
Pro-abortion Extremists Protest in Perth

"The Australian media doesn’t really have a problem with promoting extremists, as long as they’re left-wing extremists of course."

On Saturday a pro-abortion protest was organised in Perth by Socialist Alternative and the Socialist Alliance under the banner of the “Defend and extend abortion rights” campaign group.

The Premier of Western Australia Mark McGowan has recently announced that he will be expanding the state’s abortion laws to make it easier than ever before for Western Australian women to end the life of their unborn child. So you’d think the fanatically pro-abortion activists on the Australian extreme left would be happy wouldn’t you?

But of course, they aren’t. In their opinion abortion is not properly legal until there are “clinics” on every corner and the procedure is subsidised fully by the taxpayer.

The Facebook page for Saturday’s event listed the organisers as Socialist Alternative Perth, Socialist Alternative Curtin, Socialist Alliance WA, United Against Bigotry and Racism, the ECU Women’s Community, and Defend Abortion Action group.

Socialist Alternative is Australia’s largest Marxist group. Socialist Alliance used to be Australia’s largest Marxist group. United Against Bigotry and Racism is a front group founded in 2015 by Socialist Alternative activist (and Research Associate at Edith Cowan University) Alexis Vassiley.

The Defend Abortion Action Group has only had two spokespeople in its short history, Ana Obradovic of Socialist Alternative and group “co-convenor” Nicole McEwen again of Socialist Alternative.

So it’s not exactly a diverse crowd.

It’s interesting to note that despite belonging to a revolutionary Marxist organisation dedicated to the violent overthrow of the Australian government Nicole McEwen got a favourable interview by Channel 9 Perth to give her point of view on the proposed legislative changes.

The Australian media doesn’t really have a problem with promoting extremists, as long as they’re left-wing extremists of course.

From the paucity of publicly published photos of the event, it seems that there weren’t so many saucy sandgroper socialists that enthusiastic to give up their Saturday protesting against a Premier who is already doing want they ostensibly want.

But this certainly wasn’t the case back in October when the “Defend Abortion Action group” decided to violently blockade a Catholic church that was hosting a pro-life event in the Perth suburb of Kelmscott. At that protest, the pro-abortion extremists proudly declared that:  

“We picketed the entrance and send (sic) the fascists packing, turning several cars of pro-life bigots away”.

The “fascists” they refer to were the Coalition for the Defence of Human life who were trying to hold a meeting attended by various dignitaries including elected Liberal Party MLC Nic Goiran.

Nicole McEwen being restrained after squealing at ALP Premier Mark McGowan. Credit: Andrew Ritchie/The West Australian

When Nicole McEwen waddled up to Mark McGowan on the UWA campus back in August and had to be led away by security after squealing about abortions being made free, Josh Zimmerman of The West Australian described her as “a female student”, which is an interesting way of saying “extremist nutbag”.

Perhaps it’s time for journalists over there in the west to actually start doing some journalism. It is their job after all.

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