Tag Archives: Multiculturalism

Gaslighting: To systematically seek to undermine a person or persons by causing them to doubt their own senses and sanity, through carefully deployed misdirection and systematic telling of lies and half-truths. If you have read any recent articles on domestic violence you will likely be familiar with the term gaslighting. Gaslighting is a deception technique used by abusers to keep their victim in line, and loyal to them, all while harming them at the same time, whether psychologically or physically. Wikipedia (2019) defines gaslighting as: …a form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in…

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Paris, Rome, Barcelona, Cairo, Vienna, St Petersberg, Venice, Rio de Janeiro. So many great cities. So many culturally identifiable features and attractions. That’s what makes the world fascinating, inspiring people to travel and experience the sights, sounds and atmosphere in each of these unique places. Australia, a vast land of desert, sun and surf. A climate as varied as the many different backgrounds of people now residing in her cities. Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth are quite the melting pots of cultures. A good thing, I hear many say. They bring a variety of foods, clothing and perspectives that broaden…

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In 1944, C.S Lewis wrote: “The demand for equality has two sources; First, the noble: the desire for fair play. Second, the mean-spirited: the hatred of superiority. If you seek to appease envy: 1. you will not succeed. Envy is insatiable. 2. you are trying to introduce equality where equality is fatal. “Political democracy is doomed if it tries to extend its demand for equality into the higher spheres of beauty, virtue and truth. Neither of which are democratic. Ethical, intellectual or aesthetic democracy is death.” Lewis’ position can be read as a push back against extreme egalitarianism and the quagmire…

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Rowan Dean: “To remain a successful melting pot into the future Australia must anticipate and avoid the mistakes of the kind made in Europe, where a failure to assimilate generations of immigrants has led to violent no-go zones, welfare hell-holes, lawlessness, mass unemployment, grooming gangs, virulent antisemitism, and radicalised communities around major towns and often in the heart of some European cities.” WATCH:

Lauren Southern has told Sky News host Chris Kenny, the Western world is ‘collapsing’ and multiculturalism is to blame. “People respect Australian law for now, because right now Westerners are the majority and they enforce that law by democracy and being the majority,” Southern said. “As soon as they are not the majority, as soon as Western people become the minority, no longer will Western rules apply.” WATCH: Activist @Lauren_Southern on multiculturalism: The Western world is collapsing … As soon as Western people become the minority, no longer will Western rules apply. MORE: https://t.co/qVSnnMLDEn #pmlive pic.twitter.com/86NS5EaPRU — Sky News Australia…

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Lauren Southern: “Like Europe and North America, Australia was founded on the values of the Western world. Free speech, rule of law, democracy, individual liberty. But somewhere along the line something went wrong. You too have caught the bug of progressivism.” “Will Australia fall victim to multiculturalism or will it retain the values that make it the envy of much of the world?” WATCH: The World's Most Censored Tour starts this week. See @Lauren_Southern & @StefanMolyneux LIVE Tickets here: https://t.co/pYQt6FTiW1 pic.twitter.com/ntz1ZHsg25 — Caolan Robertson (@CaolanRob) July 17, 2018
