Ode to the Departing Year
With the New Year, we may not be able to see beyond the days ahead, but we are called by God to rest, recognise and acknowledge that He is the one who does.
Jesus Is Either the Only Way to God, or He Is No Way at All
Jesus is either the only way or he is no way at all, and if he is not who he claimed to be then we should ask what sort of man would make the claims that he did.
Christmas Is About Coming Home
Some of the greatest stories ever told have been about coming home. The Odyssey, by Homer, the ancient Greek tale of a warrior, named Odysseus, who has been far from home, for far too long, stuck at war in the service of his superior. The Odyssey is the great tale of Odysseus’ journey home through many trials and struggles and temptations to return to his patient wife. This tale, at least partially possibly based on real events, would have struck the ancient heart, in the same way as it does the modern, with a sense of anticipation, wonder, and hope at the…
Christmas is God’s Perfect Offering, Jesus Brings Us Home to God
I’m thinking about Christmas. Sitting here at my desk, listening to the rain, thinking, “Isn’t it bloody beautiful!” Feeling grateful.
Do You Have Room For Jesus This Christmas?
I’m a Christmas fanatic. I love everything about the Christmas season—from the carols in the mall to the massive overspend on food to watching children get lost on stage during their nativity plays. And of course, I always look forward to streaming the same cheesy Christmas movies I saw last year.
With the Rise of BLM, We’ve Seen More Violence, Hostility, and Division Than Ever
I came across a tweet recently, which quite literally, made me gasp, and unfortunately would without question, cause many people to be really angry. In the midst of the incessant stream of inane—and often deeply offensive—social comment was this:
Where Civil Rights Are Exalted Over Civil Liberties, Hell on Earth Is Sure to Follow
Salvatore Babiones’ 2018 book ‘The New Authoritarianism’ is an exposition on how tyranny and fascism are spawned by the exaltation of civil rights over against civil liberties.
Victoria’s Anti-Conversion Legislation Is Precisely What Many Opponents of Same-Sex Marriage Said Was Coming
The Victorian anti-conversion therapy legislation is precisely what many opponents of same-sex marriage said was coming.
Zimmermann: PM’s Reckless Apology Puts Australians at Risk
A prominent Chinese official shared a fake image of an Australian Digger threatening to slit the throat of an Afghan child.
Language as a Means of Political and Social Control
As innate language users, human beings use language as their primary means of communication.
Should Ellen Page Be Arrested?
If a woman with an orientation towards other women can become a male with an orientation toward women, then doesn’t that suggest, in some sense, that orientation is not fixed?
How Did We Become Obsessed With Equality?
Perfect equality, like its concomitant perfect liberty, can only exist when each individual lives alone in a desert, where it is meaningless.
Modern Equality Is a Fool’s Errand
I wrote part one of this series on equality months ago and have taken my time in writing part two.
The SAS Inquiry Applauded by Radical Leftist Jihadists Burns the 99% for the Sins of a Few
Andrew Hastie, 38-year-old SAS officer turned member of parliament, has weighed in on the alleged findings of the Brereton inquiry into the alleged killing of innocent civilians by the Australian SAS in Afghanistan.
Trump’s Legal Team Releasing Sidney ‘Release the Kraken’ Powell Is Not a Bad Thing, Here’s Why
Donald Trump’s Legal Team has issued a press release signalling that lawyer, Sidney Powell, was ‘not part of Donald Trump’s’ contingent of lawyers questioning legacy media’s coronation of Joe Biden as President-elect.
Has There Been a ‘Plot Against the President’?
As if 2020 couldn’t get any scarier, or more bizarre, there is an increasing body of credible evidence of voter fraud in the recent U.S. election.
Porn Is a Political Weapon: “Virtuous Men Are Hard to Get Shackles On”
Can a nation of enervated porn addicts produce the virtuous men necessary for resisting the ever-increasing threat of tyranny? As always, the fight against the enemy without begins by conquering the enemy within.
We’ve Been Warned About the Great Reset and Technocrat Tyranny
Do you know anything about the Great Reset? You should, if for no other reason than because I wrote a major piece on it just a few days ago.
The Four Year Mirage of Victory
As America determines the outcome of the election, it’s a good time for the modern right to engage in some much-needed self-reflection.
Fake News Sells: Unfriending Ersatz Community
If you’re close enough to me or have seen my interactions on the internet, you’d know that I regard the internet as a place for good conversation, not a genuine community.