Black Police Officer Schools White BLM Protester: ‘It’s Not About Racism. Read the Bible!’
Watch as both white and black police officers respectfully try to school (or perhaps its better to say unschool?) this leftist, white woman, after she accuses the white police officer of being a racist (and therefore evil) because of his shade of melanin. One of the officers near the end nails it saying: “Let me tell you something, America has a sin problem. The world has a sin problem. Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ America and the world has a sin problem. That’s where racism,…
Leftist Hypocrisy and Cancel Culture’s Prescription for Cultural Suicide: “Life Unworthy of Life”
Eric Abetz (LNP) is proving to be no mediocre politician. His speech from July last year remains relevant, making it one of the best ever entered into the Australian senate’s Hansard.[i] This year the Senator for Tasmania provided us with a sequel. Speaking about ‘Political Discourse’ Abetz went head to head with cancel culture and the Left’s double standards. The speech highlighted Queensland University Law professor, James Allen’s piece for The Australian on the June, 16. He gave a long list of examples where people were being bullied into submission, and their livelihoods cancelled because of a small, boisterous percentage…
The Blight on Our Nation Isn’t White vs Black, It’s That We’ve Pandered Too Long to Activists
The next time someone claims Australia is a racist nation, remind them of David Unaipon from the Ngarrindjeri tribe. Mr Unaipon is the face of Australia’s $50 note. He was the first Indigenous Australian to publish a book. He was an inventor and intellectual. He was a musician. He was an active Christian with a keen interest in Indigenous Australian history and spirituality. He and the Indigenous community benefited from Christian missionary work. And he lived until he was 95 years old. The blight on our nation isn’t white vs. black, it’s the fact that we’ve pandered too long to…
The ABC’s Pattern of Omission Hinders Its Credibility
The late Christopher Lee (Dracula, LOTR and Star Wars) once responded to media reports claiming he was heavily involved in the occult, “I have maybe four of five books. I’ve met people who claimed to be Satanists; who claimed to be involved with black magic; who claimed that they not only knew a lot about it, but I certainly haven’t been involved in it – I warn all of you never, never, never. You will not only lose your mind, you’ll lose your soul. I don’t have a big library. No, No. Look the internet, and the media, if they…
Woke Healthcare Workers Lose Their Wokeness When Asked If Black Lives Matter in the Womb
An African American man questioning healthcare workers about abortion is making its way around the internet. The group were lined up outside either a healthcare clinic or Hospital, brandishing placards in a show of “woke” solidarity with Black Lives Matter. As one of the healthcare workers moves forward to kneel, the man in the video asks the group whether “all black lives matter or just some black lives?” The crowd responds in unison, “all black lives matter.” The unknown individual then asks “the black lives killed by black men matter right?” Again, in unison, the healthcare workers respond, “yes! Oh,…
Hollywood Hypocrisy: Beverly Hills Officials Ban Public Gatherings Due to Violent Protests
City of Beverly Hills officials have issued an indefinite order banning gatherings of no more than 10 people in residential areas. The ‘civil emergency order’ is a response to violent Black Lives Matter protesters disturbing the ‘peace and tranquillity’ of the “home of the stars”. The order cites, one ‘group called “Occupy” staging loud protests at night using bullhorns and loud music in residential areas’, with Vanity magazine adding that the ban also coincides with an earlier curfew put in place after ‘Beverly Hills was hit by violence, and property damage as looting began in the area, particularly around Rodeo…
The West Is Burning Because We’ve Pandered to Paganism, Revolutionaries and Reactionaries
Carl F.H. Henry’s ‘Twilight of a Great Civilization: The Drift Toward Neo-Paganism’ (1988) is chillingly accurate. He admonishes complacency, retreat and inaction without slipping into an apocalyptic moralistic rant about a wayward world. The value here, at least for me anyway, is found in its prescience, and Henry’s focus on truth vs. falsehood, as opposed to Right vs. Left; sinner vs. sinless. Henry pivots his entire discourse on a Socratic question, asking readers to note, reflect, and deflect neo-paganism’s self-evident cultural contamination of the West through Secular Humanism. Centre-stage is the salvific importance of the revelation of God in Jesus…
To Abolish Law Enforcement is to Abandon Law and Order
Australian political history has a lesson for any American politician who chooses to leap before they look, and act on radical calls to abolish law enforcement. Last week, ex-Labor, Gillard-era government minister, Joseph Ludwig was found to have acted with ‘misfeasance’ (‘the wrongful exercise of law’; or in laymen’s terms: an abuse of power) when in June 2011 – with his approval, and under his oversight – the Gillard government put a blanket ban on live cattle exports. Ludwig’s decision was a ‘response to public outcry over footage collected by activists and broadcast on the ABC’s Four Corners, which [appeared…
Fact Check: No, Indigenous Australians Do Not Make up 82% of Australia’s Prison Population
There’s a claim going around that Australian prisons are 82% filled with Indigenous Aussies. That figure is false. The actual number is 28%. According to the most recent ABS figures, 11,849 of 42,974 prisoners are Indigenous. 23,124 (or 53%) are Aussie born Non-Indigenous. The rest are from overseas, totaling 8,001 (18.6%). To make the case to justify a statement such as “Indigenous Australians are over represented in Australian prisons” the figures have to be bling’d out with shock and awe percentages, then wrapped in jargon. Allison Wong, in ‘Build Communities, Not Prisons’ written for activist group ANTaR, illustrated that in…
Justine Damond and Media Spin: Constructing a Racist Narrative in the Name of Fighting Racism
In July 2017, Australian, Justine Damond (nee Ruszczyk) was gunned down by Minnesotan police officer, Mohamed Noor. Damond was fatally shot in the stomach after calling 911 in response to a woman screaming in an alley near her home. After a second call to 911, police responded. As Justine approached the vehicle, Noor shot her, later claiming he was defending against what he had determined was an ambush. Noor was found guilty and sentenced in 2019. Over the course of that year instead of the media lamenting the murder of Justine, or calling for the reform of Minnesotan law enforcement…
Evidence Suggests George Floyd’s Death Was Due to an Abuse of Power by Law Enforcement, Not Racism
The tragic death of George Floyd was primarily about law enforcement’s abuse of deadly force. All the evidence suggests racism was not a motivator. Yet, many in the Leftist mainstream media, along with their celebrity sycophants, and some well-meaning community leaders jumped straight to the “it’s racist” button, using George’s death as an excuse to once again impose their vacuous ideological paradigm on the rest of us, as they parade their own self-righteous virtue all over social media. The majority of images, and comments, from “kill whitey”, to those laden with white guilt, and self-hatred, weren’t altruistic. They weren’t about…
China’s Propaganda Machine Pounces on Mike Pompeo, Tells Australians to Quit the U.S.
Bolstered by the apparent reluctance of the Morrison federal government to answer growing concerns over the Victorian government’s secretive ‘belt and road’ deal with the Chinese Communist Party, China’s Communist propaganda machine went full Hanoi Hannah, in an attempt to stir up fear of a potential American withdrawal from its long-standing partnership with Australia. In response to what America thought about the deal, U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, a frequent whipping boy of China’s Global Times, told Sky News that he didn’t know the ‘nature of the projects’, but asserted that the United States will do everything it can…
Victoria’s “Vichy” Government Is Undermining Australia’s Relationship Reset With the Chinese Communist Party
Sitting state Labor members defending the Communist Chinese Party, while simultaneously attacking their federal government colleagues is not a good look for Australian Labor. The attacks against Andrew Hastie, George Christensen, and Scott Morrison, reveal a party divided by arrogant far-left factions advancing Australia further into a social, cultural, moral, political and economic abyss. The reason why Labor governments in both Western Australia and Victoria warm to any “kiss and makeup” approach between the Australian and Communist Chinese governments, is because Labor has political capital invested in the relationship. Tapping into China’s flawed totalitarian powerhouse gives them the illusion of…
Appeasement of the Chinese Communist Party Is Treason
When China rolled three warships with sailors decked out in full combat gear into Sydney harbour unannounced, the response was “there’s nothing to see here.” This, along with the rhetoric blaming the Federal government for China’s first strike against Australia by way of a ridiculous 80% tariff on barley imports, and the verbal attacks against Andrew Hastie, George Christensen, and other outspoken Australian parliamentarians in recent days conjures up images of Labor politicians with their heads stuck in the sand. Worse, their first response to China’s first strike would suggest that China could take half of Australia by military force,…
“Keeping Quiet” About Chinese Communist Interference, Isn’t a Solution, It’s a Policy of Surrender
Firebrand Australian Tasmanian senator, Jackie Lambie joins the Liberal National Party’s George Christensen, and Andrew Hastie, along with One Nation’s Pauline Hanson, and Mark Latham, in being among the few Australian parliamentarians to publicly challenge Chinese Communist interference in Australian society, education and politics. Arguing for a “Make Australia Make Again” campaign, the senator channelled her fiery speech from December warning about government inaction with regards to the Chinese regime. Lambie took direct aim and shot straight in the heart of the path of least resistance chosen by The Greens, Labor, and the LNP. It was a clean shot across…
Government Needs to Get out of the Way: Here’s Why I’m Sceptical of Government Programs
There’s a big difference between politicians doing something, and politicians making it look like they’re doing something. What looks good for us isn’t always what’s good for us. The image we are sold can often be dissimilar to the product we end up with. For instance, social distancing laws have created an image of police protecting politicians, instead of the police protecting the people. Look at how famously the police have broken their own social distancing rules while enforcing the will of the political class. Another example is the sleight of hand when it comes to taxation, the important social…
Here Comes the “Hate Speech” Police? Facebook’s New “Free Speech” Judges
Facebook isn’t new to panel’s overseeing data collection and usage, customer conflict resolution, and moderation of user content. The company is monolithic. They have 70 offices worldwide, 15 data centres, 48,268 full-time employees and according to the digital marketing firm, Zephoria, ‘1.73 billion people’ using the site daily. Oversight committees are a staple for any socially responsible corporate entity. They’re also essential for good government because they’re a stabilizing force providing insight through transparency and accountability. For an operation as big as Facebook, whose sole product is providing a stable communications service, a polished exterior, and even cleaner interior, keeps…
There Are Two Sides to the Coronavirus: The Actual Crisis and the Manufactured One
New Zealand’s Prime Minister will meet with Australia’s COVID Cabinet in a bid to discuss, and secure a plan, allowing restricted travel to and from New Zealand into Australia, and vice versa. They’re calling the plan a “trans-Tasman bubble”. The idea is designed to help reestablish contact with other nations, and give New Zealand’s COVID-19 counter-measure shattered, tourism-dependent economy a reboot. Nine News reports that the heavily policed measure should be operational in time for New Zealand’s September ski season. According to the report, “almost 40 per cent of international arrivals to New Zealand are from Australia, heavily contributing to…
Communist Chinese Apparatchiks Are Bullying and Intimidating Australian Citizens
In a 2016 Global Times hit piece on Australian swimmer Horton Mack, China’s ruling Communist Party echoed anti-Western sentiments straight out of the Tokyo Rose, and Hanoi Hannah, playbook, stating, 1. “We think Australia should feel embarrassed with Horton’s remarks. Otherwise, we would be surprised by some Australians’ sense of collective self-esteem.” 2. “It’s not a big deal to us. In many serious essays written by Westerners, Australia is mentioned as a country at the fringes of civilization. In some cases, they refer to the country’s early history as Britain’s offshore prison. This suggests that no one should be surprised…
It’s Not a Sin to Be Cautious of the COVIDSafe App
I took some serious heat recently, after raising questions about the usefulness, function, role and consequences of using the Australian Government’s recent COVIDSafe app. I outlined two areas of concern, then was forced to address a third. My primary point was about precedent. The second concerned emotional manipulation; peer pressure, and the third, data security. Objections to this included asinine responses such as “it’s un-Christian not too”, that I wasn’t’ “loving my neighbour” and that “people will die if I don’t” sign up for the app. The more astute arguments included “Romans 13 and how it commands us to submit…
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