1334 search results for "Trans"

“Barred from seeing his patients for two years and counting, Dr. Jereth’s trial isn’t expected to start until 2022 where the Medical Board will likely seek a permanent ban on him practising medicine.”

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“Is the fact that ethical vaccines for COVID are not being developed rather heavily predicated on the fact that we cooperated with the system over the last few decades in using morally objectionable common childhood vaccines where we could have demanded ethical alternatives that already existed?”

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“Will the Confessing Church ever learn that majority decision in matters of conscience kills the spirit?” Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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“We have also reluctantly engaged the services of a security company for this 3 week period, and a security officer will be present to enforce the public health orders where necessary.”

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“In Taipei’s response to Beijing, Taiwan’s foreign minister, Joseph Wu, fired back saying the nation was preparing for war.”

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“Believe in Fauci and Gates and the vaxxes and the lockdowns, and you will be safe and saved, you and your household.”

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“Australia has unsubscribed herself from the International Community; the community of civilised nations. We, therefore, demand that the Warsaw Government condemn what is happening in Australia. We are also ready to rush help and legal aid to organise the evacuation of Polish dual citizens, as refugees from the People’s Republic of Melbourne.”

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“Freely given consent to any medical treatment, particularly in the context of a clinical trial, is not optional. Coercion is completely incompatible with consent, and denying a person the ability to work and participate in society if the person does not have a COVID vaccine will unquestionably breach this fundamental and internationally recognised human right. Can COVID vaccinations be mandated by employers on health and safety grounds? The short answer to this question, in almost every case, is no.”

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“We did not expect to get this much traction with our letter, but we praise God that he has used three ‘poorly trained and uneducated ministers’ (to quote our critics) to draw attention to a very serious issue, and we believe, a very serious threat to the unity of the Church.”

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“So, unless you want boosters every five months indefinitely, despite key vaccine advisors stating boosters are too great a risk, the threat from the unvaccinated is highly questionable.”

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“One of the massive blunders has been the hardcore and over-the-top lockdown measures. They have actually caused more harm than good, and many reports and studies have shown just how damaging and counterproductive they have been.”

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“The ‘domestic terrorism’ and ‘misuse of social media’ charges against Ramy Kamel, are proof that these labels can be easily used by abusive governments, ecclesial, and civic leaders, to squash dissent, in order to avoid accountability, reasoned opposition, and the truth.”

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“We do not need to break world records. We need to break this diabolical and deadly tyranny in Victoria.”

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The Australian flag being thrown to the ground along with the woman is a small, but powerful metaphor that illustrates the contempt Australia’s overbearing, bloated bureaucracy has for the people they’re paid to serve.

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“What the doctor did not inform her readers, however, was that these studies were short-term studies (0-21 days or 0-2 months) that have since been replaced with much more thorough pieces of work.”

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If we once normalise an unbiblical divide like this in church, we are searing the consciences of our members and setting ourselves up for long-term segregation whether mandated or not because we have NOT clearly said, “It is wrong.”

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There are currently four cases challenging forced vaccinations before the Supreme Court.

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“Clearly, our Health Department thinks that going to the beach is essential and a blind eye should be turned to any transgressions of Health Orders by beachgoers but ordered outdoor church services are a great risk to public health.”

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Now is the time to insist that churches be re-opened. For everyone: vaccinated and unvaccinated.

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“I, myself, would not want to be anywhere with someone who’s not vaccinated,” the NSW Premier said.

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