Category Archives: Australia

Mark Latham has slammed the NSW Government’s “diversity and inclusion” staffing policies in the public service, and the new LGBTIQ Network, branding it a policy of “exclusion and division.” NSW Government bureaucrats admitted on Monday that their policy does not reflect a number of groups in the community, despite affirming that a world-class public service ought to “reflect the diversity of the community it serves.” The NSW One Nation leader accused the state government of adopting a “very selective diversity” policy, which excludes Christians, heterosexuals, homeless, public housing tenants, the unemployed and low-income earners. “The CHULIPS are totally left out…

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Bureaucrats are chasing a Blue Mountains homeowner for alleged environmental infringements. 2GB’s Alan Jones reported that David Wilpour, a 72-year-old man, who lives in Dargan, is in trouble with the local council, and an obscure state government department because he had ‘cleared his land to make it fire safe after he had received permission from Lithgow City council to do so.’  Now, in a bizarre turnaround, the council ‘claims that it never gave him permission to do so.’ Talking to Jones on-air, Wilpour alleges that Lithgow City council, ‘reported him to the DCCW (NSW Department of Climate Change and Water),…

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CSIRO has failed to include a previous finding that “there are no studies linking climate change to fire weather” in a ‘bushfire explainer document’. A CSIRO official, who was questioned by Senator Matt Canavan during Senate Estimates, failed to explain why the finding had been omitted from the document on the “climate change and science about bushfires.” For 10 awkward seconds, the official sat in silence when asked by Mr Canavan about the omission. Mr Canavan told Paul Murray of Sky News, “It’s like writing a report for a newspaper about a football match and not including the final score.…

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Alongside the nonsensical Australian frenzy over toilet paper, and its bizarre connection to the Coronavirus, sits news about French farmers, living on the Atlantic coast, who are utilising donkey’s to keep their sheep safe from wolves. The Times reported that the breed of donkey being used is the Poitou; “one of the largest types of donkey, long prized by farmers for its ability to fight off wolves by biting and striking out with its powerful front hoofs.” In its report, The Australian cited Benoit Biteau, a donkey breeder in the Poitou-Charentes region, who said: [The] donkey has a very protective…

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The Project is copping it on social media today after filming a “cringeworthy” interview with Pussycat Dolls’ lead singer Nicole Scherzinger. During the awkward exchange, which was aired on Wednesday night, host Waleed Aly asked Scherzinger of she ever fights backstage with other female performers “over who wore the best crop tops and low rise jeans?” “No,” Scherzinger replied, before Waleed uncomfortably said, “I will move on.” The Pussycat Dolls are reuniting and @NicoleScherzy stopped by the desk to reveal what we can expect from the So Pop tour, the work that goes into perfecting those dance moves, and the…

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Astute assessments about the West’s dangerous over-dependence on China have been present in news feeds for weeks. As many financial sections of mainstream media will attest to, concerns over products and services, have alerted people, and corporations to an addiction that few, outside China’s industrial matrix, could see before the tragedy of Wuhan. Setting aside any questionable theories about the ruling Communist regime, and their possible entrapment, the dependency is alarming. Many Western companies have either willingly, or through unbalanced quid-pro-quo deals, positioned themselves so heavily in China, that if China falls, so will they. Many appear to have fallen…

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Australian Labor leader Anthony Albanese was filmed at Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras on Saturday flipping off a group of protesters. I mean, the event just brings out the best in everyone, right? The short clip, which began circulating on social media on Sunday, shows a group of demonstrators chanting, “One, Two, Three. F*ck the ALP.” The video appears to show Albanese walk by the protesters before turning to give them the middle finger. Although it’s unclear who the protesters were, socialist Greens’ supporters have been using the mantra for almost a decade. While mainstream media are uninterested in the…

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If advocates really want to help the “LGBTQ community”, they would do well to stop telling LGBTQ people that they are hated and despised by everyone who does not affirm the rainbow worldview.

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Australia’s ASIO security chief, Mike Burgess presented the Director-General’s Annual Threat Assessment on Monday. The assessment laid out ASIO’s “principle concerns” about national security, and the issues it views as threats to Australians both internally and externally. Burgess didn’t mess around, stating from the start that he wanted “to move beyond the bureaucratic language of annual reports and help everyone understand the significant threats we see directed at Australia and Australians.” The director spoke pointedly about the increasing challenges technology posed to the organization’s ability to do what it does successfully. Adding that ASIO seeks to find a balance between…

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ABC News suggests it’s time to disconnect menstruation from femininity and womanhood because men have periods too. In a piece published yesterday, the taxpayer-funded national broadcaster introduced readers to Lily Harrison, founder of Period Pack. According to the piece, Period Pack aims to “ease period inequality” by providing period products to “people of all genders” because “women are not the only people who menstruate.” Under the heading “The backlash to inclusivity was real”, Ms Harrison detailed how surprised she was to discover people in her own community “thought only women can menstruate and that if you don’t menstruate, you’re not a…

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A 25-year-old Afghan immigrant was shot dead by police in Brisbane on Sunday after stabbing a young tourist multiple times in the back and confronting police with two knives. According to 9 News, Police said they do not know the motive for the stabbing but are not treating the incident as a terrorist attack, despite the man being on a counter-terror watch list. The victim was walking down Mary Street with a woman at 10am when a man, unknown to the pair, approached and pulled a knife from his bag. As the couple fled, the attacker chased the man, hitting…

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Victorians undergoing fertility treatment will no longer be required to undergo police and child protection order checks before accessing reproductive procedures. The Andrews Labor Government introduced the reforms last week in an effort to make IVF treatment fairer and easier for people who cannot conceive naturally. Health Minister Jenny Mikakos announced the legislation on Wednesday to amend the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 2008 “to remove requirements for criminal record checks and child protection order checks to be carried out before a woman undergoes a treatment procedure and for other purposes.” A media release issued by the state government suggested criminal…

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Avi Yemini has filed a lawsuit against Comedy Central and comedian Jim Jefferies accusing the U.S. based network of airing a “deceptively edited video” which falsely represented the TR News journalist. Yemini’s interview for The Jim Jefferies Show was aired March 19, 2019, during an episode titled, ‘The Rise of White Nationalism.’ According to the lawsuit, “Defendants spliced footage of the interview, changed the sequence of the conversation, and implied Plaintiff said things he did not. “Specifically, Defendant’s portrayed Plaintiff as ‘anti-immigrant’ and ‘anti-Muslim activist’ whose YouTube videos may be responsible for the radicalization of the killer who carried out…

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The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras (SGLM) have scrapped an event featuring lesbian YouTuber, Arielle Scarcella, for suggesting it’s not “transphobic” to prefer women without male genitals. Ms Scarcella, who runs an LGBT-centered YouTube channel with over 630,000 subscribers, was scheduled to participate in a panel discussion on February 27 organised by Les-Talk. However, the event was removed after trans-activists created an online petition calling on the organisers to “boycott” Ms Scarcella over her “transphobic” views. In 2018, the 33-year-old YouTuber sparked backlash after creating a video entitled, “Dear Trans Women, Stop Pushing ‘Girl D*ck’ On Lesbians”. In the 5-minute…

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In a salient display of a free press and journalistic independence, the Australian government-owned national broadcaster has taken the Australian government’s Federal Police to court to block them reading documents seized when officers executed a search warrant. Who grants search warrants? Is it the Prime Minister, any elected official or bureaucrat in their employ? No. It’s a judge, or a trusted and accountable registrar with their delegated power who Federal Police had to persuade of the merits of their application for the warrant to search. Australian and international media have howled with indignant outrage at the notion they and their…

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The closing remark from The Australian’s Janet Albrechtsen, in writing on the Australian Securities & Investments Commission’s (ASIC) quest for more judicial power through “new fairness laws”, made a pointed case about the danger of being ruled by fiat and whim of the bureaucratic caste. Citing NSW Chief Justice Tom Bathurst, Albrechtsen argued that vague edicts – based on ill-defined and poorly understood laws that we imagine reflect “the moral conscience of society” – mean “we will be ruled by lawyers not the rule of law.’ In other words, the danger before us is a society enslaved to an interpreter’s…

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A couple of years back during that infamous postal vote, Australians voted to legalise same-sex marriage. During the debate, many warned that if marriage was redefined, a host of injustices would follow. People of faith could lose their jobs, gender-fluid teaching might take over schools, and the freedom to hold a dissenting view would disappear. Those in favour of same-sex marriage dismissed this as fear-mongering. They insisted that the plebiscite was only about the freedom of loving couples to marry. It was a false ‘slippery slope’ argument, they said, to suggest that other negative consequences could follow. “Marriage Equality will…

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Just weeks after Australia was devastated by the bush fire crisis which saw 33 lives lost and 27.2 million acres burned, a group of climate activists halted a Victorian state-approved ‘harvest and regeneration’ logging coupe. The masked protesters, who identified themselves as Extinction Rebellion, attended the Central Highlands forest near Warburton VIC where they held a protest inside of the ‘timber harvesting safety zones’, preventing the harvesting from commencing due to OH&S restrictions. ‘VicForests’ who are responsible for the sustainable harvest, re-growing and commercial sale of timber from public forests are a state-owned business who act on behalf of the…

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Mark Latham has called on the New South Wales Government to scrap plans to rebrand the state government logo in the lead up to Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. The official rainbow version of the logo will come into effect tomorrow, in an effort to show the state government’s “support of the LGBTQIA+ community” as well as demonstrate “commitment to inclusivity and diversity within the NSW Public Service.” But the One Nation NSW leader has said the NSW logo is not truly inclusive if it fails to represent the millions of people who do not relate to rainbow symbolism…

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Australian retailer Bonds has released a new Pride range which includes LGBTQ-themed clothing for newborns, young children and even dogs. The underwear brand released the new rainbow range ahead of this year’s Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras and in support of the LGBTQIA+ youth organisation Minus 18. To coincide with the release, Bonds also launched an ‘Out Now’ campaign, celebrating the “coming out stories of queer Australians.” Back in November, Minus 18 issued a “casting call” for “out and proud queer people” who are comfortable being photographed in their underwear. The “casting call” specifically asked for families with a…

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