocrisy and Cancel Culture’s Prescription for Cultural Suicide: “Life Unworthy of Life”
Eric Abetz (LNP) is proving to be no mediocre politician. His speech from July last year remains relevant, making it one of the best ever entered into the Australian senate’s Hansard.[i] This year the Senator for Tasmania provided us with a sequel. Speaking about ‘Political Discourse’ Abetz went head to head with cancel culture and the Left’s double standards. The speech highlighted Queensland University Law professor, James Allen’s piece for The Australian on the June, 16. He gave a long list of examples where people were being bullied into submission, and their livelihoods cancelled because of a small, boisterous percentage…
You Can’t Learn From Deleted History
The “memory hole” is one of the most haunting images in George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Used by government workers at the Ministry of Truth, this chute in the wall enabled Oceania’s one-party government to edit history at will and incinerate all evidence of their propagandistic deeds: Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is…
Activist Asked If Churchill’s Statue Should Be Removed, Says ‘I Haven’t Personally Met Him’
Chair of Lambeth Independent Police Advisory Group and community activist Lorraine Jones said she wasn’t sure if the statue of former Prime Minister Winston Churchill should be removed because she hasn’t ‘personally met him.’ Lorraine Jones appeared on Channel 4 News yesterday to speak with presenter Cathy Newman about the recent protests and counter-protests across London. Ms Jones suggested it’s time for the government to reexamine the historic statues around the city and promptly relocate any ‘that shouldn’t be there’ to a museum. “I think that what needs to happen, which I know has already started, we need to look…