Category Archives: Australia

Victorian Police have pleaded with organisers and civilians to reconsider attending a planned climate protest on Friday, January 10 as emergency services will be stretched on the day predicted to see dangerous fire conditions flare. The event, organised by Uni Students for Climate Justice, has been planned with the intent of calling on more funding for fire and emergency services, to call on an immediate transition away from fossil fuels, and to demand the sacking of Prime Minister Scott Morrison. In a post on Facebook, the organisers said: “We demand the government: Pay all firefighters and give them force full…

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An environmental group, headed by former Greens candidates, has celebrated the destruction of a local woodchip mill after it was set ablaze by out of control bushfires on the NSW south coast. The group, Environment East Gippsland (EEG), published a Facebook post on Monday, showing the Eden Woodchip Mill on fire along with a caption celebrating the devastation. “YESSS!!! In all this horrific loss – some really good news!” the group wrote. “The Eden Chipmill is burning down – all buildings and infrastructure as well as the woodchip pile.” Hours later, after the group had received a barrage of complaints,…

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The NSW Police Force announced on Monday that they have so far taken legal action against more than 180 people for more than 200 bushfire-related offences in the past two months. A statement released on the NSW Police Force website reads: “Since Friday 8 November 2019, legal action — which ranges from cautions through to criminal charges — has been taken against 183 people — including 40 juveniles — for 205 bushfire-related offences.” Police have taken legal action against 183 people for more than 200 bushfire-related offences since November last year. — NSW Police Force (@nswpolice) January 6, 2020 Police…

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At the end of Isaiah, the prophet talks about the relationship between new life and the heat of judgement. Given the devastation we’re seeing from the immense fires since September in Australia, these verses have special relevance. This doesn’t justify arson, or the political opportunism seeking to advance, distract, manipulate and use the suffering of others to feed self-interest. The relationship between new life and the heat of judgement speaks to all of us. It’s here, and not with pyromania, or political opportunism that the Word found in the prophetic meets with the pyrophytic. Horticulturalists tell us that some Australian…

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Imagine the nation-wide outrage if Sky News aired a panel of right-wing conservatives seemingly endorsing arson just weeks before Australia was hit by devastating bushfires. There’d be calls to have the television network immediately shut down. Any organisation or corporation that sponsored or advertised on the network would be shamed into publicly renouncing their affiliation. Australians would demand a proper investigation as politician after politician would come out condemning the broadcast with the harshest language possible. And rightly so. But what if they weren’t right-wing conservatives. What if they were left-wing activists? Would that make any difference? In an early…

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Australia’s current bushfires have nothing to do with climate change and everything to do with fuel-loads, according to scientist and bushfire expert, David Packham AO. Five years ago, Mr Packham, a former bushfire researcher at CSIRO, warned that unless there is a drastic increase in annual fuel reduction burnings “a massive bushfire disaster will occur”. According to Mr Packham’s predictions, “The forest and alpine environment will decay and be damaged possibly beyond repair and home and people [will be] incinerated.” Fuel levels are at their highest since European settlement and that’s something Mr Packham attributed to “misguided green ideology”, vested…

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Senator Pat Dodson, an Aboriginal from Broome, WA has scathingly criticised Christians working in the Kimberley region with local indigenous people who are embracing Christianity and abandoning traditional Aboriginal spiritism. “They are a type of virus that has really got no credibility,” he said. According to the locals they have experienced results such as freedom from tobacco addiction and no longer living in a culture with lots of fear and retribution all the time. One African missionary there describes the revelation of the personal love of God impacting local Aboriginals in such a way that they decide on their own…

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It was reported on social media on Monday that ABC Gippsland deleted a news story they shared in September about members of the local Nowa Nowa community protesting strategic asset protection burns in the region. During the protests, ABC Gippsland reported, “The protesters held up signs, positioned themselves in the area that was planned to burn.” One of the protesters allegedly commented to the ABC, saying she hoped she wouldn’t be fined, but she was more concerned about climate change. “I’m more worried about climate change, and the impact the burns are having. I’m worried for my grandchildren. “The mulch…

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An article in The Australian titled, “Amended religious freedom bill ‘deeply flawed’, says Law Council”, reports the Law Council of Australia president Arthur Moses SC is highly critical of the second exposure draft of the Religious Discrimination Bill (RDB2). The planned legislation is an attempt at the fulfilment of promises by the Turnbull Government which undefined marriage without building in the necessary protections for those whose deeply held convictions were suddenly at conflict with the official, novel beliefs about marriage. That failure is in a legal environment where radical fringe activists have increasingly sought to weaponise anti-discrimination tribunals against people…

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Former Greens leader Christine Milne has urged Australians to “stand up for separation of Church and State”, suggesting Christian politicians are “dangerous” and have no place in politics. In a tweet posted on Boxing Day, the Global Greens Ambassador said: “Australians need to stand up for separation of Church and State. A PM whose worldview is dominated by The Rapture is dangerous.” Australians need to stand up for separation of Church and State. A PM whose worldview is dominated by The Rapture is dangerous. #auspol — Christine Milne (@ChristineMilne) December 26, 2019 Is Milne suggesting that Australia has violated the…

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The recent bushfires across the eastern coast of Australia have been a national tragedy. They have claimed many lives, destroyed hundreds of houses, and have decimated literally hundreds and thousands of hectares of bushland. Everyone agrees that we are overwhelmingly indebted to the fire-fighters who have been tirelessly waging war against nature — they have done a tremendous job, in the face of a seemingly insurmountable task. Whilst the cataclysmic nature of the inferno is unanimous, there seems to be a chorus of Australians who have hastened to the conclusion that global warming is the cause, and CO2 emissions are…

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The ABC employee who said he wonders if he would “hate f*ck” Christian MP’s who opposed same-sex marriage, has offered us yet again another lesson in civility. Benjamin Law, champion of tolerance and acceptance, on Sunday, tweeted: “Back at home and discussing politics with Mum. Given English is her second language, she’s now asking me why she’s heard so many people call the prime minister a ‘sh*tc*nt’ lately.” Calls the PM a sh*tc*nt while his hand is out for taxpayer funding. This foul mouthed grub is paid by the ABC. If it wasn't for low standards the ABC would have…

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Several years ago, Australia spent more on Christmas per capita than any other nation. The Americans are beating us this year, but we are still right up there. The average household in Australia will spend $969 each this Christmas, based on all expenses including gifts, food and decorations. That is a grand total of 18.8 billion dollars. And what about the fact that ‘Carols by Candlelight’ celebrations are held all throughout December and attended by several million Australians? Many of these people would never go to a church at all throughout the year but are happy to pack the esky…

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This real-world scenario is a great thought experiment to test our thinking on religious freedom. Do we believe the radical secularist view that there should be freedom from religion and zero tolerance of public expressions thereof, do we believe that someone should be able to do absolutely anything if a sincerely held religious belief, or if somewhere between those extremes: exactly where? An elderly couple had just won a Christmas ham in a raffle at their local club where they’d gone out for the night, and responsibly booked an Uber to take them home at about 10pm. The Muslim driver asked them…

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Diversity Council Australia is urging businesses to stop using the word “Christmas” because it might offend and discriminate against non-Christians. According to The Herald Sun, employers are being told to drop the Christian terminology from their end-of-year celebrations, and instead use more inclusive language, such as “holiday greetings.” Lisa Annese from Diversity Council Australia told The Herald that Christmas celebrations should effectively be less Christian by being more inclusive of other religions. There's a push to scrap the word "Christmas" from festive celebrations at Aussie businesses for fear of upsetting non-Christians. Do you agree? #9Today — The Today Show (@TheTodayShow)…

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Australia’s largest free Christmas concert will this year feature an “international sex symbol” at their annual family-friendly event. Woolworths Carols in the Domain describes their performing artist, Hans the German, as: “Boozier than Oktoberfest… with more sausage than a bratwurst convention.” According to the event website, the “international sex symbol” who performs in heavy make-up and fishnet stockings, appeared on America’s Got Talent last year and went on to win Best Cabaret at the 2019 Adelaide Fringe Festival Awards. The yearly event is said to attract close to 50,000 people each year, with millions of families across Australia tuning in…

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In April an activist group called “Vegan Rising” were refusing to move even an inch when they crowded the normally busy intersection of Flinders and Swanston streets in Melbourne. Alleged adults with nothing better to do that day sported placards and chanted protests against excessive cheese in-jokes about chickens crossing the road as cruelty to animals. Protestors went limp when police attempted to remove them, prompting officers to offer them KFC due to obvious malnourishment before carrying them away. A gender-ambiguous spokes-thing wearing a badge notifying others their preferred pronouns were grrrr, mmnnnm and HAH! told reporters that while they…

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LGBTQI+ advocacy group Equality Australia has released a video on social media, essentially warning the public that the Coalition’s ‘Religious Discrimination Bill’ will give people a licence to express a Christian view of sexuality, leaving LGBTQ people vulnerable to diverse ideas. The video, featuring an LGBTQ activist who said he sometimes wonders if he’d “hate-f*ck all the anti-gay MPs in parliament” just to get the “homophobia out of their system,” warns the bill will “take away your rights at work, at school, and in hospitals…” How will the bill accomplish this? According to the video, your “rights” will be taken…

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Reports have surfaced that the serial litigant, Gary Burns, is on the warpath against the Hebrew prophets. More particularly, he’s proposing to take the prophet, Ezekiel, to the Anti-Discrimination Board. Ezekiel is cited as condemning the sins of Sodom as haughty and ‘an abomination’ before God (Ezek.16:50). Strangely enough, Mr Burns has drawn inspiration from the history of the papacy itself. In 897, Pope Stephen VI (896-897) is supposed to have taken a dislike to the teaching and practices of his predecessor, Pope Formosus (891-896). As a consequence, Stephen had the remains of Formosus dug up, arrayed in full papal…

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One Nation NSW leader Mark Latham has said Australians were lied to during the same-sex marriage debate after voters were repeatedly assured the legalisation of gay ‘marriage’ would not result in a loss of freedoms. Mr Latham made the comments in a post on Facebook today, following news that the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board had accepted a complaint from an LGBTQ activist accusing Israel Folau of “homosexuality vilification”. Campaigner Garry Burns took issue with the former rugby star’s “controversial” April Instagram post which warned hell awaits sinners who refuse to turn to Jesus for forgiveness, including homosexuals. Mr Latham described the NSW…

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