557 search results for "free speech"

As part of our home-school English curriculum this year, I decided to tackle Twain’s, ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn‘. I’ve read a few of the, for and against arguments on the internet, by writers who either have an higher opinion of themselves (than they do of Twain), or they raise Twain to a higher level, just because he’s Twain. My conclusion is this: forget all the, “I’m offended therefore ban ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’, because Mark Twain uses offensive language.” Then ditch the flip side which says, “I’m offended, because you’re offended, that Mark Twain didn’t consider your feelings, before…

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If you’re not really into Information Technology and are not aware of what the Golden Shield project is, you’re forgiven. The majority of Chinese people either don’t care or aren’t aware of its existence either. The Golden Shield Project is Communist China’s massive firewall. It’s designed to keep a lid on dissent and ward off foreign influence on Chairman Mao’s, carefully constructed Communist culture, which was largely forced on the Chinese people during the Marxist/Maoist Cultural Revolution. Some basic history: ‘The Golden Shield project has been in development since the 1990s’. According to a Tom McDonald field study published by…

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This week CNN claimed, “A crowd of teenagers surrounded a Native American elder and other activists and appeared to mock them after Friday’s Indigenous Peoples March at the Lincoln Memorial.” A CNN tweet linking to the report also claimed: “Video shows a crowd of teenagers wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ hats taunting a Native American elder…” The video, which was widely shared by numerous news media outlets, shows a student from a Catholic high school staring at a Native American man as he chants and beats a drum in the young man’s face. What’s been implied is that the student…

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Two artists from Phoenix, Arizona are facing 6 months in jail and heavy fines for refusing to create custom artworks promoting same-sex weddings. The Arizona Court of Appeals ruled that Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski, owners of Brush & Nib Studio, are required by Phoenix law to create artwork for same-sex wedding ceremonies because they “cannot discriminate against potential patrons based on sexual orientation.” According to Life Site News, “Not only are the Christian women threatened with jail time and fines should they refuse to create artwork celebrating gay ‘marriage’ because of Phoenix law, they could also be prosecuted for publishing a statement on…

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After being summoned by General George C Marshall on February the 11th, 1942, Hollywood directer, Frank Capra,  famous for ‘It’s a wonderful life’, and ‘You can’t take it with you’, walked into the Pentagon. Before Capra had received the invitation, he had been in the process of reviewing an offer of a partnership which, in his own words ‘would have made him part owner of “United Artists”. Easily placing him in the multi-millionaire class’ and potentially exempting him from War time service. After wrestling with the decision Capra concluded: Why trade fame, glamour, and wealth for a number stamped on a…

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What’s with our overly-sensitive universities sheltering adults from ideas and opinions they may find offensive? And more importantly, what sort of effect will it have on their students, not only during their time at university but once they enter the real world. Jordan Peterson once rightly said, “It’s hard to make people safe because life is seriously not safe. The way that you make people resilient is by exposing them to the things that they’re afraid of and that make them uncomfortable, voluntarily, but you use exposure. “If you over coddle people, if you protect them from everything that’s sharp,…

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Two Christian women from Phoenix, Arizona have been threatened with jail time and heavy fines after they refused to create custom artwork to promote gay “weddings.” The Arizona Court of Appeals ruled that Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski, owners of Brush & Nib Studio, are required by Phoenix law to create artwork for same-sex wedding ceremonies because they “cannot discriminate against potential patrons based on sexual orientation.” According to Life Site News, “Not only are the Christian women threatened with jail time and fines should they refuse to create artwork celebrating gay ‘marriage’ because of Phoenix law, they could also be…

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The Scottish Government has launched a new campaign targeting Christians in an effort to tackle “hate crime” in Scotland. The ‘Letters from Scotland’ campaign, produced in partnership with Police Scotland, include letters to bigots, transphobes, and homophobes and urge citisens to report any “religious hate” they may see or hear. One poster reads: Dear bigots, division seems to be what you believe in. We don’t want your religious hate on our buses, on our streets and in our communities. We don’t want you spreading your intolerance. Or making people’s lives a misery because of their religious dress. You may not…

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New Zealand-born actor Russell Crowe thinks Jacinda Ardern is so “awesome” that she should be made Prime Minister of a joint Australia and New Zealand. “Look… just accept it… she’s awesome,” the 54-year-old actor said in reference to Prime Minster Ardern. “Is it time to make Australia and New Zealand into one country with Jacinda Ardern as PM?” “Not trying to be controversial… just practical,” he said. Also see: NZ Prime Minister says, we’re not hostile to free speech, we’re just hostile to some free speech. Crowe’s suggestion comes after left-wing media praised the leftist Prime Minister for her recent…

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Facebook have unpublished Senator Fraser Anning’s official page claiming “recent activity doesn’t follow the Facebook Pages Terms.” The move comes after the Senator shared a video suggesting a ban on Muslim immigration would help to ensure the peace and safety of Australians. “Facebook has just taken the unprecedented step in unpublishing a Commonwealth Politician’s page,” Senator Anning said on Twitter. “Free speech is under attack, and communication is being regulated by foreign companies with tendencies of political bias.” “This is completely unacceptable and we will fight this,” the Senator added. Facebook has just taken the unprecedented step in unpublishing a…

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Tommy Robinson has revealed he could face two-years in prison after additional charges were added to his retrial which is set to take place next week. In a post on his Facebook page, Robinson said, “the corrupt government have added another two charges to my trial on September 27th at the Old Bailey.” “They now want to send me to prison for stating facts about Islam and for live streaming whilst the defendants made sexual references about my wife and mother,” Robinson said. “The government have now officially made free speech illegal.” Tommy Robinson back on (Judge only) trial next…

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UK police have urged the public to report ‘non-crime’ incidents in an effort to stop non-criminal comments from hurting the feelings of those affected. The message sent out by the official Twitter account of South Yorkshire Police said, “In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing.” “Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire,” the department said. “Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY” The tweet which has prompted thousands of angry responses, comes after it was revealed South Yorkshire…

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The chief executive of a Christian community care organisation is facing the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission for sending an email advocating a “no” vote during the same-sex marriage plebiscite. Carinity chief executive Jon Campbell reportedly emailed staff members, detailing the case against redefining marriage. According to The Australian, acting general superintendent Stewart Piper said, the email was a “simple communication of a position on a matter of public policy. It did not name any individuals and it was not a personal attack on anyone.” The email prompted complaints from a number of staff, with one lesbian staff member taking her…

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Tell the average American you’re a liberal and they’ll assume you’re on the political left. Yet, leftists and liberals hold very different positions on key issues. In this video, Dennis Prager explains how the tenets of liberalism like a belief in capitalism and free speech have more in common with conservatism than with the identity politics and racial resentment preached by the left. WATCH: 

U.S. President Donald Trump has said he will address left-wing censorship of conservative news and online content, calling it “a very serious situation.” In a two-part post tweeted earlier today, the President said, “Google search results for ‘Trump News’ shows only the viewing/reports of Fake News Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD.” “Fake CNN is prominent,” he went on to say. “Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal? 96% of results on ‘Trump News’ are from National Left-Wing Media, very dangerous. Google & others…

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Free Speech Coalition writes: Axiomatic Events director, Dave Pellowe, has sent Victoria Police a letter explaining why he is refusing to pay the invoice for $67,842.50 they sent Axiomatic for police services outside the Lauren Southern & Stefan Molyneux Live event in Melbourne on 20 July. The letter from Axiomatic’s solicitor highlights concerns that, despite the skill and bravery of police on the ground in dealing with the violent behaviour of extremist individuals and organisations like Antifa, the government appears to blame the victim. Such a penalty gives the appearance of enabling the Thugs’ Veto, adding to the injuries extremists can…

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Australia’s first Muslim Senator, Mehreen Faruqi has used her maiden speech to warn against the normalisation of racism in Australia. According to Ms Faruqi, migrants no longer feel welcome in Australia because “bigotry and xenophobia have been allowed to flourish.” Ms Faruqi admitted that racism, sexism and discrimination have always existed, but claims these things are now legitimised, normalised and even encouraged by our media and politicians. An example Ms Faruqi appealed to was Senator Fraser Anning’s maiden speech in which he described the Muslim culture as being the least capable of assimilation. And of course, according to Ms Faruqi,…

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An event featuring US academic and pediatrician Quentin Van Meter has been cancelled by the University of Western Australia due to safety concerns. The decision comes after the UWA’s social media pages were inundated with protests and petitions calling for the event to be cancelled. Dr Van Meter, president of the American College of Pediatricians, eminent doctor and academic with over 38 years of clinical experience, has gathered opposition lately for suggesting the transgender movement is based more on ideology than science. An unidentified source said, of about 200 tickets sold online, half are unidentifiable. “From Tuesday, ticket sales jumped…

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The Great Censorship Purge has begun. Facebook has permanently banned InfoWars for the broad and ambiguous crime of ‘hate speech.’ Apple also reportedly wiped iTunes and its podcasting app clean of content by Alex Jones, following similar moves by Youtube and Spotify. “It’s a coordinated purge,” Paul Joseph Watson said. “This is a total abuse of power.” “Whether you love or loathe Infowars, this now confirms that Big Tech is working with legacy media to silence independent media. In places like Russia, the government shuts down the press, in America, CNN, Apple and Facebook fulfill that role.” Watson revealed Facebook…

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Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux were set to speak at Auckland’s Powerstation on Friday, but venue owner Peter Campbell cancelled the event moments after the location was revealed on social media. According to Molyneux, “Very shortly after we released where the venue was going to be, which we have to do late because of security concerns, within an hour or so the venue owner was screaming at our people and telling them to get out of the venue or he was going to have them arrested for trespassing.” “What happened in that hour of us releasing the name of the…

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