
“BLM Global” Group Calls for the Rape and Murder of White People: “It Ain’t Murder When It’s For Equality”

Other messages shared by the group include an image of a black man executing bound white people along with the caption, "Yes all whites."

A social media group called “Black Lives Matter Global” is calling for the rape and murder of white people.

The Telegram “BLMglobal” channel, created in June last year, is urging their followers to “Hang the white man” and “Expel the white devil,” explaining “We don’t want reparations, we want revenge.”

Other messages shared by the group include an image of a black man executing bound white people along with the caption, “Yes all whites.”

“It ain’t murder when it’s for equality,” another reads. Along with, “White people have no future,” “All whites are Nazis,” and “It isn’t rape when the victim is privileged.”

While it’s unclear if the group is a troll account (because is anything too outrageous today?), BLMglobal’s content has been viewed by thousands of users and has thus far attracted over 700 subscribers.



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