552 search results for "covid-19"

“You must not blaspheme God or curse a ruler of your people.” Exodus 22:28 ​As violent protests and hatred for police spillover from the USA to the Western world, many hidden agitators are seeking to violently overthrow governments. They claim that destruction of property, and many lives taken, are necessary to awaken the world to ‘systemic racism’ that supposedly disregards that “blacks lives matter”. It appears that several officers have been charged in connection to George Floyd’s alleged murder in police custody. Since his death, over 4000 Americans have been arrested, hundreds are injured and dozens killed or murdered. Peaceful…

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In case you didn’t think 2020 could get any more perplexing, there are now uncontrolled riots taking place in dozens of American cities. From coast to coast, cars and businesses have been set alight, numberless shops have been looted, vehicles have been driven into crowds, and mob violence has broken out on city streets. In the week since the rioting began, numerous people have lost their lives and thousands have been arrested. Many cities have imposed curfews and the National Guard has been deployed in over 20 states. The unrest started last week in Minneapolis after a video went viral showing the…

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Planned Parenthood, an organisation that performs a third of all abortions in the United States, has taken to Twitter to lament “white supremacy.” A post on the organisation’s official Twitter page says: “We’re devastated, grieving, and outraged by violence against Black lives. We must continue to demand accountability, justice, and an end to the inequality that continues to define every moment of life for Black America from the racist institutions that uphold white supremacy.” We're devastated, grieving, and outraged by violence against Black lives. We must continue to demand accountability, justice, and an end to the inequity that continues to…

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ONE minute the media are telling us the Coronavirus is so lethal that we dare not leave our homes. The next minute the media are enthusiastically reporting on a massive crowd marching through the Sydney CBD. One minute police are threatening to arrest us for sitting alone on a park bench. The next minute police are standing idle as thousands of protestors stand shoulder-to-shoulder in Martin Place. One minute the State Premier insists it is unsafe for more than 50 people to gather for worship. The next minute the State Premier is silent when 3000 people gather to show solidarity…

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Facebook has fact-checked a church’s prayer, marking the post as “partly false information.” Saint Alban’s Anglican Church of Maryland posted the prayer, taken from the Book of Common Prayer, to their Facebook page on Wednesday, which included the words: “In Time of Great Sickness and Mortality. O MOST mighty and merciful God, in this time of grievous sickness, we flee unto thee for succour. Deliver us, we beseech thee, from our peril; give strength and skill to all those who minister to the sick; prosper the means made use for their cure; and grant that, perceiving how frail and uncertain…

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Facebook users have noticed that the word “Coronavirus” is being automatically flagged on the platform as a violation of Community Standards. Those who have posted the word “Coronavirus” into their personal Facebook status area have been promptly met with a warning that their post contains “misinformation that could cause physical harm.” The platform then directs users to get their information from the World Health Organization. “We encourage free expression,” the Facebook auto-response says, “but don’t allow false information about COVID-19 that could contribute to physical harm.” The warning continues: “In some cases, this includes information that recognised health organisations say…

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Will Carroll, the drummer for the black metal band, Death Angel, recently contracted Covid-19. Carroll’s condition was so critical that he was placed in a medically-induced coma for almost two weeks. Doctors are still amazed that he survived. But, even more significantly, according to news reports: While in the coma, Carroll said he had dreams of visiting the afterlife. He saw himself leave his body and plummet down to hell, where Satan—a woman in his case—punished him for the deadly sin of sloth, morphing him into a Jabba the Hutt-like-monster who vomited blood until he had a heart attack. “I…

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Sitting state Labor members defending the Communist Chinese Party, while simultaneously attacking their federal government colleagues is not a good look for Australian Labor. The attacks against Andrew Hastie, George Christensen, and Scott Morrison, reveal a party divided by arrogant far-left factions advancing Australia further into a social, cultural, moral, political and economic abyss. The reason why Labor governments in both Western Australia and Victoria warm to any “kiss and makeup” approach between the Australian and Communist Chinese governments, is because Labor has political capital invested in the relationship. Tapping into China’s flawed totalitarian powerhouse gives them the illusion of…

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In NSW, Pubs and Clubs are now allowed to open for 50 people but churches are still restricted to 10. I guess that’s because having a beer and playing the pokies is an “essential” service, whereas worshipping God and having a cup of tea or coffee with a small group of people is just too dangerous? At least churchgoers don’t need to be breathalysed after they leave! But to comprehend just how ridiculous this particular policy is, let’s put it to a literal pub test: Only 20 people can attend a funeral, or up to 30 if it’s held outdoors.…

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Is it time to replace our elected politicians with non-elected experts? We have always voted representatives into public office. But perhaps that has been our problem. They were representative of us! Who among us is an expert, fit to adjudicate on the big questions of life? These days most of us are flat out just trying to work out what to watch on Netflix! Surely the past few years have proved that Abraham Lincoln’s “government of the people by the people for the people” should indeed perish from the earth. Increasingly I wonder if a better model for society might…

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THE decision to close the Queensland border to protect citizens from the spread of Covid-19, like many other decisions the State’s Chief Health Officer has made, is just for show. It has nothing to do with protecting Queenslanders and I can tell you this because I travelled across the border and was shocked at how easy it was. But more of that in a moment. The border was closed at the end of March and today State Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced that it might not reopen until September. “It’s not my decision, it’s based on the best health advice,” she…

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New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has urged New Zealanders to dismiss any information relating to COVID-19 that has not come from her government. “I’ve been watching for some days and this is not unique to New Zealand, that in the midst of what is a global issue, as you would expect, there are a number of rumours that circulate,” Ardern told reporters. “I am present on social media, I see it myself. I cannot go around and individually dismiss every single rumour I see on social media, as tempted as I might be. “So instead, I want to send…

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Firebrand Australian Tasmanian senator, Jackie Lambie joins the Liberal National Party’s George Christensen, and Andrew Hastie, along with One Nation’s Pauline Hanson, and Mark Latham, in being among the few Australian parliamentarians to publicly challenge Chinese Communist interference in Australian society, education and politics. Arguing for a “Make Australia Make Again” campaign, the senator channelled her fiery speech from December warning about government inaction with regards to the Chinese regime. Lambie took direct aim and shot straight in the heart of the path of least resistance chosen by The Greens, Labor, and the LNP. It was a clean shot across…

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Forced vaccinations, medical examinations, and treatments are just some of the extreme enforceable powers that The Public Health Act (Western Australia) enacted by the Western Australian Parliament back in 2016. The Public Health Act 2016 states that it was enacted “to protect, promote and improve the health and wellbeing of the public of Western Australia and to reduce the incidence of preventable illness, and for related purposes.” The Act is ‘Crown Bound’, which means it binds the State and, so far as the legislative power of the State permits, the Crown in all its other capacities. In other words, “nothing…

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On March 23, 2020, a month after New Zealand had recorded its first case of coronavirus, Prime Minister Jacinta Ardern announced a draconian national lockdown when it only had 102 cases and zero deaths. Her radical decision was highly praised by the usual suspects, including the discredited WHO. Addressing the NZ Parliament on March 25th to justify the nation going “into an extreme lockdown”, Ardern contented that the job of her government is to “save lives”. A State of National Emergency, she said, was necessary to preserve human lives. For this particular purpose, she menacingly stated: “There will be no…

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There’s a big difference between politicians doing something, and politicians making it look like they’re doing something. What looks good for us isn’t always what’s good for us. The image we are sold can often be dissimilar to the product we end up with. For instance, social distancing laws have created an image of police protecting politicians, instead of the police protecting the people. Look at how famously the police have broken their own social distancing rules while enforcing the will of the political class. Another example is the sleight of hand when it comes to taxation, the important social…

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Just how ‘tolerant’ is the homosexual movement? That’s the question many are currently asking since the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) used rainbow flags during COVID-19 to rally people’s morale. Apparently, the furore all started because an older gentleman flew a rainbow flag outside his window in support of the NHS and refused to acknowledge that it meant he was supporting people who are LGBTIQ. All of which led to his homosexual grandson tweeting: My grandad who is a staunch "I've got nothing against them, but I don't want to know about it" has put this up out front and…

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LEFTISTS have turned to alchemy to try to transform the Covid-19 pandemic into their fabled climate emergency. Former ABC journalist Quentin Dempster tweeted on Thursday: “Australia’s National Cabinet should stay on to coordinate decarbonising of energy/transport/manufacture to urgently mitigate climate change.” Well no, Quentin. If I wanted Daniel Andrews to run my life I would move to Victoria, lock myself in my home and vote for him. The National Cabinet, formed by the PM to help steer Australia through the pandemic by determining such things as whether or not we may see our mums on Mother’s Day, should be disbanded the moment the…

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The Australian Government says that their app will make us “COVIDSafe”, but the evidence is emerging that we should protect ourselves in other ways. The federal government has shown it is irresponsible with sensitive data and with protecting your privacy. Scandals with My Health Record, unregulated police access of ClearView AI facial recognition, overstepped and illegal metadata access, and web companies required to create encryption backdoors should serve as a warning. Australians who alert the app that they have tested positive do so at their own risk, even after privacy legislation is rushed through this week. iOS phones (prior to…

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The Australian government seems particularly pleased to have been a world leader in compromising our future in order to combat a virus that may be no more deadly than the normal flu. Indeed, it is now becoming patently clear that this government has completely over-reacted to this virus. There have been no new cases of coronavirus reported in Australia on May 7, 2020. According to the nation’s Health Department, of the 6,875 confirmed cases, only 97 have died from or with Covid-19. This means that of all those who have had the virus, only 1.4 per cent have died with…

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