Category Archives: Islam

When Tommy Robinson suggested that the Quran contains at least 100 calls to violence, Twitter suspended his account. Permanently. Robinson comments in the video below: What we are seeing is blasphemy laws by the backdoor and they are all complicit. Twitter, our police, our courts, our Prime Minister, our entire government and media. All of them raise one hand in support of freedom of speech while they rip it out from underneath us with the other. 

When Lauren Southern conducted a social experiment suggesting “Allah is gay,” the experiment was quickly shut down by UK police for being offensive to Muslims. As a result of the experiment, Southern was banned from entering the UK a second time. Now watch UK police refuse to take any action after a British woman tries to make a complaint against Muslims waving terrorist flags in public. What makes Southern’s message more offensive than a call to annihilate an entire nation?

“Islamophobia? Under Islam I was raped, I was put in prison, I was lashed, I was beaten, I was sold into marriage, I was literally broken down into pieces and I had to build myself back up. Do you really think my fear is irrational? I have every single right and reason to fear this ideology.” Aynaz Anni Cyrus Do you remember when Theresa May suggested, Sharia teaching is being “misused and exploited” to discriminate against Muslim women, but insisted that many British people “benefit a great deal” from the strict law system? Let us introduce you to Aynaz Anni…

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Earlier this week, Canadian born journalist, Lauren Southern, was detained by border police as she attempted to enter the UK. Authorities revealed, the 22 year old, was being held under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000. According to the National Council for Civil Liberties, Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000, “can be exercised without the need for any grounds of suspecting the person has any involvement in terrorism – or any other criminal activity. This means it can be used against anyone a police, immigration or customs officer chooses.” Like, critics of Islam, for instance. In fact, that’s…

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According to The Australian, government officials are in negotiations with a “handful” of ISIS jihadis and their families who wish to return to Australia after the collapse of the Islamic State caliphate. The Department of Justice is also preparing for a possible influx of jihadi families and is set to hold a two-day conference aimed at developing protocols for reintegration. The workshop will be aimed at “bureaucrats from the departments of health, education, corrections and social services, as well as counter-terrorism police.”  This comes a day after The Australian revealed “the wife of an Islamic State terrorist and her three-year-old…

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“What about the Crusades?” If you’ve ever criticised the unprovoked brutality of Islam, you’ve probably been asked that question. What’s implied is that Christianity was just as cruel as Islam, if not worse. This, however, is merely a twentieth-century creation, prompted in part by post-World War I British and French imperialism and the post-World War II creation of the state of Israel. In his book, God’s Battalions: The Case for the Crusades, Rodney Stark summarized the current understanding of the Crusades as follows: “During the Crusades, an expansionist, imperialistic Christendom brutalized, looted, and colonized a tolerant and peaceful Islam.” But that’s…

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According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney’s 40th Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras will feature a “new fashion trend among the glitter and the sequins: the rainbow hijab.” The “Pride Scarfs” hijabs are produced by MOGA, a Muslim-owned,  LGBTQI-friendly, fashion label for Islamic headscarves and shawls. Azahn Munas, the creative director of the Melbourne-based company, was quoted as saying, “Our fans range from trendy Muslim ‘hijabsters’ to festivalgoers to drag queens… We really weren’t sure how the religious community would react because we thought a lot of Muslims were intolerant to the gay and lesbian community. But we learnt this is…

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According to Breitbart, a campaigned called #120db has been launched by a group of women in Germany, seeking to lend a voice to women who have been physically or sexually attacked as a result of mass migration policies. This week the group shared a video listing some of the names of the victims of violence committed by asylum seekers. The women in the video reference the recent case of a young girl called Mia, who was stabbed to death by her former asylum seeker boyfriend in the German city of Kandel, as well as Maria Ladenburger, who was raped and killed allegedly by migrant who lied about…

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What happened to Christian Lebanon? Brigitte Gabriel explains: In 1965, National Geographic Magazine had on its front cover, “Lebanon, Eden of the Middle East.” Unfortunately, all this began to change as the years went by. We got our independence in the early 40s, but by the 60s and 70s, the Christians had become the minority and the Muslims had become the majority in Lebanon. And as the Islamic population grew in the country, the country became less and less tolerant, because they started pushing for more rights that were not compatible with our Judeo-Christian value system that we had created,…

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In a previous article, we noted that the goal of multiculturalism is “diversity in harmony,” however that end will not be achieved unless all parties involved share that same goal. Sadly, that’s not the case. While all peoples are equal, all cultures are not, despite the delusions of the cultural relativists. That’s why, as Mark Steyn rightly noted: The interesting thing about multiculturalism is it’s a uni-cultural phenomenon. You can’t be multicultural in Saudi Arabia, it’s impossible. The Pew Research Center found, 88% of Muslims in Egypt; 62% in Pakistan; 86% in Jordan and 51% in Nigeria, believe Muslim apostates…

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This is Belonging 2018, is the latest recruiting campaign for the British Army. In their latest advertisement sub-titled, Keeping My Faith, a Muslim soldier is featured praying in Arabic to Allah as his fellow infantrymen patiently wait on. At one point, it even appears they silence their radios out of respect for the moment. Colonel Richard Kemp, who led British troops in Afghanistan, said the commercial depicted an Army “being forced down a route of political correctness.” What it clearly is doing is appealing, trying to appeal, to a series of minorities who may or may not be interested in…

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German television drama series, Lindenstraße (literally Lime Street), is said to be one of the most successful shows on German TV. The weekly soap is set in a fictional street in an average quarter of Munich and focuses on the lives of normal people. The video clip below is taken from an episode that was aired September 10, 2006, and is simply titled, Islam. In the clip, a woman is seen sitting with a child named Paul explaining something of great importance… Paul, I have to tell you something very important. I have told you about God who lives in heaven and…

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In Miranda Devine’s latest piece, she argues, “It is time for honesty about the source of the terrorist threat in this country, and the make-up of our refugee intake. There are plenty of Christian and Yazidi refugees in the world to help, without offering to share our home with people who want to kill us.” Mark Steyn made a similar call in response to the recent attack in Melbourne, stating, “Instead of attempting to ring-fence every potential target – i.e., everything and everyone – with Diversity Bollards, we could try installing bollards where they matter – around the civilized world.”…

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Military instructor and researcher Hussein Aboubakr explains: “After every new Jihadist attack against the West, politicians reassure us that the atrocity does not represent the true nature of mainstream Islam. Of the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, they constantly reassure us, the overwhelming majority are as law abiding as any members of any other monotheistic faith. Only a tiny fraction engage in terror. And Islam is a religion of peace. Furthermore, we are told, the great majority of Muslims hold moderate views.” But what does “moderate” mean? How moderate are moderate Muslims? According to the Pew Research Center, 88%…

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It’s reported that since 2001, Islamic terrorists have carried out more than 32,000 deadly attacks. Just in the past month there have been 133 attacks in 20 different countries, causing 2,013 deaths and 1,123 injuries. Yet often, whenever an Islamic terrorist attack takes place, many are quick to defend Islam by insisting violence fundamentally contradicts the Muslim faith. So, if Islam is a Religion of Peace, why are so many terrorist attacks committed by Muslims? In the following video, David Wood explains: Muslims in the West are quick to point to passages such as Quran 109:6 (“You shall have your religion…

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Commenting on the recent events in Melbourne, Mark Steyn writes: One of the problems with bollarding off pedestrians behind a wall of Diversity Bollards is that they still occasionally have to emerge from behind the bollards to cross the street, and it’s hard to bollard off a pedestrian crossing. In this case, the non-terror-related Australian citizen simply waited until the little green sign indicated it was safe for pedestrians to cross the street and then floored it. In an amusing touch, his car eventually came to a rest against a bollard. What’s the solution? Maybe automobile manufacturers could replace airbags…

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In Australia, marriage is currently defined as “the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.” Proponents of Same-Sex Marriage want this definition changed, so that marriage will no longer be exclusively limited to “the union of a man and a woman.” The redefining of marriage will allow for couples of the same gender to marry each other. Given the attention this subject has been granted of late, you’d be forgiven for thinking that same-sex couples made up a large percentage of the population. But in reality, that’s just not…

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