Category Archives: Opinion

We typically think of our western culture as being secular. Western civilisation was not born out of secular (non-religious) concepts. Great Britain was a Christian nation when it colonised a large part of the world and Christian concepts formed the basis of its government, education and laws. America similarly had a Christian worldview underlying its formation. The Mayflower Compact was the first document written by the early western settlers of America when they landed at Plymouth Colony. In it the Pilgrims write (emphasis mine): Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of…

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Unless you’ve been completely living off-grid for the past three years, you’ll know that the United Kingdom’s, 2016, Brexit referendum is yet to be officially ratified. The 2016 referendum saw the people of the United Kingdom vote in favour of leaving the European Union by 1,269,501 people. The final result ended with 51.9% (17.5 million) of those in the U.K voting to leave the E.U, while 48.1% (16.1 million) voted to remain [i]. The results uncovered a division between North and South. The majority in England and Wales chose to leave, while Northern Ireland and Scotland, still heralding a decent…

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It doesn’t matter what the issue is. If you disagree with the radical Left, or for that matter, simply question their narrative, you’ll likely be branded a “Nazi”. That’s not necessarily because you’re advocating anything the Nazis would have advocated. In fact, you don’t need to be advocating anything at all. Simply question their ideas and you’ll soon find you meet the criteria. The reason for this is quite simple, really. Everybody knows the Nazi’s were the bad guys. So, why would anybody need to prove them wrong in a debate? If you’re incapable of rationally defending your position, simply…

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Is anyone else having trouble distinguishing a difference between the Extinction Rebellion activists in London—as well as the rest of the Western world—and the latest goings on in the Roman Catholic Church? Because as The Mocker rightly asks in The Australian, it has become almost impossible to discern just exactly where the climate Catholics and the religious environmentalists differ.  Yep, the Pope has gone woke. For some bizarre reason, he has embraced the spirit of the South American rainforest by including animistic religious rituals in the opening of the recent pan-Amazon Synod. It has many people seriously asking the…

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Doug Wilson once said, there are two tenets of atheism: 1. There is no God; and 2. I hate him. Last week at the University of Utah, Associate Professor, Dr Greg Clark perfectly proved that point during a fiery debate about the existence of the Christian God. The debate, which took place on October 3, saw Dr James White, of Alpha & Omega Ministries, and Jeff Durbin, of Apologia Church, debate Dr Greg Clark and Dan Ellis, the past President of the Utah Atheists, now State representative for American Atheists. Things were off to a good start with Jeff Durbin…

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I largely agree with Ben Shapiro’s consistent criticism of Donald Trump’s ‘fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants’ approach to foreign policy. Trump appears to ride roughshod, giving the impression of impulsiveness, or worse that he hasn’t considered the law of unintended consequences. However, a lot of recent criticism coming from both sides of politics, concerning the Trump administration’s decision to “withdraw” U.S Troops from Syria, ignore the plight of refugees and push aside the fact that Turkey is still an official ally of the United States. As signatories of NATO, they are strategic partners. The recent advance of the Turks into northern Syria wasn’t a…

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If you own a screen, chances are you’ve heard about this week’s climate strikes in a city near you. Chances are you were also recently introduced to a 16-year-old called Greta Thunberg. So what’s all the hype about? The protests have been organised by Extinction Rebellion (XR), whose website states: We are facing an unprecedented global emergency. Life on Earth is in crisis: scientists agree we have entered a period of abrupt climate breakdown, and we are in the midst of a mass extinction of our own making. Greta Thunberg, a Swedish school student, spoke at the group’s ‘Declaration of Rebellion’ held in London…

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In the book which effectively severed his connection from the French Communists, agnostic French existentialist philosopher, Albert Camus wrote: If everyone believes in nothing, if nothing makes sense, if we can assert no value whatsoever, everything is permissible and nothing is important. (The Rebel, 1951) Camus, a golden-child of the French Communists, famously ‘went against the grain among members of the French left-wing intelligentsia.’ [i] As a result, ‘Camus was virtually excommunicated from the French intellectual life by Jean Sartre and his comrades’ [ii] Camus fired a flare out from within the inner sanctum of Leftist elitism. He had fought…

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While officials in Bali have been busy channelling their inner Turnbull in prosecuting sexual infidelity, The University of Technology Sydney has pursued the opposite goal. Its administration wants to make sure that it’s students are instructed in explicit sexual material whether one consents to it or not. The irony underlying this latest leftist scheme is that under the guise of highlighting the importance of “consent” when one has sex, people are being exposed to sexual activity without consent. What’s more, UTS is not alone in pursuing this type of approach. Sydney University has adopted a similar strategy. But according to…

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Social media and the news media have been awash over the last couple of weeks with Greta Thunberg, the young, self-proclaimed mentally ill, Swedish teenager who has been given a platform to stare down, berate, challenge, and otherwise scold the leaders of the world. A lot has been said about this girl, about her handlers, about how she is being used to try and guilt so-called “climate-deniers” into refusing to challenge her. Though from everything I have seen, she has had the exact opposite effect than what was intended. Most of what I have seen online have this girl memefied…

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On December 1st, 2018 the state-owned Church of Sweden, which claims to have 6.1 million members, boldly proclaimed on Twitter that Greta Thunberg was the appointed successor of Jesus Christ. The Church of Sweden isn’t alone. American Comedian, leading anti-Trump figure and Leftist Twitterarti celebrity, Sarah Silverman revived the idea of Greta being a second revelation of God, proclaiming as recently as September this year: Proclamations like these are dangerous because the world has been down this road once before. Karl Barth was a reformed Swiss theologian and opponent of Nazism. In 1934, he helped pen the Barmen Declaration. The…

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The Australian Psychological Society (APS) has labelled climate change the “greatest health threat of the 21st century.” Thus, according to the APS website, “climate change is as much a psychological and social problem as it is an environmental or ecological catastrophe.” In fact, approximately 30% of people affected are said to be at risk of suffering mental health problems, such as, “PTSD, depression, complicated grief, followed by substance use, and other anxiety disorders.” Naturally, one must wonder just how much of this climate debate we should be heaping on the backs of young, vulnerable children. In recent weeks, we’ve seen…

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What evils have provoked the Lord to bring judgment on our community? That question was asked in 1679 by the General Court of Massachusetts Colony. Not long after, political and religious leaders gathered together in Boston to formulate a response and uncover the root of the issues plaguing the new community. The synod offered up fourteen reasons why judgment had fallen on the colony, one of those being defects in family government in the home. “There are many families that do not pray to God constantly, morning and evening,” the council wrote. “And many more where the Scriptures are not…

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March for The Babies is marking the 10th anniversary of their continuing stand against the Victorian Abortion Law Reform Act 2008. Victoria’s abortion law passed 11 years ago. It defines abortion as ‘intentionally causing the termination of a woman’s pregnancy by – using an instrument; drug, combination of drugs or any other means.’ The law allows for this violent interruption of a pregnancy up to 24 weeks without question. It also allows for abortions past 24 weeks, if a Doctor ‘reasonably believes that the abortion is appropriate and has consulted at least one other medical practitioner who agrees’ with the…

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A long-time Pellowe Talk Partner messaged me about a week ago to ask, “What do you make of all this hysteria now enveloping the Anglican Church?” Accompanying that question he sent a PDF statement by the Anglican Church of Australia’s “Public Affairs Commission” endorsing the call for a National Day of Climate Action and encouraging Anglicans to participate. The second paragraph explained, “The Marks of Mission of the Anglican Church commit the Church to striving to safeguard the integrity of creation, and to sustaining and renewing the life of the earth.” This is Biblical. In the first chapter of the…

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The issue of babies being born alive, and not provided life-saving care is one that many find horrifying. I addressed this issue in this article and a table detailing the statistics of this in Victoria is available here. The figures are taken from original government reports which are compiled here for ease of reference. What seems to be misunderstood in some of the media reporting is the way in which this occurs and the intentionality of it, with some journalists and those they interview describing such events as ‘mistakes’. In some cases, this may be true, but for the most…

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It doesn’t get any more viciously Leftist than abortion, euthanasia, identity politics dividing people by ethnicity under the Darwinian myth of race, and Victorian Labor refusing to build new dams, under the “advisement” that we’re all doomed because of ‘apocalyptic Climate Change’, so what’s the point, dams won’t work anyway. This surrender to the ‘apocalyptic climate change’ narrative is epitomized by Victorian Water Minister, Lisa Neville, who used climate change as a reason to stand by the decade long Victorian Labor ban on building more dams. Ean Higgins from The Australian wrote that the minister claimed, ‘climate change means not…

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ABC Fact Check, in this article, have decided that information regarding a 39% increase in late-term abortions in the years since 2008 is WRONG, although the data they sourced from our website at Real Choices Australia was demonstrated to be correct with only one year, 2000 being queried. I received this query a few days ago in an email from Ms Fact Checker, in which she let me know that all the figures in this table had been cross-referenced with the CCOPPMM reports and found to be correct except for the year 2000, which Ms Fact Checker was having difficulty…

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Jane Caro is one of those feminists who seem to have been dared to say something increasingly stupid or evil every day, and still isn’t finding that hard. I’m personally grateful for the many authentic revelations she offers into the toxic cult which is feminism. Today is a day ending in /y/, and yet again we can observe the perverse post-truth abomination which feminism has become over the last few generations. Untold trillions of potential humans have never been born. They neither noticed nor cared, nor did we. — Jane Caro (@JaneCaro) September 16, 2019 Feminists might not care, but…

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As it goes with the internet, “anything you do, and say, can, and will be used against you” in the court of social media opinion. This is of course only if the wolves which fill the ranks of online lynch mobs, smell blood. This rule applies to everyone regardless of status. Although desperate, anti-Trump Leftists have Brett Kavanaugh now back in the top spot on hashtag algorithms, one of the latest social media meltdowns concerns Beatles drummer, Ringo Starr’s support for Brexit. The meltdown was triggered by a Stephen Smith interview Starr did for the BBC back in 2017. Ringo…

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