Here Comes the “Hate Speech” Police? Facebook’s New “Free Speech” Judges
Facebook isn’t new to panel’s overseeing data collection and usage, customer conflict resolution, and moderation of user content. The company is monolithic. They have 70 offices worldwide, 15 data centres, 48,268 full-time employees and according to the digital marketing firm, Zephoria, ‘1.73 billion people’ using the site daily. Oversight committees are a staple for any socially responsible corporate entity. They’re also essential for good government because they’re a stabilizing force providing insight through transparency and accountability. For an operation as big as Facebook, whose sole product is providing a stable communications service, a polished exterior, and even cleaner interior, keeps…
Emergencies Have Always Been the Pretext on Which the Safeguards of Individual Liberty Have Been Eroded
Since March this year, our government is ruling by executive decree and this country has effectively become a police state. Of course, a police state does not mean a totalitarian state — I am still able to write this article without being immediately arrested. However, we are already living with all key hallmarks of a police state. According to Dennis Prager, the primary elements of a police state are (1) draconian laws depriving citizens of elementary rights; (2) a mass media supportive of the state’s messaging and deprivation of fundamental rights; (3) excessive use of power by the police; (4)…
Despite What Mainstream Media Says, a Christian Prime Minister Is a Cause for Hope, Not Fear
FROM the moment Pentecostal church-going Scott Morrison became Prime Minister his Christian faith has been the subject of hot debate. Commentators on the ABC’s The Drum wondered if Morrison might try to turn Australia into a theocracy, forcing everybody to memorize the Bible and speak in tongues. Twitter lit up with people worried that Australia’s most famous church, Hillsong, might suddenly control the whole country, swamping the nation with positivity and catchy tunes. That the church Scott Morrison and his family attend is not part of Hillsong was completely missed on social media where the comfort of opinion is rarely,…
The Safe Space Where Cultures Go to Die
When Catholic Archbishop of Hobart Julian Porteous wrote a booklet entitled “Don’t Mess with Marriage”, it never occurred to him that the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner was about to mess with him. The Catholic bishop was merely doing what Catholic bishops do. He wrote a booklet outlining Catholic doctrine for Catholic parents interested in Catholic teaching. That’s when a transgendered activist and federal Greens candidate stepped in. The activist complained to the Commission that the booklet was insulting. As well as an apology, she demanded that Catholic Education implement a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex awareness program for all staff…
Has the present pandemic proven our pro-life proclivities?
A deadly plague has stolen the lives of some 17,500 people in Australia so far this year. That’s almost 200 people every day, or one every eight minutes. What plague could possibly be so deadly? It is the plague of abortion. We learn some important lessons when we compare this to how many Australians have lost their lives to the coronavirus so far—a national tally that currently stands at 28. First, it provides us with a much-needed perspective. This is no time for complacency, to be sure. But compared with other potential threats to life or the scale of what could…
Thinking Through Holding Church Amidst a Pandemic
Through the past two weeks, Christians throughout the West have had to wrestle with the problem of how to conduct the Lord’s Day Service—whether it should be held, or whether it should be postponed, or whether it ought to be even relocated online. Considering the rising rate at which the Coronavirus, also referred to as COVID-19, is being spread, Christians must, rightly, ask as to how they can apply best practice in dealing with the virus, and how to avoid the local church being a den of malaise. Should the church shutter its doors like certain businesses, sports, and other…
Remembering Roger Scruton: Finding Consolation, Fighting Anxiety and Rediscovering God’s Moral Equilibrium
From a post of mine from 2017 when I first engaged with Scruton on a serious level. His passing this week is a monumental loss, but his legacy, bravado and inspiration, will continue on. It is my hope that this post will exemplify why. In the video below, conservative philosopher Roger Scruton is interviewed for an hour and a half by Dutch journalist Wim Kayzer, as part of a series called, ‘Of Beauty and Consolation‘. The whole interview is worth watching. Since it is quite lengthy, my purpose here will be to share some of the more stand-out points. What this…
The Evolution of Social Justice Warriors
From Mao Xe-Dong’s genocidal regime in China, to the Third Reich’s extermination of the Jews, the history of Darwinian evolution is a path marked with human destruction. Various ideologies that surfaced during the nineteenth and twentieth century are evidence for the devastating effects of Darwinism when applied to society, and these continue to the present day. This has produced a new breed of social justice warriors, which has polluted the political waters creating turmoil and disunity. It stems from an acceptance of evolutionary theory, breaking down absolute truths, and replacing a moral compass with pluralism and the individual subjective experience.…
Top 20 Most-Read Articles in 2019
It’s been a busy year at Caldron Pool. This year alone, we’ve had well over 6.5-million views on our website. So, as 2019 comes to an end, we thought we’d share a list of the top 20 most-read articles over the past 12 months. We hope you all have a great New Year’s. Many blessings for 2020! Top 20 Most Read Articles in 2019 1. Female athletes take a stand after transgender athletes dominate track event: ‘We’re facing the end of women’s sports’ 2. LGBTQ activist transforming schools admits: “We’re training school teachers to completely smash heteronormativity” 3. Where is…
Former Greens leader suggests Christians are ‘dangerous’ and should have no place in politics
Former Greens leader Christine Milne has urged Australians to “stand up for separation of Church and State”, suggesting Christian politicians are “dangerous” and have no place in politics. In a tweet posted on Boxing Day, the Global Greens Ambassador said: “Australians need to stand up for separation of Church and State. A PM whose worldview is dominated by The Rapture is dangerous.” Australians need to stand up for separation of Church and State. A PM whose worldview is dominated by The Rapture is dangerous. #auspol — Christine Milne (@ChristineMilne) December 26, 2019 Is Milne suggesting that Australia has violated the…
What if Mary gave birth to Jesus in our politically correct, abortion-obsessed, the-future-is-female culture?
Here’s how a committee meeting between Herod and his advisers might sound if such a meeting were to take place in a Western context today. “This baby! This Jesus, his mother and father, is a threat to us! Committee members, you are asked to agree with Herod’s call for the genocide of all newborn male Hebrew children. For by this child’s very existence, all the power structures that surround him stand unprotected. This so-called, “Prince of Peace”, is a threat to safe spaces, our glorious goal of perpetual revolution and the power of its leaders.” “This child’s birth is nothing…
Rowan Dean is right, Farage’s role in the UK election makes him one of the greatest political leaders since Thatcher
The opinion I held prior to the British election remains the same. I like Boris Johnson. I don’t trust Jeremy Corbyn or Corbynistas, and despite my scepticism of some Brexiteers, and their claim to be freedom-loving, I favoured Nigel Farage. Goethe once stated, ‘unqualified activity, of whatever kind, leads at last to bankruptcy.’ [i] Likewise, wrote J.R Miller, ‘in all of life it is the quiet forces that affect most. It’s false to consider noise to be evidence of strength, or to think that we are doing the most when we make the most bluster or show.’ [ii] Both were…
LGBTIQAX+ activists want us to see hate and bigotry where nothing but a difference of opinion exists
The headline to an article on “10 daily” claims, “I have to hide my identity around religious people now.” The article itself tells a masterfully woven story about how a homosexual, Arab Australian got into an Uber with a Christian Lebanese driver. The driver assumed his passenger shared culturally-typical opposition to homosexual relationships and undefining marriage. Lebanon is 54% Muslim and 40% Christian so it wasn’t a wildly improbable supposition. It’s hard to assume the 6% of other or no religions would all deviate from that cultural norm. Ignoring the post-modern myth that your sexual feelings and behaviours define your identity assumed…
Six Reasons Socialism is Sexy Again – But Shouldn’t Be
Wherever you look, socialism is sexy again. In the UK this week, Jeremy Corbyn is seeking election as the nation’s Prime Minister on a proudly socialist platform. In the USA, socialist Bernie Sanders is making a second run for President, and he has the endorsement of “the Squad”—a group of socialist Congresswomen which includes the famous firebrand freshman AOC. You may not have noticed yet, but the climate strikes taking place the world over also have strong socialist undercurrents. If the word socialism is new to you, it’s basically the idea that society’s wealth should be redistributed and shared by everyone. (Be sure to do your…
Australian schools are failing in maths, science and reading and have been getting worse for 20 years
All my kids have gone through the public education system, until now. I had some concerns about the education one of my kids was receiving a year or two ago and after interviewing with the head of senior students, he decided there was nothing the school could do to help. He advised me to vote for a political party which would put more funding into education if I found the system lacking. As a kindness and somewhat taken aback at both his brazen politicking and facile grasp on education policy I offered to not fully engage his assertion. However, I…
Propaganda: Organization working with Hollywood to “change the narrative of Islam”
The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) says it’s working with creatives and decision-makers in Hollywood to “change the narrative of Islam” through film and television. In a video posted to social media, MPAC director Sue Obeidi said the organisation’s Hollywood bureau is engaging with the film industry to increase positive portrayals of Islam and Muslims in an effort to change hearts and minds in the Western world. In a 2017 piece penned for Variety, Obeidi said, we’re beginning to see a shift in the entertainment industry, but the “normalization” of Islam needs to “speed up”. “It’s going to take a…
If Halloween, why not Thanksgiving? Australians adopting Halloween is a sign of greater longing
It’s a peculiar thing to see Australians, who naturally have a caustic view of Americans, along with contempt and suspicion of any kind of pageantry and ceremony, embrace American cultural traditions which involve pageantry, and ceremony. If the irony fits, wear it. None of what I’ve just said is untrue. Remember the hate and mockery thrown at Tony Abbott when his government reinstated knights and dame honours for Australians? Only to have Malcolm Turnbull ditch it, after he led the takedown of Abbott’s reign as Prime Minister, and was himself enthroned as Prime Minister in a bloodless coup. Should Australians completely…
Canadian Liberals issue pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQIAA+ decree: Affirm our ideology or else
The Trudeau era and its burgeoning “progressive” totalitarianism got an extension this week as Canadians voted. Consequently, Canadian Liberals were reinstated, winning 157 seats, against the Conservatives who secured 121. Conservatives scored a narrow loss, winning the popular vote at 34.4%, but not securing enough seats to win a majority. [i] In an opinion piece for Crisis Magazine, Canadian Professor Emeritus at St. Jerome’s University, Donald, DeMarco, presented a grim analysis of Canada’s Trudeaun landscape. DeMarco expressed concern about apathy, and a general lack of awareness at the slow erosion of hard-won, tried and true, classical liberal freedoms, stating that…
Could the Bible soon be banned in Victoria?
A Victorian MP is pushing to broaden the state’s anti-vilification laws in an effort to crack down on unapproved speech. Victorian upper house MP Fiona Patten, leader of the Reason Party — formerly known as the Sex Party — proposed the amendments to the Racial and Religious Tolerance Bill 2001 to include gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics. The changes would also include substituting “race” with “protected attribute” and substituting “incites” with “likely to incite hatred against, serious contempt for, or revulsion or severe ridicule of, that person or class of persons.” According to Patten, “Hate speech…
Win for Christian couple threatened with jail time and huge fines if they don’t make pro-LGBTQ films
A U.S. Appeals Court has ruled that the State cannot force Christian filmmakers to express messages contrary to their faith and conviction. Two years ago a Minnesota court ruled that Telescope Media Group, a Christian film company run by husband and wife team, Carl and Angel Larsen, was in violation of the state’s Human Rights Act. According to the court, the Act essentially compelled the parents of eight to use their creativity and services to create films celebrating homosexuality and same-sex marriage, contrary to their faith and conviction. At the time, Alliance Defending Freedom claimed: State officials have categorically, publicly,…
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