301 search results for "donald trump"

When the Democrats call themselves the party of “Unity and Healing” don’t believe the hype.

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Under the shadow of Democrat encouraged civil unrest, and Covid-19, the 2020 election was always going to be a close call.

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John Piper’s ambiguous words this week missed the point.

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The move has been slammed on social media for its potential to be abused and weaponized, and the risk of bankruptcy it poses to businesses that may be unfairly targeted for personal, political, or other reasons.

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Democrats in California have reopened salons a day after video of Democrat speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi sucker-punched voters, in lockdown since March.

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The essence of Porsche’s testimony is lost if it’s read solely through the white-oppressing-black, Black Lives Matter (the movement) lens.

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In his latest fireside chat, Dennis Prager addressed the politicisation of hydroxychloroquine.

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It might surprise the self-righteous, COVID-1984 surveillance and speech police, that Australia’s Health Minister, Greg Hunt, has been funding research into the “controversial” drug hydroxychloroquine.

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Billions of taxpayer dollars will flood competing pharmaceutical companies thanks to the federal government’s blitz to get a coronavirus vaccine to market as quickly as possible.

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It has been observed for quite some time that Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube are censoring conservative content.

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It has to make you wonder who the Big Tech Companies are taking their cues from, when they ban, block and boot professionals for publicly announcing a valid opposing viewpoint to the prevailing theory about how to treat COVID-19.

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At the end of the day, the tale of Joe Biden’s candidacy is a cautionary one of how far the Left will go to defeat its opponent at the cost of the country’s wellbeing. They overlook obvious missteps they would consider egregious otherwise, pretend there is no reason to doubt his abilities, and blast vitriol at those who do not jump on the bandwagon.

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Left-leaning, Jewish online news organization, Jerusalem Post reports that Twitter have blocked accounts which feature the Star of David, branding the symbol “hateful imagery.”

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Bari Weiss’ resignation last week raised eyebrows, ruffled feathers, and furthered speculation about the existence of an internal war being waged between the traditional Left and radical Leftists within modern liberalism. This “civil war” isn’t new. What has been emerging from a series of high-profile defections and protests over the past decade, is evidence of an unstable hegemonic power purging itself of the rational in order to exalt the radical. Wiess’s protest exit adds to a growing list of intellectuals walking away from Leftism and its corrosive “convert, pay a tax or else” culture. The late Roger Scruton was exiled…

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The National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC) has deleted their widely ridiculed graphic which claimed “hard work” and “rational thinking” are aspects of whiteness. The info-graphic, which was titled “Aspects and Assumptions of Whiteness and White Culture In the United States”, went viral across social media last week for essentially suggesting the best parts of society come from white people. NMAAHC’s website states: “White dominant culture, or whiteness, refers to the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States.…

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A powerful speech is circulating on social media of a Cuban immigrant warning America that the political Left are ‘communists’ bent on destroying the nation with false promises of free education and free health care. According to the Daily Wire, Maximo Alvarez, president of Sunshine Gasoline Distributors, came to the United States over 60 years ago after escaping communist Cuba. Alvarez issued his passionate warning during a round table with President Donald Trump last week, urging Americans to understand what’s happening in the country and not be “useful idiots.” “I remember all the promises that we hear today, about free…

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A whistle-blower from a company employed by Facebook to manage content on the site has released undercover footage documenting the deliberate censorship of conservatives on the platform. In a video released last week by Project Veritas, former Cognizant employee Zach McElroy admitted that 75-to-80 percent of posts selected by Facebook’s algorithm for moderator review support President Donald Trump, Republicans and Conservative causes. Follow Caldron Pool on Facebook, Twitter, and Parler! The damning footage captured Facebook content moderators bragging about deleting pro-Trump and pro-conservative content while being protected by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. This means that Facebook are not meant to…

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City of Beverly Hills officials have issued an indefinite order banning gatherings of no more than 10 people in residential areas. The ‘civil emergency order’ is a response to violent Black Lives Matter protesters disturbing the ‘peace and tranquillity’ of the “home of the stars”. The order cites, one ‘group called “Occupy” staging loud protests at night using bullhorns and loud music in residential areas’, with Vanity magazine adding that the ban also coincides with an earlier curfew put in place after ‘Beverly Hills was hit by violence, and property damage as looting began in the area, particularly around Rodeo…

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Dr Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Seminary in the U.S, is the latest victim of ‘cancel culture’. Religion News Service (RNS) is reporting that over 10,000 people have signed a petition to have Dr Mohler fired because of a supposed “racist” and “homophobic” podcast on June 3. (A full transcript of what was said can be found here) So, what precisely was Dr Mohler’s thought crime? It was that he failed to unequivocally affirm the violent riots around Black Lives Matter protest, and instead “…equated evangelical anger over the Episcopal Church’s embrace of LBTQ rights with the national outrage…

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The tragic death of George Floyd was primarily about law enforcement’s abuse of deadly force. All the evidence suggests racism was not a motivator. Yet, many in the Leftist mainstream media, along with their celebrity sycophants, and some well-meaning community leaders jumped straight to the “it’s racist” button, using George’s death as an excuse to once again impose their vacuous ideological paradigm on the rest of us, as they parade their own self-righteous virtue all over social media. The majority of images, and comments, from “kill whitey”, to those laden with white guilt, and self-hatred, weren’t altruistic. They weren’t about…

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