Category Archives: Opinion

The attack on Masjid Al Nor and Linwood Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand was horrific. The loss of life, the changed lives and the many painful years of grieving to come for the victims involved – all of it heartbreaking. The world, as we’re told, now stands in mourning for the innocent lives taken. Social media is saturated with comments from those in disbelief, to those looking to show solidarity, or outrage, and those who see the attack on the Mosque in New Zealand, as an opportunity to further their own self-interest. We are witnessing, and no doubt will witness,…

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The tear in the Belle Epoque (beautiful age) began in 1912 with the criminal, and avoidable, loss of lives on the Titanic. The whole veil of the Belle Epoque was ripped apart and exposed for what it was, when the first shells fell in 1914, and when the Bolsheviks, violently resigned Europe to 72 years of socialist hell in 1917. The age of the Übermensch; the age of man conquering mountain, myth, monster and supposedly, God, came crashing down. Bill T. Arnold sums it up: The 20th Century proved to be the most violent century of world history, dispelling the…

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In the minds of many people today, faith and reason are polar opposites. Richard Dawkins, for example, maintains that ‘Faith is an evil precisely because it requires no justification and brooks no argument.’ We are meant to believe that no Christian has any reason to be a Christian; it is all a matter of blind faith. And atheists are presented to us as illustrations of Matthew Arnold’s ‘sweet reasonableness’ – or reasonableness at least. Since Dawkins is keen that those with faith should argue, let us do just that. How does reason connect to faith? God is the source of…

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In October 2018, President Trump’s approval rating among African-American’s was 40% in a Rasmussen poll. This was the highest ever black approval rating from a Republican President in U.S history. You probably didn’t hear about it since only alternative media will cover the movement or anything remotely positive about Trump. The movement has been called ‘Blexit’ and it involves the black exit from the Democratic party. Blexit shatters the political narrative of black people voting for Democrats, and left-wing identity politics of keeping people in groups. It is quoted to be a frequency for those who have released themselves from…

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While most of us are fans of ‘The Hobbit‘ and ‘Lord of the Rings‘ novels, some of us probably aren’t as up to date on the rest of J.R.R.Tolkien’s work and thought. The majority would know that he was friends with C.S. Lewis, and was part of the Inklings. An Oxford circle of writers, who would meet on an informal basis in order to compare and critique each others’ writing. The group informally (and unconventionally) included the straight-talking, Dorothy Sayers, and is said to have centred around the groups’ shared Christian faith and Christian values.[note]As presented by Humphrey Carpenter 1978. The Inklings: C.S.…

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School students are being recruited and organised to strike from school this Friday, 15 March. The website, claims the purpose is “to tell our politicians to take our future seriously and treat climate change for what it is – a crisis.” After careful analysis of historical trends and with far more reliability than a United Nations’ “scientific consensus”, I’m prepared to boldly predict the political climate will not be warmed or cooled one-tenth of a degree by kids striking. Like all prophets of the apocalypse, their furious little feet stamping and rosy cheeks pouting will be an indulgent but…

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As a Christian woman, I’ve become convinced that feminism is unbiblical, and I have seen first-hand the damage of this ideology as it eats away at women across the western world. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, feminism refers to: ‘The theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes’. Like many Marxist ideologies, feminism seeks to achieve equality of outcome—and not just equality of opportunity—for men and women in every sphere, which is an impossible task. If you haven’t already noticed, last Friday was International Women’s Day — or as I like to call it, ‘International Feminist Day.’  Because,…

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The Australian Labor Party this week announced a new campaign policy: their intention to make abortion on demand legal and free across Australia. With this single policy they have made it impossible for any authentic Christian to vote for them, much less stay silent on the sidelines of this impending federal election. Labor outlined plans to build a new abortion facility in Tasmania, the only state without one. They also heralded their intention to change the state law in NSW, completely dismissing the rights of the residents of that sovereign state to make their own decisions about state laws, but…

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In August 2016, I posted a quick response to the hysteria surrounding the election of Donald Trump. I headlined that post, ‘Why Trump is Not Hitler, & Why American Evangelicals Are Not German Christians’. My aim was to counter a lot of what I was seeing posted on social media by people who were usually level-headed and intellectually responsible. It was disappointing to see normally sane individuals suddenly join in the anti-trump rants – which really were, I’m angry because the Leftist power structures, and its monopoly on power, has been diminished – tantrums. Worse still, some Christian conservative academics…

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On ABC’s episode of Q&A this week, feminist columnist Van Badham boldly declared that she is both a ‘Marxist’ and a ‘Christian.’ Whilst many applauded, I sense that deep down a large percentage of viewers were rightly questioning this oxymoronic admission. One of those people was Jordan Peterson. Reflecting on his participation on the Q&A panel in his 12 Rules for Life seminar the next night, Jordan Peterson highlighted the impossibility of being both a Christian and a Marxist due to the inherently contradictory claims of each worldview. While I believe Peterson is right, I am convicted that we must…

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As Western society becomes more bullying in its attitude towards Christians, there has been an increasing tendency on the part of many believers to be content with arguing for our space in the public square. There has been a reluctance to call on unbelievers to repent, and even an assumption that unbelievers cannot be expected to hold the same moral views as Christians. It is true that without the Holy Spirit, the Christian message will simply seem to be foolishness to those who hear it (1 Cor.2:14). However, God has written His moral law on the hearts of all human…

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In an age of shallow thinking, it has become all too easy to pass something off as a value – when virtue is what is meant – and sweep the population along in a certain way of thinking – or non-thinking. An example of this is ‘change’. It is like the word ‘diversity’ and is almost invariably associated with whatever is good or progressive. To say that something has not changed for some time is a sure way of damning it. Like diversity, change goes both ways; it is not a synonym for ‘improvement’. When we look at old photographs…

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Media reports are confirming what many have speculated over the past week. American actor, Jussie Smollett has been charged with staging the anti-LGBT, race-hate attack, which he claimed to be a victim of back in January. As this was breaking, Twitter users were worked up into a frenzy over snippets of a John Wayne interview with Playboy magazine in 1971. This resurfacing of Wayne’s, “racist, anti-LGBT remarks”, strangely coincided with the breaking news about Jussie Smollett. While some of the criticism is defensible, the timing of the “news”, and the “viral” reaction to it is a convenient red herring. Why…

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One woman dies every week at the hands of their partner in Australia. It’s a phrase we hear often; as if it is a pandemic. It’s a phrase that says, ‘Hey! If you see a man today, please remind him not to kill his partner. Because after all, if you don’t remind men on a daily basis to not kill their partner, they might forget and accidentally commit a horrific homicide!’ Seemingly the perpetrators of these horrific crimes aren’t aware that their actions are morally repugnant. They obviously need an awareness campaign to open their eyes. During these lectures we…

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In what could be labelled, the Left devouring its own, seven U.K. Labour members broke with the party yesterday over concerns about Brexit and what ex-Party member, Luciana Berger called, “institutional antisemitism”. Berger stated that she was “embarrassed and ashamed” of what the U.K Labour Party had now become. According to The Australian’s, Greg Sheridan, the seven M.P. Labour-exit is not unwarranted. Sheridan’s aptly titled piece, ‘Stinging rebuke to a Marxist takeover’,[note]Greg Sheridan, The Australian, Wednesday 20th February 2019 (p.9)[/note] backed Berger and her reasons for the seven M.P. exit. ‘ Jeremy Corbyn, the thirty-six year political veteran, and Socialist,…

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In May 2013 Dr Kermit Gosnell from Pennsylvania was found guilty of three counts of first degree murder of three children intended for abortion but born alive and then murdered, and one count of involuntary manslaughter for failing to properly look after a woman who had gone through an abortion. Even some hardened pro-abortion people admitted that the whole business was grisly in the extreme. Apparently one of the aborted children was so big that Gosnell quipped that he could ‘walk me to the bus stop’. Photos were shown to the jury which depicted babies with wounds in the back…

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Just a few years ago in November 2015, Paris experienced its very own 9/11. Beginning at 21:16, three suicide bombers hit outside the Stade de France during a football match between Germany and France. This was the first of three carefully and professionally coordinated attacks. The second saw several mass shootings and a suicide bomber target nearby cafes and restaurants. The final and most barbaric attack was during an Eagles of Death Metal concert at the Bataclan theatre. 90 innocent lives were taken and later reports found that many of the victims were disembowelled and raped, which had to be…

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There’s no real need to give you a one thousand word commentary on the following lectures. This is because the content in each speaks for itself. I’ve watched all three; each of them reflects what I’ve written about or questioned here and on my other social media platforms. When it comes to anything posted by or about Jordan Peterson, I am a cautious and curious listener. He has a grasp of the major issues that few, including most theologians and pastors, do. That’s a sad indictment, but the reality is most theologians and pastors show up as left-leaning and thus…

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News that an all new, all-girl, [Boy] Scout group celebrated its first meeting in Wooster, Ohio, has met with justifiable criticism online. The news comes almost a year after the Boy Scouts organization, under pressure from activists, dropped the gender-specific prefix, allowing girls to join. Popular, meme-heavy, Facebook page, Ron Paul’s Bat noted: So you fought to become part of the Boy Scouts, just so you could start you own girl only troop and do things separate from boys? That sounds like girl scouts with extra steps. Comments on Twitter are making the same observations: “Congratulations you’ve made it all…

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One of the highlights of State of the Union Addresses, is the build-up and debriefing offered by commentators. Mainstream media “expert” panels have their place,  but in favour of a more conversational tone, I prefer to steer away from them. If you’re an Aussie, and are old enough to remember Channel Ten’s excellent, late night program, ‘The Panel’,  you’ll know exactly what I mean. One of the better American versions, is the gathering of Daily Wire front-men, and their, all-issues-on-the-board, round table. Although a lot of what Donald Trump said throughout the blockbuster address, was worth a post on its own (particularly…

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