214 search results for "catholic"

How do you change a western world where blasphemy is illegal? By way of subversion.

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Alongside uncompromising words from Denzel Washington, the unapologetic resilience of Candace Cameron-Bure, Patricia Heaton, Kevin Sorbo, and even Mark Wahlberg, it’s comforting to know that not all of Hollywood is lost in a sea of ideological serfdom, sensuality, greed and opportunism. Here’s a brief transcript of an excerpt from Jim Caviezel’s speech given to The Fellowship of Catholic University Students (F.O.C.U.S), on January 5, 2018. Caviezel’s speeches are usually deep. He’s well prepared and speaks with conviction. His talk here is no different: Jim Caviezel: “We must shake off this indifference – this destructive tolerance of evil. Only our faith…

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Amy Coney Barrett. That’s the woman who has been given the nod by Trump to be the next Supreme Court Justice, replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg. At only 48 years-old, this is an appointment that is truly once in a generation.

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“But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.” (1 Corinthians 7:2)

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As the world races to develop a vaccine for COVID-19, a number of Archbishops in Australia have been calling for caution.

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Apparently looting is only fun, free and harmless when you’re the one doing it.

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Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Health Minister Greg Hunt, and Deputy Chief Medical Officer Nick Coastworth have made statements that appear to contradict the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights.

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As you all should know by now, Joe Biden has picked California Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate.

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Powerful and unique are two of the best ways to quickly describe season one of ‘The Chosen’, a ‘pay-it-forward’ episodic, visual chronicle of the life of Jesus.

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In another major win against fake news, The Washington Post has settled with Covington schoolboy, Nick Sandmann. The original lawsuit against WaPo was dismissed last August after a federal judge ruled that the Washington Post hadn’t slandered Sandmann in its reporting of the infamous, so-called racist “standoff” between himself and Native American, Nathan Phillips on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Sandmann’s win, announced on Twitter yesterday, follows an “amendment complaint” which was put forward in October last year. According to USA Today, upon review “out of 33 statements 3 required further review,” allowing “a portion of the lawsuit to…

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Author and historian Eric Metaxas has said a hatred for God is at the root of the current civil unrest that has moved from attacking American monuments to defacing Christian statues and churches. The best-selling author spoke with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Monday about recent attacks on churches, along with anti-Christian rhetoric from Former Democratic National Committee head and former presidential candidate Howard Dean. On July 11, Dean tweeted: “Unfortunately Christians don’t have much a reputation for anything but hate these days thanks to Franklin Graham and Jerry Falwell and other trump friends. AJC gets no points for this.”…

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A powerful speech is circulating on social media of a Cuban immigrant warning America that the political Left are ‘communists’ bent on destroying the nation with false promises of free education and free health care. According to the Daily Wire, Maximo Alvarez, president of Sunshine Gasoline Distributors, came to the United States over 60 years ago after escaping communist Cuba. Alvarez issued his passionate warning during a round table with President Donald Trump last week, urging Americans to understand what’s happening in the country and not be “useful idiots.” “I remember all the promises that we hear today, about free…

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IT is only a matter of time before someone pulls down a statue of Mother Teresa because she was silent on transgender rights. Admittedly, the Catholic saint did some good work amongst the poor of Calcutta, but did she ever use her international profile to campaign for gender-neutral bathrooms? No. And so her statue must go. And statues of Florence Nightingale will likely be demolished because she failed to speak out about the climate emergency. Little matter that the founder of modern nursing lived and died before the effects of the industrial revolution were known. Her silence was violence. How…

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Dr Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Seminary in the U.S, is the latest victim of ‘cancel culture’. Religion News Service (RNS) is reporting that over 10,000 people have signed a petition to have Dr Mohler fired because of a supposed “racist” and “homophobic” podcast on June 3. (A full transcript of what was said can be found here) So, what precisely was Dr Mohler’s thought crime? It was that he failed to unequivocally affirm the violent riots around Black Lives Matter protest, and instead “…equated evangelical anger over the Episcopal Church’s embrace of LBTQ rights with the national outrage…

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The High Court’s unanimous acquittal of Cardinal George Pell, after two previous judicial rulings that failed to acknowledge a reasonable doubt as to the defendant’s guilt, appears to indicate that the administration of justice in Australia has been corrupted by a desire to persecute and punish, not prosecute justly. There has been a strong odour of miscarriage of justice about the whole matter. However, when Cardinal Pell was still awaiting trial, the Australian Prime Minister implied his guilt by making statements about those who ‘abused the shield of faith and religion to hide their crimes shall stand condemned’.[1] Before the…

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When Catholic Archbishop of Hobart Julian Porteous wrote a booklet entitled “Don’t Mess with Marriage”, it never occurred to him that the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner was about to mess with him. The Catholic bishop was merely doing what Catholic bishops do. He wrote a booklet outlining Catholic doctrine for Catholic parents interested in Catholic teaching. That’s when a transgendered activist and federal Greens candidate stepped in. The activist complained to the Commission that the booklet was insulting. As well as an apology, she demanded that Catholic Education implement a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex awareness program for all staff…

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THE BRAVE new world in which we live makes it difficult to know how to react to research that suggests certain ethnic groups might be aborting girls because they prefer boys. A 2018 Latrobe University study of more than a million births in Victoria found that, in key migrant communities, there were as many as 125 boys born for every 100 girls. This was a male birth rate 20% higher than if nature was left to take its course. Lead researcher Dr Kristina Edvardsson said the results were evidence that “systematic discrimination against females starts in the womb”. “We believe…

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The recent High Court decision which unanimously (7-0) upheld the appeal of George Pell against the Victorian Court of Appeal’s decision proves—once-and-for-all-time—that the Catholic Cardinal is innocent. But that hasn’t stopped sections of the media from continuing to reaffirm Pell’s guilt. Without doubt, the most shocking example came from Clementine Ford, whose tweet would almost certainly result in a defamation lawsuit if it were anyone else but a twenty-first century, Roman Catholic Cardinal: George Pell is a child abuser, a sexual predator and a life ruiner (sic). Apart from the children he personally harmed, he oversaw the harm of countless…

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Instead of conforming her worldview to the revealed Word of God, Magda Szubanski is deeply upset Christianity isn’t conformed to her worldview. She seems more than a little frustrated the Vatican empathised with those who suffer from unjust sentences, the Pope comparing their suffering to the popular persecution of Jesus with “obstinacy and rage even though He was innocent.” Such language vividly describes the vendetta prosecuted by the ABC, Victorian legal system and irrational masses baying for Cardinal George Pell’s blood. I’ve downloaded the form to formally defect from the Catholic Church. I am seriously thinking of sending it. Is that what…

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The recent High Court decision which unanimously (seven-nil) upheld the appeal of Cardinal George Pell against the Victorian Court of Appeal’s decision regarding the original trial verdict of child sexual abuse, is to be welcomed. The High Court ruled that the conviction did not meet the required standard of proof. However, this case will go down in history as being memorable for another reason as well. And that is it highlights the problem that the current legal process involving child sexual abuse has itself a number of potential flaws. The flood of publicity—and the pre-trial shaping of public opinion—by the…

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