Jim Acosta says he never touched the White House aide, CNN says the footage is fake.
CNN’s Jim Acosta had his hard pass revoked after he physically prevented a female White House aide from taking the microphone from him. Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said, “We stand by our decision to revoke this individual’s hard pass. We will not tolerate the inappropriate behavior clearly documented in this video.” We stand by our decision to revoke this individual’s hard pass. We will not tolerate the inappropriate behavior clearly documented in this video. pic.twitter.com/T8X1Ng912y — Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) November 8, 2018 Responding to Sander’s tweet, CNN’s Brian Stelter asked, “Where’d you obtain the distorted Acosta video you posted? InfoWars…
Leftist protesters rally outside Tucker Carlson’s family home: “We know where you sleep at night… you are not safe!”
A mob of leftist protesters rallied outside the Washington D.C. family home of Fox News host and father of four, Tucker Carlson on Wednesday night. The Antifa mob reportedly rang the door bell and chanted, “racist scumbag, leave town!” An “anti-fascism” group called “Smash Racism DC” posted a series of videos showing the incident on their Twitter account saying, “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night”. “No borders! No walls! No USA at all!” This is sick. Antifa are right now protecting in front of @TuckerCarlson house, because he supports the border wall. pic.twitter.com/7bq2e7v4pL —…
WATCH: CNN reporter refuses to sit down, Trump blasts him: “You are a rude, terrible person.”
President Donald Trump has slammed CNN’s Jim Acosta during a press conference following the midterm elections. The row began win Acosta criticized the President for referring to the migrant caravan as an invasion and demonizing immigrant. “I want [migrants] to come into the country, but they have to come in legally,” the President said. “You know, they have to come in, Jim, through a process,” he added. “Your campaign had an ad showing migrants climbing over walls, and so on,” Acosta responded. “Well, that’s true,” President Trump said. “They weren’t actors. It’s true. Do you think they were actors?” “They’re…
Death by lynch mob: Brett Kavanaugh, Asia Bibi and the shared rage of the mobs out to get them.
There’s an eerie similarity between the protests against Asia Bibi and the protests against Brett Kavanaugh. The tension, and rhetoric, of anti-blasphemy protesters in Pakistan, are at the same fever pitch, as anti-Kavanaugh protests were during the senate hearings, surrounding Kavanaugh’s supreme court nomination (and subsequent confirmation) in the United States. Placards brandished about during the Ford-Kavanaugh debate which labeled Kavanaugh a rapist (without evidence or a judicial trial), have much of the same intensity as the placards brandished about by Islamist protestors in Pakistan. For evidence of this, see the long list of celebrity outrage expressed online against the…
Caught on tape: Planned Parenthood accept donation from white supremacist wanting to reduce the number of black people: ‘For whatever reason we’ll accept the money.’
Live Action have shared a video of Planned Parenthood accepting a donation for the specific purpose of reducing the number of black babies in Ohio. “If you specifically want it to underwrite an abortion for a minority person, you can target it that way,” a Planned Parenthood administrative assistant said. “You can specify that that’s how you want it spent.” “There’s definitely way too many black people in Ohio, so I’m just trying to do my part,” the man said. “Okay, whatever,” the administrator responded. “Blacks especially need abortions too,” the man went on to say. “So that’s what I’m…
Former Navy SEAL’s classy response to ‘Saturday Night Live’ mocking his war wounds.
NBC’s Saturday Night Live has been slammed after a skit, featuring Pete Davidson, mocked the appearance of a former Navy SEAL who lost his eye during a mission in Helman province, Afghanistan. Davidson compared Rep. Dan Crenshaw to a “hitman in a porno movie” in the segment that even CNN went on to criticize. “You may be surprised to hear he’s a congressional candidate in Texas and not a hit-man in a porno movie,” Davidson said. “I’m sorry, I know, he lost his eye in war, or whatever. Whatever.” Even CNN blasts NBC's SNL for mocking wounded veteran & GOP…
Why Social Justice Warriors are the brethren of Judas Iscariot, not Jesus Christ.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, a Social Justice Warrior is ‘a person who expresses or promotes socially progressive views.’ The online Urban dictionary offers a more substantial explanation: A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on social justice on the Internet, often in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation. A social justice warrior, or SJW, does not necessarily strongly believe all that they say, or even care about the groups they are fighting on behalf of. They typically repeat points from whoever is the most…
WATCH: Celebrities, politicians, and pundits threaten President Trump with violence and death, then accuse him of inciting violence…
Yesterday the Washington Post along with the Sydney Morning Herald published an article accusing U.S. President Donald Trump of knowingly inciting violence and civil conflict. “It is no longer an open question,” opinion writer Greg Sargent wrote. “President Trump knows full well that his rhetoric and conspiracy theories are putting people’s lives in danger — and in one case might have already helped incite mass murder — yet he continues to push them.” The piece goes on to accuse the President of “actively, concertedly, and deliberately inciting civil conflict on as many fronts as possible,” “likely” inspiring a madman to…
Hollywood actor-vist warns: “There will be blood on the streets” if Democrats lose.
78 year old, actorvist, James Cromwell, has predicted that “if we don’t stop Trump now, there will be blood in the streets.” The actor and activist, most famous for his role as farmer, Arthur Hoggett in the 1995 movie ‘Babe’ (et.al), inferred that that Trump was a fascist dictator and that America was dangerously close to losing its democracy. Variety reported that Cromwell made the “candid comments” during a quick Q & A, while walking up the red carpet. He was attending an award ceremony where he was also “honored for his work as a character actor.” According to Variety,…
WATCH: Hillary Clinton says black people ‘all look alike.’
Hillary Clinton has said “I know [black people] all look alike,” after an interviewer confused black Democrats Cory Booker and Eric Holder. “What do you think about Cory Booker saying, ‘kicked in the shins?’ the interviewer asked. “Well, that was Eric Holder,” Clinton responded. “Yeah, I know they all look alike.” The audience gasped, then applauded, as Clinton laughed at her own remark. Can you imagine the uncontrollable outrage, the media meltdown, and the celebrities demanding immediate impeachment if these words were spoken by President Trump? WATCH: Wow. Hillary tries to crack joke after Moderator confuses Eric Holder and Cory…
Is Sweden a Socialist success?
Democratic socialists in the United States point to Sweden as a socialist success. But Swedish historian Johan Norberg says, “Sweden is not socialist.” Norberg hosts a documentary called Sweden: Lessons for America? in which he notes that in Sweden, “government doesn’t own the means of production. To see that you have to go to Venezuela or Cuba or North Korea.” WATCH:
WATCH: Rent-A-Mob Antifa have no idea who or what they are protesting, call Candace Owens a white supremacist.
Austen Fletcher from Fleccas Talks headed to California State University in Long Beach on Tuesday to chat with Antifa protesters attempting to shut down an event featuring Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens. Turns out, the mob had very little idea who or what they were opposing. Referencing Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA, one female protester explained, “The leader of the ‘True Americans’ group, which is a white supremacist group… were invited to come by a small group of students to speak here.” “Do you think Candace Owens, Charlies partner, is white supremacist as well?” Fletcher asked.…
Fake NYC Sanitation ads TRASH Christians and Trump supporters: ‘Keep NYC Trash Free’
A “street artist” in New York has posted a series of mock NYC Sanitation Department posters around the city depicting Christians and Trump supporters along with the caption: “Keep NYC Trash Free.” One of the posters features a woman in a MAGA hat holding a Bible, another shows a man with a confederate tattoo and a MAGA hat holding a drink from Chick-fil-A. According to Gothamist, the artist, Winston Tseng, refused to comment but said, “I’ll let the poster speak for itself.” Tseng has reportedly put up vulgar posters in the past, taking a swing at Sean Hannity, Donald Trump,…
Christian filmmakers told they must make films advocating LGBTQ lifestyles or risk huge fines and even jail time.
Telescope Media Group is a Christian film company based in Minnesota. It’s a small family business, run by husband and wife team, Carl and Angel Larsen. Their company tagline reads, “We want to magnify Christ like a telescope.” Last year, a Minnesota court ruled that the couple were in violation of the state’s Human Rights Act which requires them to abandon their faith by using their services to create films celebrating homosexuality and same-sex marriage. According to the Alliance Defending Freedom, “State officials have categorically, publicly, and repeatedly threatened to prosecute expressive business owners who decline to create speech promoting…
WATCH: Maxine Waters says opposition to Sharia Law is “anti-Muslim bigotry.”
With politicians like these, who needs enemies? So often in the West we find people of power and influence claiming to represent the peoples’ best interest, but in actual fact, they’re doing the exact opposite. The following footage was taken February 19, 2012 during a public townhall meeting at the Islamic Society of Orange County in California. Congresswoman Maxine Waters offered a speech, criticizing opposition to the implementation of Sharia Law calling it anti-Muslim bigotry. “It was important to recognize what’s really going on, on these anti-Sharia laws,” Waters said. “They’re motivated by anti-Muslim bigotry, plain and simple.” “Sharia equals…
Did Amnesty International accidentally break a serious law with their “consent” cartoon?
Ryan Saavedra from the Daily Wire explains: “Not sure what fairy tale this is supposed to be, but since Kristen Bell brought up Snow White, let’s assume it’s her or Sleeping Beauty.” “Per Disney: Snow White is 14; Sleeping Beauty is 16. They’re under 18, meaning this tweet could qualify as child porn under U.S. law,” Saavedra explained. “To clarify,” Saavedra added, “under federal law, drawing and animation are considered child pornography, and you can be convicted for possessing or marketing of such material.” Also see: WATCH: Amnesty International creates gross cartoon of Sleeping Beauty being sexually assaulted: ‘No consent,…
WATCH: Leftists confront Senator Mitch McConnell and his wife at restaurant, other customers come to his defense.
Senator Mitch McConnell was harassed by four men on Friday night while dining at a restaurant with his wife in Louisville. “Why don’t you get out of here? Why don’t you leave the entire country?” one of the aggressors yelled at the Kentucky Republican and his wife. According to reports, one of the men slammed his fist on McConnell’s table before throwing his food out of the restaurant door. “Leave him alone,” other customers began to shout. “Nobody cares!” The men were eventually escorted from the restaurant. Earlier this month McConnell was confronted at Reagan National Airport near Washington, D.C.,…
Review: ‘Dream With Me: Race, Love & The Struggle We Must Win,’ John M. Perkins
John M. Perkins is an American civil rights campaigner. His 2017 book, ‘Dream with Me’, is a brave step forward in seeking to create better dialogue between both black and white communities. Overall, ‘Dream With Me’ is a call for both black and white Americans to unite, in their diversity, under God. This review will focus on two primary strengths of Perkins’ work. The first strength is the presence of a Theology of Christian Liberation. Perkins refuses to take the easy path of perpetual anger, condescension and resentment – both traits found in Black liberation theology (which is largely tainted by…
Ford Vs. Kavanaugh: The Attempted Hijacking of Justice?
Judgement based on raw emotion is the reason for why we have due process and habeas corpus. This system is not without flaws, but erasing due process is equal to denying the right of habeas corpus. If that happens then everyone is bound; subjected to the whim of the mob or the mood of the ruler. Due process is as important as habeas corpus. Habeas corpus being ‘the removal of illegal restraint on individual liberty.’ (Burke)[note]Burke, E. Letter To The Sheriffs of Bristol[/note] Any removal, or denial of due process, would easily lead to the same thing happening to habeas corpus.…
SHOCKING: Hillary Clinton says, civility will not be restored until Democrats start winning again: ‘You cannot be civil’ with Republicans.
On Tuesday Hillary Clinton said that civility will not be restored to America until the Democrats start winning again. “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” Clinton said in an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpoour. “That’s why I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength,” she added. WATCH: Hillary Clinton: "You cannot be civil with a political party…
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