68 search results for "j6"

In August 1939, the Soviets signed a non-aggression treaty with the Nazis. This treaty was called the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact and it allowed the Soviets room to explore Stalin’s expansionist policies. Largely hidden behind the grotesque Abyss of National Socialism’s dark reach for Europe in 1940, Stalin’s Communist forces moved into Poland and Finland.  The Soviet offensive against Poland began in September, 1939; the offensive against Finland (known as The Winter War) began in November. Unlike, Poland, Finland had the benefit of only fighting a war on one front. ‘The Winter War’ ended five months later. Finland lost some territory, but…

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Australia’s budget landed this week, and with it came a few surprises. The biggest three were the announcements of a surplus, new life saving medicinal additions to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and another small reduction in foreign aid. Like clockwork, though, the budget was met with an uproar from discontent antagonists looking for excuses to impose their own pet causes on the majority of Australian workers. Joining the outrage was condemnation for the reduction in foreign aid. Such as Eternity news who called it a kick in the teeth to Christians. However, Eternity news left out some key information, choosing…

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The attack on Masjid Al Nor and Linwood Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand was horrific. The loss of life, the changed lives and the many painful years of grieving to come for the victims involved – all of it heartbreaking. The world, as we’re told, now stands in mourning for the innocent lives taken. Social media is saturated with comments from those in disbelief, to those looking to show solidarity, or outrage, and those who see the attack on the Mosque in New Zealand, as an opportunity to further their own self-interest. We are witnessing, and no doubt will witness,…

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UPDATE: Library coordinator has since apologised for displaying this book in the Junior Area and acknowledged the book was incorrectly labeled as a Junior item and should not have been displayed in the children’s area. The library have corrected the labeling of all copies of the book to ensure the book is located in the Adult Non-Fiction section in future. Queensland’s North Lakes Library attracted numerous children during the holidays. The library hosted a variety of events over the Christmas period specifically targeting youngsters. During this time, the library thought it would be a good opportunity to promote LGBTQ Pride to…

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Western Australia imports extreme anti-masculinity ‘Respectful Relationships’ material from Victoria. The $1-million program teaches kids to reject gender roles in fairy tales, embrace same-sex parenting, and reject ‘gender bias’ phrases such as “good morning, princess”, “boys don’t cry” and “girls can’t play with trucks”. The deceptively named ‘Respectful Relationships‘ program was announced during the holidays to keep parents unaware of plans to sexualise and degender OUR kids. The Labor spokesman was unwilling to reveal the exact content, nor which content providers were getting the $1-million in funding, nor which schools would even use the program. This is NOT in the domain of principals…

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A “street artist” in New York has posted a series of mock NYC Sanitation Department posters around the city depicting Christians and Trump supporters along with the caption: “Keep NYC Trash Free.” One of the posters features a woman in a MAGA hat holding a Bible, another shows a man with a confederate tattoo and a MAGA hat holding a drink from Chick-fil-A. According to Gothamist, the artist, Winston Tseng, refused to comment but said, “I’ll let the poster speak for itself.” Tseng has reportedly put up vulgar posters in the past, taking a swing at Sean Hannity, Donald Trump,…

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Australian Senator Pauline Hanson has recorded a message for Tommy Robinson following his arrest. “I’m a senator here. This means a lot to me, what happens in this Parliament. And it starts with us, in this place, to make sure that we never lose the freedom of speech in this country.” Watch: FREE TOMMY ROBINSON | A message of support to #TommyRobinson from @PaulineHansonOz leader of @OneNationAus. Tommy's arrest as well as Sonia Kruger being dragged before a racial vilification tribunal, prove that #FreeSpeech is truly under siege in the West. #Auspol #FreeTommy pic.twitter.com/VnMImj6gFg — Pauline Hanson ?? (@PaulineHansonOz) May…

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In 2012, a group called the Pro-Life Action League hosted a conference featuring seven former abortion workers. The speakers included former secretaries, nurses, clinic managers, and even abortionists as well as one who has performed up to 1,200 abortions. Their journey from pro-choice abortion providers to pro-life activists can be viewed below: Dr Anthony Levatino Obstetrician-Gynecologist, Abortionist Linda CouriFormer Planned Parenthood Social Worker Catherine AdairFormer Planned Parenthood Worker Ruth YorstonFormer Clinic Secretary Sue ThayerFormer Planned Parenthood Manager John BruchalskiFormer Abortionist Tony CarusoFormer IVF Practitioner
