343 search results for "war on the virus"

In a speech for the National Press Club on Wednesday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison delivered the equivalent of a State of the Union address. From its content to his delivery, it was obvious that the Prime Minister was addressing the nation, not just the top end town. His address didn’t present a government in damage control, but a government that is in control. Morrison was right to not use the opportunity to give ground to noisy dishonest critics on social media. Many of whom come across as detached from everyday Australia, and seem to exist only as a deliberate distraction…

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I want to address the black-pillers out there, and not just the black-pillers but those who have friends, or family or people in their lives who are black-pillers. The Western world is assailed on all sides. Not only has Christendom failed to maintain its glory, but we have also imported all the pagan ideologies which enslaved the peoples of the rest of the world. We converted the Vikings, we made devil worshippers and human sacrificing heathen, who raped and pillaged the coastlines of Europe into the builders of the great northern European churches and castles. We did a lot of…

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HBO’s “Chernobyl” is, according to IMDB, the highest-ranking show of all time with a 9.7-star rating (out of 10). According to Interesting Engineering: That puts it ahead of AMC’s “Breaking Bad” (9.5), BBC’s “Planet Earth II” (9.5), HBO’s “Band of Brothers” (9.5), the original “Planet Earth” (9.4), HBO’s “Game of Thrones” (9.3) and HBO’s “The Wire” (9.3). But while it might make for great entertainment, is it accurate? This is an important question—especially regarding the subject of nuclear power—because it has the power the influence so many people’s perceptions and opinions on the subject. Significantly, the central character in the…

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